Regarding syncing my domain name to my hosting packages - webserver

I purchased a domain name of but I can not sync it with my hoisting package and my website does not come.enter image description here


How to link a github app installation in a requested state back in a multi-tenant app?

I have a Github App that I've created for use in a multi-tenancy website. I'm leveraging the state parameter and the installation ID to link the app installation to the user when the App is installed. However, I've noticed if the user doing the installation of the App isn't an admin on their organization, then it allows them to put the installation into a requested state. The redirect then returns the state parameter but no organization information or installation ID. Even worse, when the admin gets around to approving the request, it does a redirect back to my site with the installation ID but doesn't include the original state.
So my dilemma is I can't do a multi-tenant link on the request side or the approval side, I can only successfully link back if the user is an Admin during the installation step.
Has anyone found a way around this? I've attempted to also load a dropdown on my site with all the organizations in the enterprise that a user is a member of, that way I could add a requested object with the organization name in my database and listen for the webhook when the installation is completed, but that list will only populate organizations where the App has been installed, defeating the purpose.

Deploy shiny app on with package in private organization repo

I'm trying to deploy a shiny app to the server, but keep getting an error relating to a custom-built package that is hosted in a private github repo owned by our organization (note that I have replaced the actual name of the package, company name, and private repo name in the error below):
error: Building package: [PACKAGE NAME]
################################ Begin Task Log
################################# End Task Log
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 530176316 failed: Error building
image: Error fetching [PACKAGE NAME] (1.0.2) source. Error accessing GitHub
I know the repo link is good, because installing via devtools::install_github("ORGANIZATION/PRIVATE_REPO, auth_token = token works.
I'm an admin for the organization page, and also made sure that token has both repo and admin:org scope.
I've also made sure to tick "Private Repository Access" in my account page as stated here.
Anyone have any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong??
Create an .Rprofile file in your project folder that you would intend to deploy.
You would need to set that repo options in the .Rprofile. and add your private github link. Something like
# A sample .Rprofile file with two different package repositories.
r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- ""
r["mycompany"] <- ""
options(repos = r)
This is well explained here. Package management in RStudio Connect.
It is necessary to enable private access to the repo in the dashboard as shown here
But you also need to give the proper permissions to the organization from github -> settings -> applications
Select shinyapps from the applications list
And then grant access to the specific organization
And you are done!
rsconnect will automatically detect the source of the repo, provided it as installed with the auth_token parameter using devtools::install_github
Just in case, I found the above answer to allow for specific corporate repositories, not installing from a private github repo. For that, this link has this to say:
Go to Account >> Profile, then under github LINK the accounts, and allow private repo access.

Apple certificate fail to upload in Azure Notification Hub (long path)

I have an issue with uploading a renewed Apple push certificate for a Azure Notification Hub. It states that the path is to long.
Error updating notification hub:
{"error":{"message":"The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.","code":"InternalServerError"}}
I do not understand how such a error is relevant to an Azure service. All the solutions to this problem pertains to changing the folder reference to a shorter name in a config file (web projects). The web project itself is on another instance.
Yes, there was an issue with this. The Notification Hubs team has now fixed it.

Link custom domain to any GitHub repo

I am aware that on GitHub you can create a repository, <username>, which will be a personal website. I also understand you can link custom domains to this, so would show the website in your GitHub repo.
I have a couple questions though.
At the moment, I have a GitHub project - let's call it FooProject. I have purchased a custom domain name for a website to showcase the project. How can I create a website for this, hosted on GitHub? (not a personal site in the form <username>, but a project site).
Also, can I give the GitHub repository a different name like, or does it something specific?
I suppose what I am really asking is, when hosting a website on GitHub...
Can you host your website using a GitHub repository of any name (like
If not, I'm aware of using gh-pages branches for the website of a project. How would this work with a custom domain?
If that isn't a good option either, what's the best option for my use case?
Hope that's clear.
So I managed to answer my own questions in the end - here's what I did.
My website is going to be something to showcase a different project I am working on. I could have hosted the website from a /doc directory or gh-pages branch in my project repository and then set up a custom domain from there.
However, there was also the option of creating a repository with any name and hosting the website from the master branch - this method appealed to me more.
I created a new repository named the same as my domain name, (it doesn't really matter what you call the repository). Then, using git, I added some website files - index.html, stylesheet.css, etc.
Once my repository was ready, I configured its master branch as a publishing source for GitHub pages - see this help page for details.
Then with my DNS provider (GoDaddy, in my case), I configured the CNAME and A records (for the www subdomain and apex domain respectively). There are also help pages on GitHub for setting up www subdomains and setting up apex domains. Note that it takes a little while for the changes made on the DNS to take effect.
Finally, I added my custom domain to my GitHub repository - see the GitHub help page for adding or removing custom domains.
Here's a summary (for using any GitHub repository to host a website):
Create your repository - repository name doesn't matter.
Add your website files - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
Configure the master branch as a publishing source
Configure CNAME and A records with DNS provider
Add the custom domain to the GitHub repository settings

Change the Jazz ID for a Bluemix account

Some time ago I started to use the Bluemix platform to develop PHP services that were used by a mobile application. After a while, I realized that it would be very useful to have a repository to which I can connect multiple Eclipse IDEs and work on the same application.
I already had a Jazz ID which was used for the work projects; I am talking about using Bluemix+Jazz for personal projects.
When I first connected the Bluemix ID with the Jazz ID, everything was well. But I realized that it might be a conflict of interest because I am using the same Jazz ID for both work and personal projects.
My question is: Is there a way to use a new Jazz ID in Bluemix?
It seems that the connection between the two IDs cannot be changed from Bluemix, DevOps or
Costin, thanks for your interest in IBM Bluemix and the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services. Like Lauren has said, you'll probably want two IBM IDs, one for your work email address and one for your personal. They ultimately can be associated with two Bluemix orgs, each associated with a different DevOps user.
You'll need to decide which Bluemix org you want each of your apps to live in; the corresponding user should own the app's Git repository. To move a Git repository, you can use either of these approaches:
Use the repository's "Download the contents of this branch as a zip file" button to download the contents. Then as the other user, create a repository and import the zip file.
Share the repository with the other user, fork as the new user to get a copy.
Once you have the code in the other user's repository, redeploy to that user's Bluemix org.
Once you have everything where you want it, delete the stuff (apps and repositories) that are not where you want them.
One option is to create a new IBM id that is linked to your personal e-mail address. The IBM id could be used to sign in to Bluemix and DevOps Services.