When i am trying to add custom domain for my repository it says Domain is already Taken - github

I need a quick help here.
I have created the repository on GitHub that I need to publish as a website. When I am trying to connect it with a custom domain, it says the domain is already taken.
enter image description here
I followed the steps mentioned in this support article and verified domain ownership by adding TXT Record and now it says the domain is verified.
enter image description here
Still, when I am trying to add a custom domain for my repository I am getting the error messages stating The custom domain `mehtaabhishek.in` is already taken. If you are the owner of this domain, check out https://docs.github.com/pages/configuring-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site/verifying-your-custom-domain-for-github-pages for information about how to verify and release this domain.
Request your quick help here.


How to fix : Domain does not resolve to the GitHub Pages server. For more information (NotServedByPagesError)

So I am trying to setup a custom domain with my github pages site. I have followed the steps as in Github Docs. I am using Freenom for the domain.
I have added the A record to my DNS records at the registrar pointing to all of the four IP addresses
I have added the CNAME record
and I have checked them too
but I am still getting this error
UPDATE: it just loads into a white screen now
My site link is https://xharuke.github.io/haruke/ and not https://xharuke.github.io is that what might be causing the problem?

After setting up my own domain on Github Pages, I get an InvalidDNSError

After setting up my own domain on Github Pages, I get an InvalidDNSError.
The following message will appear
"Both www.example.work and its alternate name are improperly configured
Domain's DNS record could not be retrieved. For more information, see Learn more (InvalidDNSError). We recommend you change this to a CNAME record pointing to username.github.io."
Expected value
I want to publish a website using github pages on my own domain.
From your question, I assume that you are added www.example.work as custom domain in the github pages section and you might be missed the DNS settings part.
After adding custom domain in github pages, you need to setup a CNAME and 4 A record under the DNS settings of you custom domain.
you can find the detailed steps here in the official documentation of github.
You need to change your domain DNS to CNAME and try again.
as a Name you type www and in the target URL form, GitHub link.
I ran into this as well. After double checking the DNS with dig and continuing to get the same error, I removed the custom DNS on the GitHub Pages Settings form (using the "Remove" button) and then re-added it. That cleared the error for me.

SendGrid Link Branding gives ssl issue

Unfortunately, nobody is responding to my support ticket so I think it's a problem needs someone with experience with sendgrid
the reproduction is simple:
did the Domain Authentication and Link Branding
Added all the necessary record to my DNS configs
All verified in SendGrid dashboard.
Tried sending an email and click on the link it gives me this
I think the issue might be that you that you use https links, but you don't have a "TLS pass-trough" set-up for them. It's really poorly explained on Sendgrid's branded links help page, but you can see a mention of it here. Basically you need something that will resolve TLS on your side and forward the request to sendgrid. It can be a proxy, as suggested on that help page, or i.e. a cloudfront distribution with a custom origin pointing to sendgrid and a certificate covering your branded link domain covered.
If you're using Cloudflare, I had luck following this guide in their documentation in order to get it to work. Sendgrid also recommends Fastly and KeyCDN.
The only drawback is you also have to contact customer support in order to request that SSL click and open tracking be enabled on your account.
If the destination link is http: and Chrome has Settings->Privacy->Advanced SSL warning switched on this happens as well. The url shortener url is https but the destination being http.
Give API Key its full access, follow steps:
API Keys
Edit API Key
Full Access
Whitelist your domain, follow steps:
Sender Authentication
Domain Authentication
Select DNS Host
Enter your domain name
Copy all records and put them in your Advanced DNS management console
Add a branded link, follow steps:
Sender Authentication
Link Branding
Follow the steps on the screen
Copy all records and put them in your Advanced DNS management console
NOTE: When adding records, make sure not to have domain name in the host. Crop it out.
Now, I attach any http or https url in html_content like
html_content="<a href='https://www.python.org/'>Python</a>")
When I receive email, and click on the link, it loads perfectly.
This is the link generated - Python

I am getting a warning for the website deployed via Github pages that uses a custom domain. how do i get around it?

I am getting below warning on github pages. However, my custom domain http://www.dilipagheda.com still works.
I am curious why i am getting this warning and do i need to address it? if yes, how?
The custom domain for your GitHub Pages site is pointed at an outdated IP address. You must update your site's DNS records if you'd like it to be available via your custom domain
I'm not 100% sure why it still works (maybe they're phasing people out to the new addresses?) but here's how to fix it.
Go to your domain registrar, where you have previously set up your DNS records. You need to update your A records to the new ones provided by github. Right now they are:
After that, you need to delete and re-add your custom domain in the repo settings. I got these IP addresses and instructions here in the github documentation.

Firebase Email Verification

I'm quite a noobie at Firebase. I'm asking for a sort of step by step guide to setup email verification.
Currently, my app uses basic email password login. I want users to be verified so I'm hiding content based on a user's emailVerified property. I'm calling the .sendEmailVerification() and it sends to the current user's email but, whenever I click the link in the email it says the link has expired or someone has used it, this also doesn't change the property. I suspect it has something to do with the api manager. I currently have my website hosted to the built-in Firebase hosting URL.
Based on this link in the docs (which refers to a similar function but not the exact one): https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth#sendPasswordResetEmail
p.s. I can't find anything regarding this exact function in the docs.
I think I need some sort of listener at the link of the email or on my website?
Thanks in advance, any answers are appreciated.
there could be an issue with your browser api key. You may have some referrer restrictions on it. This could cause the misleading error (code expired or used) to occur. Either fix that issue or generate a new one in the Google console.