Postgres parallel/efficient load huge amount of data psycopg - postgresql

I want to load many rows from a CSV file.
The file​s​ contain​ data like these​ "article​_name​,​article_time,​start_time,​end_time"
There is a contraint on the table: for the same article name, i don't insert a new row if the new ​article_time falls in an existing range​ [start_time,​end_time]​ for the same article.
ie: don't insert row y if exists [​start_time_x,​end_time_x] for which time_article_y inside range [​start_time_x,​end_time_x] , with article_​name_​y = article_​name_​x
I tried ​with psycopg by selecting the existing article names ad checking manually if there is an overlap --> too long
I tried again with psycopg, this time by setting a condition 'exclude using...' and tryig to insert with specifying "on conflict do nothing" (so that it does not fail) but still too long
I tried the same thing but this time trying to insert many values at each call of execute (psycopg): it got a little better (1M rows processed in almost 10minutes)​, but still not as fast as it needs to be for the amount of data ​I have (500M+)
I tried to parallelize by calling the same script many time, on different files but the timing didn't get any better, I guess because of the locks on the table each time we want to write something
Is there any way to create a lock only on rows containing the same article_name? (and not a lock on the whole table?)
Could you please help with any idea to make this parallellizable and/or more time efficient?
​Lots of thanks folks​

Your idea with the exclusion constraint and INSERT ... ON CONFLICT is good.
You could improve the speed as follows:
Do it all in a single transaction.
Like Vao Tsun suggested, maybe COPY the data into a staging table first and do it all with a single SQL statement.
Remove all indexes except the exclusion constraint from the table where you modify data and re-create them when you are done.
Speed up insertion by disabling autovacuum and raising max_wal_size (or checkpoint_segments on older PostgreSQL versions) while you load the data.


Huge delete on PostgreSQL table : Deleting 99,9% of the rows of the table

I have a table in my PostgreSQL database that became huge, filled with a lot of useless rows.
As these useless rows represent 99.9% of my table data (about 3.3M rows), I was wondering if deleting them could have a bad impact on my DB :
I know that this operation could take some time and I will be able to block writes on the table during the maintenance operation
But I was wondering if this huge change in the data could also impact performance after the opertation itself.
I found solutions like creating a new table / using TRUNCATE to drop all lines but as this operation will be specific and one shot, I would like to be able to choose the most adapted solution.
I know that Postgre SQL has a VACUUM mechanism but I'm not a DBA expert : Could anyone please confirm that this delete will not impact my table integrity / data structure and that freed space will be reclaimed if needed for new data ?
PostgreSQL 11.12, with default settings on AWS RDS. I don't have any index on my table and the criteria for rows deletion will not be based on the PK
Deleting rows typically does not shrink a PostgreSQL table, sou you would then have to run VACUUM (FULL) to compact it, during which the table is inaccessible.
If you are deleting many rows, both the DELETE and the VACUUM (FULL) will take a long time, and you would be much better off like this:
create a new table that is defined like the old one
INSERT INTO new_tab SELECT * FROM old_tab WHERE ... to copy over the rows you want to keep
drop foreign key constraints that point to the old table
create all indexes and constraints on the new table
drop the old table and rename the new one
By planning that carefully, you can get away with a short down time.

Bulk update Postgres table

I have a table with around 200 million records and I have added 2 new columns to it. Now the 2 columns need values from a different table. Nearly 80% of the rows will be updated.
I tried update but it takes more than 2 hours to complete.
The main table has a composite primary key of 4 columns. I have dropped it and dropped an index that is present on a column before updating. Now the update takes little over than 1 hour.
Is there any other way to speed up this update process (like batch processing).
Edit: I used the other table(from where values will be matched for update) in from clause of the update statement.
Not really. Make sure that max_wal_size is high enough that you don't get too many checkpoints.
After the update, the table will be bloated to about twice its original size.
That bloat can be avoided if you update in batches and VACUUM in between, but that will not make processing faster.
Do you need whole update in single transaction? I had quite similar problem, with table that was under heavy load, and column required not null constraint. Do deal with it - I did some steps:
Add columns without constraints like not null, but with defaults. That way it went really fast.
Update columns in steps like 1000 entries per transaction. In my case load of the DB rise, so I had to put small delay.
Update columns to have not null constraints.
That way you don't block table for long time, but that is not an answer to your question.
First to validate where you are - I would check iostats to see if that is not the limit... To speed up, I would consider:
higher free space map - to be sure DB is aware of entries that can be removed, but note that if pages are packed to the limit it would not bring much...
maybe foreign keys referring to the table can be also removed? To stop locking the table,
removing all indices since they are slowing down, and create them afterwords - that looks like slicing problem but other way, but is an option, so counts...
There is a 2 type of solution to your problem.
1) This approach work if your main table doesn't update or inserted during this process
First create the same table schema without composite primary key and index with a different name.
Then insert the data in the new table with join table data.
Apply all constraints and indexes on the new table after insert.
Drop the old table and rename the new table with the old table name.
2) Or you can use a trigger to update that two-column on insert or update event. (This will make insert update operation slightly slow)

Redshift query a daily-generated table

I am looking for a way to create a Redshift query that will retrieve data from a table that is generated daily. Tables in our cluster are of the form:
.. and so on.
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid operation):
SELECT * FROM concat('event_table_', to_char(getdate(),'YYYY_MM_DD'))
Any suggestions on how this can be performed are greatly appreciated!
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the
table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid
Redshift does not support that. But you most likely won't need it.
Try the following (expanding on the answer from #ketan):
Create your main table with appropriate (for joins) DIST key, and COMPOUND or simple SORT KEY on timestamp column, and proper compression on columns.
Daily, create a temp table (use CREATE TABLE ... LIKE - this will preserve DIST/SORT keys), load it with daily data, VACUUM SORT.
Copy sorted temp table into main table using ALTER TABLE APPEND - this will copy the data sorted, and will reduce VACUUM on the main table. You may still need VACUUM SORT after that.
After that query your main table normally, probably giving it a range on timestamp. Redshift is optimised for these scenarios, and 99% of times you don't need to optimise table scans yourself - even on tables with billion of rows scans take milliseconds to few seconds. You may need to optimise elsewhere, but that's the second step.
To get insight in the performance of scans, use STL_QUERY system table to find your query ID, and then use STL_SCAN (or SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY) table to see how fast the scan was.
Your example is actually the main use case for ALTER TABLE APPEND.
I am assuming that you are creating a new table everyday.
What you can do is:
Create a view on top of event_table_* tables. Query your data using this view.
Whenever you create or drop a table, update the view.
If you want, you can avoid #2: Instead of creating a new table everyday, create empty tables for next 1-2 years. So, no need to update the view every day. However, do remember that there is an upper limit of 9,900 tables in Redshift.
Edit: If you always need to query today's table (instead of all tables, as I assumed originally), I don't think you can do that without updating your view.
However, you can modify your design to have just one table, with date as sort-key. So, whenever your table is queried with some date, all disk blocks that don't have that date will be skipped. That'll be as efficient as having time-series tables.

Implications of using ADD COLUMN on large dataset

Docs for Redshift say:
ALTER TABLE locks the table for reads and writes until the operation completes.
My question is:
Say I have a table with 500 million rows and I want to add a column. This sounds like a heavy operation that could lock the table for a long time - yes? Or is it actually a quick operation since Redshift is a columnar db? Or it depends if column is nullable / has default value?
I find that adding (and dropping) columns is a very fast operation even on tables with many billions of rows, regardless of whether there is a default value or it's just NULL.
As you suggest, I believe this is a feature of the it being a columnar database so the rest of the table is undisturbed. It simply creates empty (or nearly empty) column blocks for the new column on each node.
I added an integer column with a default to a table of around 65M rows in Redshift recently and it took about a second to process. This was on a dw2.large (SSD type) single node cluster.
Just remember you can only add a column to the end (right) of the table, you have to use temporary tables etc if you want to insert a column somewhere in the middle.
Personally I have seen rebuilding the table works best.
I do it in following ways
Create a new table N_OLD_TABLE table
Define the datatype/compression encoding in the new table
Insert data into N_OLD(old_columns) select(old_columns) from old_table Rename OLD_Table to OLD_TABLE_BKP
This is a much faster process. Doesn't block any table and you always have a backup of old table incase anything goes wrong

Delete Takes a Long Time

I've got a table which has about 5.5 million records. I need to delete some records from it based on date. My query looks like this:
DELETE FROM Table WHERE [Date] between '2011-10-31 04:30:23' and '2011-11-01 04:30:42'
It's about 9000 rows, but this operation last very long time. How can I speed it up? Date is type of datetime2, table has int primary key clustered. Update and delete triggers are disabled.
It's very possible that [Date] is being cast to a string on every row resulting in a sequential scan of the entire table.
You should try casting your parameters to a date instead:
DELETE FROM Table WHERE [Date] between convert(datetime, '2011-10-31 04:30:23') and convert(datetime, '2011-11-01 04:30:42')
Also, make sure there's an index on [Date]
Firstly make sure you have an index on date.
If there is an index check the execution plan and make sure it is using it. Notice that it doesn't always follow that using an index is the most efficient method of processing a delete because if you are deleting a large proportion of records (rule of thumb is in excess of 10%) the additional overhead of the index look-up can be greater than a full scan.
With a large table it's also well worth making sure that the statistics are up to date (run sp_updatestats) because if the database has an incorrect understanding of the number of rows in the table it will make inappropriate choices in its execution plan. For example if the statistics are incorrect the database may decide to ignore your index even if it exists because it thinks there are far fewer records in the table than there are. Odd distributions of dates might have similar effects.
I'd probably try dropping the index on date then recreating it again. Indexes are binary trees and to work efficiently they need to be balanced. If your data has accumulated over time the index may well lopsided and queries might take a long time to find the appropriate data. Both this and statistics issue should be handled automatically by your database maintenance job, but it's often overlooked.
Finally you don't say if there are many other indexes on the table. If there are then you might be running into issues with the database having to reorganize indexes as it progresses the delete as well as update the indexes. It's a bit drastic, but one option is to drop all other indexes on the table before running the delete, then create them again afterwards.