Temp table updates is slower then normal table in postgresql - postgresql

I have a situation where updates on my temp table is slow. Below is the scenario
Created temp table in session for every session,first time temp table created and then going forward doing insert,update and delete operations this operations until session ends only.
First i'm inserting the rows and based on rows i'm updateing other columns. but this updates is slow compared to norma table. i checked the performance by replacing temp table whereas normal table taking around 50 to 60s but temp table is taking nearly 5 mins.
I tried analyze on temp table, then i got the improved performance. when im using analyze the updates are completed in with 50 seconds.
I tried Types also, but no luck.
Record count in temp table is 480
Can anyone help to imprrove the performance on temp table with out analyze OR any alternative for bulk collect and bulk insert in user defined types
All the above ooperations i'm doing in postgresql.

The lack of information in your question forces me to guess, but if all other things are equal, the difference is probably that you don't have accurate statistics on the temporary table. For normal tables (which are visible to the public), autovacuum takes care of that automatically, but for temporary tables, you have to call ANALYZE explicitly to gather table statistics.


What is the best approach for upserting large number of rows into a single table?

Im working on a product that involves large number of upsert operations into a single table.
We are dealing with a time-based data and using timescaledb hypertables with 7 days chunk interval size. we have concurrent tasks that upserts data into a single table, and in extreme cases its possible that we will have 40 concurrent tasks, each one upserting around 250k rows, all to the same table.
Initially we decided to go with the approach of deleting all the old rows and then inserting the updated ones with a COPY FROM statement, but when we got to test the system on large scale these COPYs took long time to finish, eventually resulting in the db's CPU usage to reach 100%, and become unresponsive.
We also noticed that the index size of the table increased radically and filled up the disk usage to 100%, and SELECT statements took extremely long time to execute (over 10 minutes). We concluded that the reason for that was large amount of delete statements that caused index fragmentation, and decided to go with another approach.
following the answers on this post, we decided to copy all the data to a temporary table, and then upsert all the data to the actual table using an "extended insert" statement -
our tests show that it helped with the index fragmentation issues, but still large upsert operations of ~250K take over 4 minutes to execute, and during this upsert process SELECT statements take too long to finish which is unacceptable for us.
I'm wondering whats the best approach to create this upsert operation with as low impact to the performance of SELECTs as possible. The only thing that comes in mind right now is to split the insert into smaller chunks -
but if we batch the inserts, is there any advantage of first copying all the data into a temporary table? will it perform better then a simple multi-row insert statement?
and how do i decide whats the best chunk size to use when splitting up the upsert? is
using a temporary table and upserting the rows directly from it allows for a bigger chunk sizes?
Is there any better approach to achieve this? any suggestion would be appreciated
There are a handful of things that you can do to speed up data loading:
Have no index or foreign key on the table while you load data (check constraints are fine). I am not suggesting that you drop all your constraints, but you could for example use partitioning, load the data into a new table, then create indexes and constraints and attach the table as a new partition.
Load the data with COPY. If you cannot use COPY, use a prepared statement for the INSERT to save on parsing time.
Load many rows in a single transaction.
Set max_wal_size high so that you get no more checkpoints than necessary.
Get fast local disks.

Huge delete on PostgreSQL table : Deleting 99,9% of the rows of the table

I have a table in my PostgreSQL database that became huge, filled with a lot of useless rows.
As these useless rows represent 99.9% of my table data (about 3.3M rows), I was wondering if deleting them could have a bad impact on my DB :
I know that this operation could take some time and I will be able to block writes on the table during the maintenance operation
But I was wondering if this huge change in the data could also impact performance after the opertation itself.
I found solutions like creating a new table / using TRUNCATE to drop all lines but as this operation will be specific and one shot, I would like to be able to choose the most adapted solution.
I know that Postgre SQL has a VACUUM mechanism but I'm not a DBA expert : Could anyone please confirm that this delete will not impact my table integrity / data structure and that freed space will be reclaimed if needed for new data ?
PostgreSQL 11.12, with default settings on AWS RDS. I don't have any index on my table and the criteria for rows deletion will not be based on the PK
Deleting rows typically does not shrink a PostgreSQL table, sou you would then have to run VACUUM (FULL) to compact it, during which the table is inaccessible.
If you are deleting many rows, both the DELETE and the VACUUM (FULL) will take a long time, and you would be much better off like this:
create a new table that is defined like the old one
INSERT INTO new_tab SELECT * FROM old_tab WHERE ... to copy over the rows you want to keep
drop foreign key constraints that point to the old table
create all indexes and constraints on the new table
drop the old table and rename the new one
By planning that carefully, you can get away with a short down time.

Should I use database trigger in insert heavy operation table?

My use-case is that I need to copy a few columns from TABLE A to another TABLE B and also derive values of a few other columns of TABLE B by some calculation.
As per current estimation around 50,000 rows will be inserted on daily basis in TABLE A.
TABLE B should be updated with all data before End of day.
Hence, either I can use trigger which will be invoked on INSERT operation on TABLE A or schedule some Job at EOD which read all data in bulk from TABLE A , do some calculation and insert in TABLE B.
As I am new to trigger, I am not sure which option should i pick for this use-case. Any suggestion which would be a better approach ?
So far what I have read about triggers, they can slow down DBs performance if they are invoked frequently.
As around 50,000 insert operation will happen daily , so can I assume that 50,000 falls under heavy operations where triggers would not be beneficial ?
EDIT 1 : 50,000 insert operation will reach 100,000 insert operations daily
Postgres DB is used.
If you are doing bulk COPY into an unindexed table, adding a simple trigger will slow you down by a lot (like 5 fold). But if you are using single-row INSERTs or the table is indexed, the marginal slow down of adding a simple trigger will be pretty small.
50,000 inserts per day is not very many. You should have no trouble using a trigger on that, unless the trigger has to scan a large table on each call or something.

Postgres parallel/efficient load huge amount of data psycopg

I want to load many rows from a CSV file.
The file​s​ contain​ data like these​ "article​_name​,​article_time,​start_time,​end_time"
There is a contraint on the table: for the same article name, i don't insert a new row if the new ​article_time falls in an existing range​ [start_time,​end_time]​ for the same article.
ie: don't insert row y if exists [​start_time_x,​end_time_x] for which time_article_y inside range [​start_time_x,​end_time_x] , with article_​name_​y = article_​name_​x
I tried ​with psycopg by selecting the existing article names ad checking manually if there is an overlap --> too long
I tried again with psycopg, this time by setting a condition 'exclude using...' and tryig to insert with specifying "on conflict do nothing" (so that it does not fail) but still too long
I tried the same thing but this time trying to insert many values at each call of execute (psycopg): it got a little better (1M rows processed in almost 10minutes)​, but still not as fast as it needs to be for the amount of data ​I have (500M+)
I tried to parallelize by calling the same script many time, on different files but the timing didn't get any better, I guess because of the locks on the table each time we want to write something
Is there any way to create a lock only on rows containing the same article_name? (and not a lock on the whole table?)
Could you please help with any idea to make this parallellizable and/or more time efficient?
​Lots of thanks folks​
Your idea with the exclusion constraint and INSERT ... ON CONFLICT is good.
You could improve the speed as follows:
Do it all in a single transaction.
Like Vao Tsun suggested, maybe COPY the data into a staging table first and do it all with a single SQL statement.
Remove all indexes except the exclusion constraint from the table where you modify data and re-create them when you are done.
Speed up insertion by disabling autovacuum and raising max_wal_size (or checkpoint_segments on older PostgreSQL versions) while you load the data.

Redshift query a daily-generated table

I am looking for a way to create a Redshift query that will retrieve data from a table that is generated daily. Tables in our cluster are of the form:
.. and so on.
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid operation):
SELECT * FROM concat('event_table_', to_char(getdate(),'YYYY_MM_DD'))
Any suggestions on how this can be performed are greatly appreciated!
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the
table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid
Redshift does not support that. But you most likely won't need it.
Try the following (expanding on the answer from #ketan):
Create your main table with appropriate (for joins) DIST key, and COMPOUND or simple SORT KEY on timestamp column, and proper compression on columns.
Daily, create a temp table (use CREATE TABLE ... LIKE - this will preserve DIST/SORT keys), load it with daily data, VACUUM SORT.
Copy sorted temp table into main table using ALTER TABLE APPEND - this will copy the data sorted, and will reduce VACUUM on the main table. You may still need VACUUM SORT after that.
After that query your main table normally, probably giving it a range on timestamp. Redshift is optimised for these scenarios, and 99% of times you don't need to optimise table scans yourself - even on tables with billion of rows scans take milliseconds to few seconds. You may need to optimise elsewhere, but that's the second step.
To get insight in the performance of scans, use STL_QUERY system table to find your query ID, and then use STL_SCAN (or SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY) table to see how fast the scan was.
Your example is actually the main use case for ALTER TABLE APPEND.
I am assuming that you are creating a new table everyday.
What you can do is:
Create a view on top of event_table_* tables. Query your data using this view.
Whenever you create or drop a table, update the view.
If you want, you can avoid #2: Instead of creating a new table everyday, create empty tables for next 1-2 years. So, no need to update the view every day. However, do remember that there is an upper limit of 9,900 tables in Redshift.
Edit: If you always need to query today's table (instead of all tables, as I assumed originally), I don't think you can do that without updating your view.
However, you can modify your design to have just one table, with date as sort-key. So, whenever your table is queried with some date, all disk blocks that don't have that date will be skipped. That'll be as efficient as having time-series tables.