Why is my item that is attached to a socket close to the ground while playing? - unreal-engine4

I started with the first Person Example, deleted the Gun an VR Controller Stuff, then followed a Tutorial to add a Socket and add an item to that socket.
Now when i preview the arms skeleton holding my item everything looks fine(also during animation preview).
But when I play the game the item is very close to ground not in the hand and only rotates with the character when turning the character not when looking up and down.
It moves with the character when walking.
Do you have an idea what I did wrong?
Maybe something is leftover form the gun holding things.


why do my character's parts keep falling every time when i press play in unity 2d?

enter image description here
please help me
I want to move my character and jump but whenever I press play my characters parts like the hand and legs etc. keeps separating I want then to be intact and move and jump .btw they are in dynamic
Use Joints to create connections between physical objects.
Each physical object ceases to depend on the hierarchy.
If you do not need physics, then you can make objects kinematic or remove physics altogether.

animation frozen blend tree

so I was gonna make my first third person rpg game and im a pretty experienced game developer around 3 years still when it comes to animations my brain stops functioning correctly so I made my own rigged player model with blender and mixamo.
I was gonna swap out the model from the third person starter asset thing because making 3rd person character controllers is insanely hard and I swapped out the player model on the geometry empty with my model and I setup the animation stuff and to be clear I used the starter asset animation controller and the animations and set the model to humanoid so when I hit play all it did is stay on the first frame of the idle animation for the starter asset controller like this
you can still move run and jump it just stays solid the entire time, really weird issue.
I can send you my project files at any time if you need them.
there is my rig that came out of mixamo
have a good day please put down your suggestions even if you have a feeling they arent right

Animating Object in unity are change the position of another object

I have created an animation where the character is holding the gun.m
This is what my hierarchy
-Camera Holder
---------(The Instantiated Gun)
When setting the gun I use the left and right nodes to position the arms. I animated the person living the gun up but I so far haven’t animated the gun or the gun holder. It’s not even a component appearing in the unity animation system but whenever I play the game it resets any transforms that have been applied to the gunholder. Anyone know how to help??
Hopefully that all makes sense. Thanks

Unreal Engine 3rd Person Controller Problem

Does anyone know how to make your character not rotate when using WASD keys for moving? I want him to just run backwards and sideways, not turn around. I want only the mouse input to rotate my character. I have the camera parented to the character's head and I'm in Third Person Template doing an FPS.
You most likely want to enable bUseControllerRotationYaw on the Character.
Cameras and SpringArms also have a bUsePawnControlRotation.

Unity 5.3.8 Animator - Glitch?

I created a bunch of non-AI animations for enemies that do basic back.forth or up/down motions. Everything was working perfect until I started working on the Boss of the level. The boss has his own tag "Boss" and enemies have their own tag as well. Anyway, the problem is when I click start, every enemy leaves the game board. I can see them animated above the game board still doing their routines.
Any clue as to why this happened and how to fix it? I'd really, really hate to have to scrap all the enemies and start from scratch...
I used the Animation tool inside unity.
Extra Note: I created an EMPTY and moved all of my enemies into that Empty object to clean the hierarchy panel up. The animations were fine before this.
************** Currently Resolved **************
Whew! Okay, so apparently Unity doesn't like it when you move your animated stuff into an empty AFTER being animated. I FIXED them by simply removing them from the EMPTY that I had placed them in. However, I'd still like to know why this is. So any useful resources, links, manuals, personal insight/observations or anywhere I can read up on this would be appreciated!
Here is an explanation what happened:
The moment you dragged them all into the empty GameObject I guess this object probably wasn't placed on 0,0,0 in the Scene.
So Unity automatically changed all the local position values of your enemy items to fit the current position offset to the empty object.
Result: In the editmode they don't change their actual global position in the scene but their local position. This is supposed to happen if you just want to organize stuff.
However, now when you start the game and the animations are played, the animators change all the local positions to whatever is stored in your animations.
Result: all objects jump back to their original localPosition which had an offset to the empty GameObject.
To solve this make sure the empty GameObject is at position 0,0,0 and optimally has rotation 0,0,0 and scale 1,1,1 before you drag anything into it.
Easiest way to achieve that is by clicking reset in the empty objects Transform component before starting to drag stuff into it.