Looking for a Wordpress Plugin for tags - tags

I hope someone can help me. I have 4 post types
My current theme only limits me to have one section for tags. I need multiple sections example
Hotels (Post Type)
1/ setting: City Hotel
2/ style: Boutique Hotel
3/ interests: swimming pool
4/ brand: Hilton
And etc…
I am looking for a plugin that can allow me to have tags for separate places. Currently I have to place all together which does not look the way I want it.
I would truly appreciate all the help.


Tags vs. categories for website content?

I am creating a site for electronics and programming projects and articles, and I'm trying to figure out whether to use categories, tags or both. I've been leaning towards just using tags, as it's done here on StackOverflow.
Seen from the perspective of the user, what provides the best user experience and makes the information easy and intuitive to find. I realize that this is much a question of personal preference, but I am interested in hearing opinions.
Here is what I ended up doing: I implemented both categories and tags; a post can only have one category but multiple tags.
The category is used as part of the URL, this puts a keyword in the URL which is good for SEO and it makes the URLs more structured. The categories are selected from a drop-down menu, and they are required. Categories are type specific, meaning articles will probably not have the same categories as projects or images.
articles/foobar // Show all articles with the category foobar
articles/1/foobar/article_slug // View a specific article
Tags can be added and attached to a posts simply by typing them with comma separation, they are used in the meta keywords field. I don't think that matters much to SEO, but they are available so why not. Multiple tags can be attached to a post, but at least one is required. Tags are not type specific but universal, meaning that all resources may share the same tags. So a search for a tag may return articles, projects and images.
tags // Show all tags, and number of resources that use them
tags/foobar // Show all resources with the tag foobar
articles/tagged/foobar // Show all articles with the tag foobar

Whats the best way to separate men and women products in prestashop?

Can we separate products for men and women using any method other than categories, and which would be easy to configure?
you could instead use categories like Clothing, Accessories, Shoes, Jewelry etc.. You would have to specify in the product title or description if it is for Male or Females, although it will likely be quite obvious.
Unfortunately - I also could not find a specifications field where one could do things like that. I hope someone puts it into next version of Prestashop. It is possible in current Prestashop 1.5.5 by adding multiple categories to a single product where men or women could also be selected as an additional category but not the default category.

Joomla articles by rating + rating plugin/component implementation

I dont want to waste lots of time on creating wrong functions
It's already done, but to understand better.. I tell you :) So first thing I made: I added extra articles which are shown in main article. So it's looks like this: main article and extra nine articles in which i want to add voting.
Eeach article(extra articles, not main article) must have rating like in youtube - like and dislike. I think of using this script ( so the first question is - how to create this voting and add to these articles ? Should i create this voting plugin or component ? Or i already can add code to article view and model ? Each article will have different articles in them, based on votings and (later maybe?) on tags.
I wouldn't try to hard code a voting script into the core Joomla content files nor should you need to create you own plugin for this. There are lots of voting plugins on JED which I think will suits you needs. You can find them here:
One of my favourite plugins is this:
Hope this helps.

Joomla1.5 CRUD extension tutorial

I need to build a basic CRUD joomla extension for a customer.
On the user's side, it must display a product list when the user choose a category, and the product details when an item is selected in the list. On the product details page, the user can send a message to the site's owner regarding the chosen product.
On the admin side, user must be able to add/modify/delete products and categories. That's about it.
Does anybody knows (a) good tutorial(s) that could help me get started with this project?
I've worked with php 4 years ago and have 5+ years experience in web development (.net), but i'm new to joomla.
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like to me you are looking for an e-commerce extension with a catalog mode (no purchases/no cart enabled) and an Ask a Question form on product pages. I know that at least Virtuemart has this ability exactly. I am sure there are other simpler carts that will also accommodate your need. http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/e-commerce/shopping-cart
Spend a couple of hours trying out carts, no code writing required.
A great place to start is the Joomla docs site.
Checkout Component Development section.
Also, here is MVC Component Tutorial (there are 6 section to it, look for links at the bottom for "Next"), it will definitely put you on the right track. You will have to add a lot of your project specific things and do out of the box things, but it should be pretty easy.
Just keep things separate to make it easier
View/Template - your presentation
Controller - logic
Model - Data Access Layer (DAL)

Attaching a tag

What is the actual procedure for attaching multiple tags to a particular content in a project development. What is this tagging all about???
I need to create a tag cloud for my project in .NET using c#. Help me out as a beginner for basic tagging concept.
Tags are key words add information about the item being tagged. Tags add semantic information about something in an effort to further it.
For instance, A picture of your father on his birthday could be tagged 'dad','family','event','birthday' etc...
By adding tags to the picture you add context and make the image more easily indexable, sortable and searchable.
Tags are purposely generic and flexible because different people can place different personal meaning to the same artifact, or the same person may apply different meaning in different contexts - like adding the same picture to a stock photography web site or checking it into a source code repository as part of a project.
Generally the procedure is to ask the owner of the item to add a list of tags in a text field. Some sites like stackoverflow constrain (most) users to use existing tags, others like delicious make the tags up to the user.
A tag in the software context typically means a meaningful name or attribute being assigned to that software. In version control scenarios a tag is a meaningful name given to a particular state of the files represented by that name. For example the tag 20090401 might be assigned to the source code as it looked on April 1, 2009. Tagging something can also mean describing it or categorizing it. For example software such as IE8, Chrome, or Firefox might all be tagged "Browsers" to categorize them on a download page. Allowing users to create tags and use existing tags is a powerful method to categorize content and help people zero in on items of interest. A tag is simply an extra tidbit of information a person can gain insight into data with.
Multiple tagging is useful for many reasons in software development. For example in my git repository I have a habit of creating tags based on date which can easily be ordered and parsed by a computer. I can also give changes a more human consumable name such as the tag "Deleted_Duplicates", or "RC1", or "V1_Delievered_To_Michigan". This allows for an understanding while also allowing for machine processing.