Kubernetes image update breaks pods and have to kill deployments - kubernetes

So my setup on kubernetes is basically an external nginx load balancer that sends traffic for virtual hosts across the nodes.
The network runs all docker containers, 10 instances of a front end pod which is a compiled angular app, 10 instances of a pod that has two containers, a “built” image of a symfony app with a phpfpm container dedicated for each pod, an external mysql server on the local network which runs a basic docker container, 10 cdn pods which simply run an nginx server to pick up static content requests, 10 pods that run a socket chat application via nginx, a dedicated network of open vidu servers, and it also runs php fpm pods for multiple cron jobs.
All works fine and dandy until I say update the front end image and do an update to the cluster. The pods all update no problem but I end up with a strange issue of pages not loading, or partially loading, or somehow a request for the backend pods ending up not loading the http request or somehow loading from frontend pods. It’s really quite random.
The only way to get it back up again is to destroy every deployment and fire them up again and I’ve no idea what is causing it. Once it’s all restarted it all works again.
Just looking for idea on what it could be , anyone experienced this behaviour before?


k8s container initialization and load balancing

I have a deployment with one pod with my custom image. After executing kubectl create -f deployment.yaml, this pod becomes running. I see that everything is fine and it has "running" state in kubectl's output. But, i have one initialization script to start Apache Tomcat, it takes around 40-45 seconds to execute it and up server inside.
I also have load balancer deployment with nginx. Nginx redirects incoming requests to Apache Tomcat via proxy_pass. When i scale my deployment for 2 replicas and shut down one of them, sometimes application becomes stuck and freezing.
I feel that load balancing by k8s works not correctly, k8s is trying to use pod, which is initializing by script right now.
How can i tell k8s that pod in deployment hasn't been initialized and not to use it until it becomes totally up?
If I understand correctly mostly your problem is related to the application not being ready to accept requests because your initialization script hasn’t finished.
For that situation, you can easily setup different types of probes, such as liveliness and readiness. Such a solution would be useful, as your application wouldn’t be considered ready to accept requests unless the whole pod would start up and signal that it is alive.
Here you can read more about it: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/

Kubernetes - limit number of concurrent pod deployments

I have a helm chart which spins 20+ services. When I do helm install on my local crc k8s test cluster, all 20+ services simultaneously start deploying and start pulling images from local registry. Not sure why and how but this overloads something inside the cluster and none of these services can pull image with unexpected EOF errors. I need to either do smth with the OpenShift registry process to make it function (hopes are low since I don't get in a first place why would it suddenly send EOF in a middle of download even under load - just keep sending the image, it's not a rocket size!) or to limit the number of pods trying to deploy at the same time.
Is that possible with K8s? OpenShift to be specific. Googling gives nothing

Application container unable to access network before sidecar ready

I was trying fortio server/client application on istio. I used istoctl for injecting istio dependency and my serer pod was came up fine. But client pod was giving connection refused error due to proxy sidecar is not yet ready to handle connection request of client. Please help me addressing this issue. For reference attaching my yaml files.
This is by design and there is no way around it.
The part responsible for configuration of the iptables for capturing the traffic is run as an init container, which ensures that the required rules are in place before any of the normal pod containers start up. If you use istio for all the traffic, then until it's container is ready, no network traffic will reach in/out of the container.
You should make sure your application handles this right. Apps should be able to withstand unavailability of it's dependencies for a time, both on startup and during operation. In worst case you can introduce your own handling in form of ie. custom entrypoint that awaits for communication to be up.

decentralised, updatable configuration with kubernetes

I need to keep some configuration maybe files or otehwrise in all instances of a kubernetes docker image deployment.
I need the ability to remotely update the configuration in all of the running pods of the deployment. This is to be followed by invocation of some java code in all of the running pods of the docker image deployment.
Whenever a new pod comes up of the same docker image deployment it should have the updated configuration.
I dont want the configuration stored anywhere centrally as much as possible. Want it in each pod of the docker image deployment.
What are my choices?
As a last resort I could do it as a rolling deployment update.
Rolling deployment, or similar- update to a mounted config map, etc- is the kubernetes option. Always results in an application restart.
Having an application support live configuration updates, running some code after receiving those updates, without restart- that's an application feature.
Handwavy way of doing this-
Have the correct configuration live in a ConfigMap.
Have the application listen on a separate port for either a signal to retrieve updated configuration (if the application is k8s aware) or to actually receive the configuration bits themselves. Have the application be able to handle this live configuration update process, the difficulty of which depends on the framework in use.
Have another application be responsible for delivering these updates- watch for changes to the ConfigMap, get the list of Pods in the deployment, deliver either a signal or the updated configuration to each of the Pods.
Have the first application not get to what k8s recognizes as Ready state without having received updated configuration from the second.

request service from minion only forward to local deployed pod in that minion

I am working on a POC, and i find out some strange behavior after setting up my kubernetes cluster
In fact, i am working on a topology of one master and two minions.
When i tried to make up 2 pods into each minion and expose a service for them, it turned out that when i try to request the service from the master, nothing is returned (any response from 2 pods) and when i try to request the service from a minion, only the pod deployed in that minion respond but the other no.
This can heavily depend on how your cluster is provisioned.
For starters, you need to validate how networking is set up and if it works as kubernetes expects. Said short, if you launch two pods (on separate nodes), they should get IPs from their dedicated per node ranges, and be able to route that between nodes. You can use some small(ish) base image (alpine/debian/ubuntu etc.), with something like sleep 1d , exec into them interactively with bash and simply ping one from the other. If it does not work, your network setup is broken.
Make sure you test between pods, not directly from node host OS. In some configurations node is unable to access service IPs due to routing concerns, but pod-to-pod works fine (seen this in some flannel configurations)
Also, your networking is probably provided by some overlay network solution like flannel, weave, calico etc. so check their respective logs for signs of problems.