Anylogic PLE Code Completion not working Mac - anylogic

I am trying to activate code completion on mac. I have no other shortcuts mapped to Option+Space. When I press the keys nothing happens. I have tried to map it manually in the settings but can't see the code completion option.
Can anyone advise what the command is in preferences?

It can be finicky... Restart AnyLogic first. If that does not work close it.
Then look for the .AnyLogic... folder.
On Windows, it sits in C:/Users/[MyProfile]/.AnyLogicYourVersion
In it, delete the Workspace 8.7 folder.


Love 2d is not working in my VS Code setup

I have made a new folder to keep my coding files in and folders of Love2D. But since then whenever I press alt+l in my main.lua file in vs code, the file doesn't run in love app.
But, when I try to drag and drop the folder of my game onto the love2D shortcut on my desktop, the game runs fine.
Why does this happen?
Here are the settings of my love2d support extension:
I have tried reinstalling love, also tried to reinstall the extension, and installing any previous version of love.
I tried to open the project directly as a project too.
Pls, can someone help me at the earliest?
You provided . as the src directory in the support extension, which probably tries to launch PIYUSH_LOVE2D as the game (which does not contain a main.lua).
Either open the game directory directly as a project in VS Code or enter the path of the game in Src Dir.
EDIT: Alt+L while the main.lua is open works and uses the dir containing the main as the root. The correct path is only required if the main.lua is not open.
I found something that can help you on the LÖVE 2D website. Take a look:
“Remember to drag the folder containing main.lua, and not main.lua itself”
I don't know much about VS Code but I think to solve your problem you could configure it to run the game folder in LOVE, instead of its main.
I'm late to answering this but I hope it helps someone. It looks like you have Live Server extension installed, I believe that also has a key combo of ALT+L, which interferes with the Love2D extension.
Try removing Live Server, or change the key combo to something other than ALT+L for either of the extensions.

How to prevent VSCode from asking me to save unsaved files?

After I saved a file, VSCode would jump to other files I've edited and asked me to save them as well. I don't want that behaviour as it moves me out of context from the current file I'm editing.
Anyone knows how to stop VSCode from doing that?
I know this is too late, but it might help other people.
Logically, VS code is correct, but another option can help you not get the popup asking to save the unsaved files. Look for the below option in VS code shortcut settings.
File.Save All Files (workbench.action.files.saveFiles)
This will only save previously saved files.
Hope this helps.
The only thing I'm aware of is to kill the vscode process, unfortunately I don't know how to identify the exact window I want to kill, so that usually means killing all vscode processes. They all reload when you open vscode the next time.

Copy from browser paste to netbeans not working

Copy from browser paste to netbeans not working. How could this be happen?
When I try to paste notepad, it is working, but when try to netbeans it is not working? I am in shock
Try to make an empty copy (Ctrl+C without selection) within Netbeans and then try again to perform copying from browser or another application.
It works for me after many solutions I tried.
This bug report
also suggests adding
to the netbeans_default_options in netbeans.conf, but it did not work for me.
This Problem is known for over 10 years now and still not fixed.
Workaround: Restart the IDE.
It looks like the NetBeans IDE assumes that what a developer does with other applications (clipboard operations) is not relevant to NB. The only time that NB does not apply this assumption is when the clipboard is empty. The NB clipboard must first be emptied by cutting or copying nothing (similar to previously posted answers). There is no menu item; there is no shortcut to clear the NB clipboard.
This problem still applies to NB 12.0 as of 2021/5/18.
Selecting text and dragging into the Netbeans still works if you are lazy to restart.
I'm facing the same problem. If you use cut (ctrl+x) and paste (ctrl+v) instead of copy (ctrol+c) it works.
Stop NB and run NB with Administrator privilege, it works!
Press Windows+R
type %appdata%
Go to local folder in AppData (you might be in Roaming folder go back one)
Go to Netbeans folder
And delete Cache folder.

Double clicking to open a file doesn't work with Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio code and it works fine except that double clicking the file doesn't seem to open the file. Instead the Program just opens with an Untitled.txt screen.
Right click -> Open with code also works.
How do I make it work? I am using Windows 8.
This wasn't the case some versions back, but now it seems, that it actually is the expected behaviour. The developers intentionally do not register VSCode as the default open handler (don't ask me why).
But maybe there is a workaround. Try the following steps:
1. Try to associate the filetype(s) with another app, and then again to VSCode.
2. If setting to other editors and returning to VSCode still opens Untitled-1.txt, then you could
3. try reinstalling VSCode, and then reset it. When resetting, confirm that there is only one VSCode in the choice list.
It also could be, that you'll need to reboot your machine. Finally, you'll possibly also want to take a look at this issue on GitHub.
Hope you can solve it this way.

Is drag-and-drop to open a file possible in VSCode?

I am wondering if something is wrong with my computer (or myself), because I can't seem to drag & drop a file into Visual Studio Code to open it in the editor. Closing an opened folder first doesn't make a difference. VSCode always shows me the 'stop sign', in every spot I tried (the editor, the opened tab bar, an existing opened file, ...).
Why does VSCode block this ?
(I have experienced this in earlier versions as well. Currently on v1.6 on Windows 7.)
Searching for a solution, I stumbled on this page, where one commenter explains:
I think you are running into the security issue where lower permission processes cannot send messages to higher permission processes. Explorere.exe, running at normal permission levels, cannot send the window message to winword.exe, running elevated.
I am indeed always running VSCode as Administrator, but not my Explorer windows.
When I run VSCode in non-administrator mode (so just my regular user), drag-and-drop works fine.
I feel silly as I lost 15 minutes looking into this. In case it helps:
Make sure you are not trying to open files from a zip file...