decentralised, updatable configuration with kubernetes - kubernetes

I need to keep some configuration maybe files or otehwrise in all instances of a kubernetes docker image deployment.
I need the ability to remotely update the configuration in all of the running pods of the deployment. This is to be followed by invocation of some java code in all of the running pods of the docker image deployment.
Whenever a new pod comes up of the same docker image deployment it should have the updated configuration.
I dont want the configuration stored anywhere centrally as much as possible. Want it in each pod of the docker image deployment.
What are my choices?
As a last resort I could do it as a rolling deployment update.

Rolling deployment, or similar- update to a mounted config map, etc- is the kubernetes option. Always results in an application restart.
Having an application support live configuration updates, running some code after receiving those updates, without restart- that's an application feature.
Handwavy way of doing this-
Have the correct configuration live in a ConfigMap.
Have the application listen on a separate port for either a signal to retrieve updated configuration (if the application is k8s aware) or to actually receive the configuration bits themselves. Have the application be able to handle this live configuration update process, the difficulty of which depends on the framework in use.
Have another application be responsible for delivering these updates- watch for changes to the ConfigMap, get the list of Pods in the deployment, deliver either a signal or the updated configuration to each of the Pods.
Have the first application not get to what k8s recognizes as Ready state without having received updated configuration from the second.


How can a sidecar restart the app container or its own pod?

I want to have a sidecar manage secret rotation, which requires the app container to restart in order to force it to pick up the updated credentials.
How can a sidecar force a container within the same pod to restart or the whole pod to restart?
Detailed explanation:
Services of different tech stacks need to start using secrets. Secrets can either be injected via CI/CD or fetched at runtime from AWS Secrets Manager.
Secrets need to be rotated every 3 months for security compliance reasons.
Secrets are only used once at startup to create the related client. Since they are not used continuously, they are not naturally refreshed if updated at source storage.
To minimise per-service development time, custom logic within each service to refresh the secrets should be avoided or minimised
There is a following pattern to rotate secrets without need to restart containers if you are running apps in EKS or ECS.

Where/How to configure Cassandra.yaml when deployed by Google Kubernetes Engine

I can't find the answer to a pretty easy question: Where can I configure Cassandra (normally using Cassandra.yaml) when its deployed on a cluster with kubernetes using the Google Kubernetes Engine?
So I'm completely new to distributed databases, Kubernetes etc. and I'm setting up a cassandra cluster (4VMs, 1 pod each) using the GKE for a university course right now.
I used the official example on how to deploy Cassandra on Kubernetes that can be found on the Kubernetes homepage ( with a StatefulSet, persistent volume claims, central load balancer etc. Everything seems to work fine and I can connect to the DB via my java application (using the datastax java/cassandra driver) and via Google CloudShell + CQLSH on one of the pods directly. I created a keyspace, some tables and started filling them with data (~100million of entries planned), but as soon as the DB reaches some size, expensive queries result in a timeout exception (via datastax and via cql), just as expected. Speed isn't necessary for these queries right now, its just for testing.
Normally I would start with trying to increase the timeouts in the cassandra.yaml, but I'm unable to locate it on the VMs and have no clue where to configure Cassandra at all. Can someone tell me if these configuration files even exist on the VMs when deploying with GKE and where to find them? Or do I have to configure those Cassandra details via Kubectl/CQL/StatefulSet or somewhere else?
I think the faster way to configure cassandra in Kubernetes Engine, you could use the next deployment of Cassandra from marketplace, there you could configure your cluster and you could follow this guide that is also marked there to configure it correctly.
The timeout config seems to be a configuration that require to be modified inside the container (Cassandra configuration itself).
you could use the command: kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- bash in order to open a Cassandra container shell, that will allow you to get into the container configurations and you could look up for the configuration and change it for what you require.
after you have the configuration that you require you will need to automate it in order to avoid manual intervention every time that one of your pods get recreated (as configuration will not remain after a container recreation). Next options are only suggestions:
Create you own Cassandra image from am own Docker file, changing the value of the configuration you require from there, because the image that you are using right now is a public image and the container will always be started with the config that the pulling image has.
Editing the yaml of your Satefulset where Cassandra is running you could add an initContainer, which will allow to change configurations of your running container (Cassandra) this will make change the config automatically with a script ever time that your pods run.
choose the option that better fits for you.

Synchronize and rollback independent deployments in kubernetes

I have k8s setup that contains 2 deployments: client and server deployed from different images. Both deployments have replica sets inside, liveness and readiness probes defined. The client communicates with the server via k8s' service.
Currently, the deployment scripts for both client and server are separated (separate yaml files applied via kustomization). Rollback works correctly for both parts independently but let's consider the following scenario:
1. deployment is starting
2. both deployment configurations are applied
3. k8s master starts replacing pods of server and client
4. server pods start correctly so new replica set has all the new pods up and running
5. client pods have an issue, so the old replica set is still running
In many cases it's not a problem, because client and server work independently, but there are situations when breaking change to the server API is released and both client and server must be updated. In that case if any of these two fails then both should be rolled back (doesn't matter which one fails - both needs to be rolled back to be in sync).
Is there a way to achieve that in k8s? I spent quite a lot of time searching for some solution but everything I found so far describes deployments/rollbacks of one thing at the time and that doesn't solve the issue above.
The problem here is something covered in Blue/Green deployments.
Here is a good reference of Blue/Green deployments with k8s.
The basic idea is, you deploy the new version (Green deployment) while keeping the previous version (Blue deployment) up and running and only allow traffic to the new version (Green deployment) when everything went fine.

Handling Data Consistency In Pods in GKE

I have my data in github stored in JSON format. My pods clone this repo and use them and whenever an update is made to these data, a git hook is fired and the expectation is my pods to update with the recent data(by giving git pull). I have exposed this update service via load balancer and configured the same in githook.
Howver, when git hook fires, only one of the pods gets the request and does a git pull. Is there a way to notify all my pods under that service to update their local store?
So to achieve that I looked for some kind of shared storage which can be mounted in all the containers running in the Kubernetes cluster. eg .Google Cloud File Store equivalent to AWS EFS. So whenever there is a new commit in Github, the load balancer will ask one of the container to update the File Store. Since this is the same file store which is mounted in all the containers, they all will serve the latest data.
1. Cloud File Store is still in Beta not in GA.
How does one solve this problem in a kuberentes environment?
If you are asking for a way to setup a common volume in kubernetes with multiple pods to read, You can setup a NFS pod like explained at This Official Example
I use this for my Jenkins setup in kubernetes and it does the job good.
There are 2 ways you can try:
1. every pod (via cron job) tries to pull data out of central storage, say once a minute and update is working directory when updates available.
2. the central server pushes updates to pods individually (load balancing here is not appropriate).
You can also think of implementing that via Deployments. As mentioned in another answer,
NFS can be useful in your sharing purpose.

Application monitoring in Azure Kubernetes cluster using new relic

Requirement - New Relic monitoring for an application running in pods as part of a kubernetes cluster.
I have installed Kube-state-metrics on my cluster and able to see kubernetes dashboard using newrelic insights.
Also, need to configure the Application monitoring for the same. Following for the same.
Have some questions for the same -
Can this be achieved using kube-state-metrics ?
Do I need to have separate yaml file for each pod containing license key?
Do I need to make changes in my application also or adding the information in spec will work?
Do I need to install Java agent in every pod? If yes, will it eat resources?
Somehow, Installation of application monitoring is becoming complex. Please explain the exact requirement of installation
You didn't mention your stack, you should follow instructions on their site for your language. Typically you just pull in their agent library and configure credentials to get started. You should not have a reason to tell your pods apart, so the agent credentials should be the same for all pods
Installing agents at infrastructure will let you have infrastructure data. So you'll get alerts if you're running out of memory/space/cpu and such. Infrastructure agent cannot possibly know about application data. If you want application performance data (apm) you need to install the agent at the application level too and you'll get data such as http request rates, error rates and response times if it's a webserver. You can also annotate current transaction with data which is all application specific. They have a bunch of client agents, see if there's one for your stack. For example all you need for a nodejs service is require('newrelic') at the top of your app and configuration