How to do certificate pinning in dotnet maui - maui

I am porting my application from Xamarin forms to dotnet maui. I used modernhttpclient in xamarin forms to do certificate pinning but that NuGet is not updated yet for maui. Is there any other way to do it?


Xamarin use KEYSTORE in Flutter project

I recently finished rewriting an app from Xamarin to Flutter. I only need the launch in the AppStore. Is there a way to use the old signature (Xamarin) for the new version (flutter)?

.NET Maui - You are using a preview version of .NET - Where is this coming from and what version am I using?

I am running VS 17.3 Preview 6 on windows11. I have a .net maui app. when i load the app into vs, I get a message saying that I am using a preview version of .net. I don't think I've installed a preview of .net6 on this machine since it is pretty much brand new. i am using
.net 6.0 - ios for ios.
.net 6.0 - android for android.
.net 6.0 - windows 10.0.10941.0 for windows, but don't plan to build for windows.
Basically, why am i getting a message about using a preview version of .net? Is this some artifact message because I am using VS17.3 preview x? any idea how to make this go away since it is annoying? Is this due to .net 7 preview being installed with vs17.3?
To find out what version of MAUI you are using
Open solution or project in Visual Studio (Currently you should use Visual Studio Preview)
Right click on Project
Select Manage NuGet Packages...
Go to the register Installed
Check the versions of the packages Microsoft.Maui.Dependencies and Microsoft.Maui.Extensions
To find out what version of dotnet SDK you are using
Open PowerShell or cmd
Change directory to the path of your project
Execute dotnet --version

Using Ionic Appflow Build for non Ionic framework project

Is there a way to use Ionic Appflow to build and non-Ionic Framework project just using Capacitor?
Cause a on a blog by Ionic it said:
Appflow is the official Mobile DevOps platform built
by the Ionic team, focused on bringing powerful Mobile DevOps
workflows to hybrid app developers across Capacitor and Cordova
whether or not they are using Ionic Framework.
Link to the blog
Ionic Framework (the UI library) is not required.
However, as of today, Appflow requires an Ionic config file and a package.json file. See that link for details (ignore the rest of that guide). If you're building a modern web app, you'll likely have a package json already. for the ionic config, just create it manually but for "integrations" swap in "capacitor".
You'll also use the Ionic CLI for some of the configuration (like "ionic deploy" as you shared).

Using Ionic to develop IBM MobileFirst Platform hybrid applications

I have mobile first development studio in my eclipse and by using that I created a new MobileFirst project and hybrid application. Added an Android and IOS environment to the application. I have idea of worklight. Ionic support is added using mobile first 7.1. How to install ionic? I have read many steps using all CLI based. Can any one guide me to install process of ionic.
It is not possible, or at least easily possible to use Ionic with a MobileFirst Hybrid project that was created in MobileFirst Studio.
Instead you should create a "pure" Cordova application, that uses MobileFirst's SDK.
You can read more on this in the following blog post:

How do I check if a nuget package supports Universal Windows App (UWP)?

I am building a Xamarin application. Currently Supporting Android and iOS.
I would like to expand my application to Universal Windows App using the Xamarin guide
Before doing so I would like to check whether the nuget packages I am currently using support Universal Windows App
For example I have been trying to check if Xamarin.Insights supports Universal Windows App and checking the nuget page I can't see any mention of supported platforms
The contents of the actual nuget package but as I don't know what I'm looking for I can't tell from here either
So what am I looking for in the package to check if a nuget package supports Universal Windows App?
A UWP app will look in folders in the following order:
uap10.0 > uap > netcore451 > netcore > dotnet
Without these folders there isn't a guarantee that the library will work, but it might. There's some trial and error in this as class library targets are undergoing a large overhaul in NuGet and .NET Core. Oren Novotny has a great post on it and there's a NuGet post on UWP specifically.