Restarting carousel event paused on iPad and iPhones - iphone

I recently worked out a solution to another problem involving carousels on another post, but I found one issue when it comes to restarting the auto transitions from panel to the next on iPhones and iPads. (They won't restart.)
Here's a link to my original post and solution: Vanilla JS carousel next/prev button killing mouseover event pause
Here's a link to a JSFiddle containing my solution:
After posting that solution I found that everything worked as it should accept the auto transition from one panel to the next stopped if you ever clicked the 'Prev' and 'Next' buttons on the sides. So I added this code to help restart the auto panel movement if you clicked outside the carousel.
document.getElementsByTagName("body").onclick = function(e) {
if( != document.getElementById('carousel')) {
Which works perfectly on all browsers except if you are on an iPad or iPhone.
I tried adding the following but that stopped the carousel from auto-starting due to errors in all browsers.
let touchEvent = 'ontouchstart' in window ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
document.getElementsByTagName("body").addEventListener(touchEvent, function(e) {
if( != document.getElementById('carousel')) {
Any suggestions?


Change platform brigtness is triggered when 'Home' is pressed in iOS 15 Simulator

I'm having an issue after my Simulator was updated to iOS 15 in my upcoming Flutter app. When I press the 'Home' button at the top it causes my app to fire the didChangePlatformBrightness() function twice.
Seriously thinking on remove this check while the app is already open and leave it only at startup. Anyone with the same problem and any tips on how to solve it?
On Android everything works fine, just as expected.
I solved this question by monitoring the App lifecycle state. If the app is in resumed state, then I change the color scheme, otherwise I'll do nothing. It occurs because when you press the Home button, the app state changes. See the example below:
void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
if (appState == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
//give the user a choice for restarting the app, so the colors will
//all be set correctly

Leaflet 1.7.1 popup on mobile Bug

I am working on a new Leaflet map with 1.7.1.
I noticed on my mobile device browsers (on Safari and Chrome) that the popups are flickering (not displaying/not showing up). I went on the Leaflet website with my mobile trying one of their example e.g. on their very home-page and I am facing the same problem. Is this my mobile or this problem is already known?
After more research ... I found out that this is an actual bug.
By commenting the following lines of code in the JS file will resolve the problem.
// simulate click if the touch didn't move too much
// if (this._isTapValid()) {
// this._simulateEvent('click', first);
// }

Sencha Touch 2 textfield's focus issue in iOS 7

I'm having an issue with textfields in Sencha Touch 2, this is only occurring in iOS 7 and working fine in iOS 6 and Android.
The issue is when you tap a field the keypad opens but the cursor disappears, it should be focus on selected textfield but it does not. You have to tap the textfield again to focus.
I have checked this issue on iOS 6 and android (on devices as well as on simulators), working fine but not on iOS 7 only.
Is anybody having this issue...?
Is this a bug in sencha or should i missing something, please advice.
Thank you..
I have found this to be directly related to two things:
centered: true
pack: 'center'
When I removed those lines, my app started playing nice. The challenge is to find an alternative way to center your panels.
I spent days figuring this out. Actually there is a problem with Sencha understanding the ViewPort height. In your index.html add a script block with the following code
if (window.device && parseFloat(window.device.version) == 7.0) { = "20px";
Ext.Viewport.setHeight(Ext.Viewport.getWindowHeight() - 20);
This does two things for you
It Provides enough space on Top to display the activity bar
It sets the Viewport height to be that of screen height, irrespective of the keyboard being present or not.
Also, If your app works in Portrait and Landscape mode, you will need to add these lines in your Viewport.js (or Main.js)
initialize: function(){
Ext.Viewport.on('orientationchange', 'handleOrientationChange', this, {buffer: 0 });
handleOrientationChange: function(){
if (parseFloat(window.device.version) == 7.0) {
Ext.Viewport.setHeight(Ext.Viewport.getWindowHeight() - 20);
// do nothing
And Yes, Make sure they Keyboard Bounce is TRUE in true (if you are using cordova). This will make sure your field does not get hidden.
Hope this works for you.
add height="device-height" in viewport meta tag, fixes the issue.
ios7 issues with webview focus when using keyboard html

Native HTML5 Drag and Drop in Mobile Safari (iPad, iPod, iPhone)?

I've successfully implemented native HTML5 Drag and Drop for moving HTML elements inside a page (just, say, a div from one place to another, nothing related to interacting with the host OS' files whatsoever). This works fine in Chrome and Safari on a PC but I can't start a drag operation in my iPad's Safari.
I've found this so far:
Using Drag and Drop From JavaScript
Safari, Dashboard, and WebKit-based
applications include support for
customizing the behavior of drag and
drop operations within your HTML
Note: This technology is supported
only on desktop versions of Safari.
For iPhone OS, use DOM Touch,
described in Handling Events (part of
Safari Web Content Guide) and Safari
DOM Additions Reference.
Here. But it's outdated (2009-06-08).
Doe's anyone know if it is possible to use native HTML5 in Mobile Safari? (I don't want javascript-framework like solutions like jQuery UI).
I've just been trying to get native drag&drop working in ios safari (ipad pro with 14.0.1), and I'm updating this answer as it kept coming up as my first google result (and no other q&a seems to be up to date).
I have found native html5 drag&drop now works in safari, with a few specific notes;
You MUST set some data in OnDragStart's event; (the effect settings seem to be optional) Event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'hello');
you MUST Event.preventDefault(); in OnDrop otherwise safari will load the data you added (unless that's your intention)
OnDragOver event handler needs Event.preventDefault(); otherwise drop fails (unless intended, as docuemnted)
On ios safari, if you set OnDragStart's Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='copy' and in OnDragOver's Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='link' the drop fails (no OnDrop()); Seems to be the only combination that fails
I thought you required
CSS -webkit-user-drag: Element; and `-webkit-user-drop: element;
or if you prefer'webkitUserDrag','element');'webkitUserDrop','element');
but it seems just the usual draggable attribute is enough
This seems to be the bare minimum to drag & drop an element
function OnDragOver(Event)
Event.stopPropagation(); // let child accept and don't pass up to parent element
Event.preventDefault(); // ios to accept drop
Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';// move has no icon? adding copy shows +
function OnDragLeave(Event)
function OnDrop(Event)
Event.preventDefault(); // dont let page attempt to load our data
function OnDragStart(Event)
Event.stopPropagation(); // let child take the drag
Event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
Event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'hello');
Touch events do work now on Safari too (including Mobile). This article has nice code snippets that you can start from:

Titanium: Youtube video

How can I show a youtube or bits on the run video full screen on my app? Is there a special link I have to naviate to? Or is there a special API that takes care of that to view it fullscreen?
The idea is to click on a link 'show video', then show the video fullscreen, and get a button play pauze and 'done'. When clicked done it goes back to the previous page.
I don't know how to get started on this one. Can anyone help me out?
I'm creating an iPhone app.
#Muhammad has the first part right but to get it to close when you hit the blue done button you'll need the following code.
activeMovie.fullscreen = 1; // this must be defined after you add to the window!;
then add this
activeMovie.addEventListener('fullscreen', function(e) {
if(!e.entering) { // this is run only when exiting fullscreen aka the blue done button
Here is a an example code to show video with controlls
var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
var contentURL = '';
var activeMovie = Titanium.Media.createVideoPlayer({
contentURL: contentURL,
Hope this will help.