Love 2d is not working in my VS Code setup - visual-studio-code

I have made a new folder to keep my coding files in and folders of Love2D. But since then whenever I press alt+l in my main.lua file in vs code, the file doesn't run in love app.
But, when I try to drag and drop the folder of my game onto the love2D shortcut on my desktop, the game runs fine.
Why does this happen?
Here are the settings of my love2d support extension:
I have tried reinstalling love, also tried to reinstall the extension, and installing any previous version of love.
I tried to open the project directly as a project too.
Pls, can someone help me at the earliest?

You provided . as the src directory in the support extension, which probably tries to launch PIYUSH_LOVE2D as the game (which does not contain a main.lua).
Either open the game directory directly as a project in VS Code or enter the path of the game in Src Dir.
EDIT: Alt+L while the main.lua is open works and uses the dir containing the main as the root. The correct path is only required if the main.lua is not open.

I found something that can help you on the LÖVE 2D website. Take a look:
“Remember to drag the folder containing main.lua, and not main.lua itself”
I don't know much about VS Code but I think to solve your problem you could configure it to run the game folder in LOVE, instead of its main.

I'm late to answering this but I hope it helps someone. It looks like you have Live Server extension installed, I believe that also has a key combo of ALT+L, which interferes with the Love2D extension.
Try removing Live Server, or change the key combo to something other than ALT+L for either of the extensions.


How to prevent VS Code remembering files outside work folder?

My workflow with VS Code is to always use project folders on projects. This works great, but there's one thing that's messing things up right now;
When opening just a single file from another project while working in another project, lets's say webpack.config.js, I use Windows Explorer rightclick to open that file in VS Code. However, this always opens the file in the currently open VS Code instance.
This adds the file from that other folder now to the memory of the previously opened files in the open project while it has nothing to do with that project.
When using the quick file open of VS Code now it happens a lot VS Code opens a file from that other folder, only because that outside file has been opened once while I was working on this project.
This is error prone as now it happens a lot, especially when working fast, that the wrong, for instance, package.json or webpack.config.js file gets opened, because VS Code now also suggests files that are outside this project. That's pretty frustrating and causes changes to be made in the wrong files pretty quickly.
I know we can clear the editor history and have to do it a lot now. But to me that's the other way around, doesn't solve the real problem and when not done often the issue remains.
So I want to get rid of this issue and have the following questions:
1) How can we change the 'Open with Code' rightclick menuitem in Explorer to open files always in a new instance of VS Code?
2) Is there a config settings to disable the behaviour that VS Code remembers files that are outside of the current work folder?
Thanks in advance, this thing is bothering me for quite some time now!
How can we change the 'Open with Code' rightclick menuitem in Explorer to open files always in a new instance of VS Code?
I assume you are a Windows user. You can edit the context menu behavior from Regedit.
Follow the below steps:
Press Windows + R
Type regedit and press OK
Go to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\VSCode\command in regedit
Add -n parameter to the command like below
It will help you to open every file in a new window when you use Open with Code.
For your second question, Is there a config settings to disable the behavior that VS Code remembers files that are outside of the current work folder?
Open VS Code settings
Search window.openFilesInNewWindow
Make it off to on like below
With this configuration, you can't open new files in the current workspace therefore technically you prevent VS Code remember outside files. Not directly but it helps.
I don't like how "recently opened" files are shown in VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P). I think OP is describing this behavior...
The behavior to remember "recently opened" files causes me problems when I mistakenly open a temporary/copy of my file, i.e.
... instead of the true file (i.e. located inside the currently-open VS Code project)
C:/git/source-control/code.js confusion happens because because both files are listed among the options when I use Quick Open Ctrl+P and type "code"
For me , the Quick Open list also has the answer, any "recently-open" files should have an "X" icon on the right side. You may need to hover your mouse over the file you want to remove.
Click the "X" icon to "Remove from recently open". Quick Open will always be able to find files in your current project, even if you remove them from recently-open:
Please note I don't have access to regedit as suggested in the accepted answer; my answer here does not require regedit

Issue with errors in Unity on launch

I am having an issue in Unity where every time I launch the editor it asks me to enter in safe mode because there are a lot of errors and when I press ignore it launches and I can see in the console a lot of errors with the UI and I found out that I cant create UI elements directly in the hierarchy. I tried to update from 2020.3.13f1 to 2020.3.14f1 and for the first launch everything was fine, with no errors, and I could create UI elements but then when I restarted to make sure everything was actually fine, all the errors popped up again and I cant create UI. Why does this happen and does anyone have a fix because I can't find it anywhere online.
Try not to enter Safe Mode. Enter the editable project. There go to Assets-Reimport All.
It did it to me too, it's probably a Unity bug, this method fixes it. Practically it reimports the whole project by itself, avoiding that the bug gives you problems (such as those like UnityEngine.UI does not exist or Monobehavior does not exist, etc.)
Obviously you will not lose any assets and everything will be fine as before receiving the errors.
Have this issue with any template 2020+ versions
Always shows 2 empty errors on console at first run ,even on an empty project
Will try to install 2019 and hopefully work again
in my case some side app ran caused some error in the installation of Unity.
Nothing amid aboves helped.
Thus I decided to fully reinstall it from scratch to default one.
Now it worksok. But before that . To wipe out the Unity thorowly you need in:
uninstalling Unity and UnityHub in windows' settings
remove all related/remained folders in "C:\Program Files"
remove related/remained folders in "C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local "
in Register Editor go to clean unity like folders in "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE"
optionally, remove sample projects in "C:\Users\myname"
You're very likely simply opening the wrong folder, it's a common mistake
Or, you have possibly moved around the folders that you cannot move
Also - it's a nuisance but it's best to install the "hub"

VS Code: when I close a sub-folder and return to the file, the sub-folder reopens

I've always developed with Sublime Text, but I feel that VS Code is much better, so I want to get started.
I have a problem please (with Sidebar of VS Code):
When I open a sub-folder in my project, and I open a file that is inside, I like to manually close this sub-folder (because I like to see the architecture of the project, etc.) and to continue working on its files which are already open in my editor.
For example (I work with Laravel): if I open a "User.php" file which is in the "App/Modals" folder, then I manually close the "App/Modals" folder, then I will work in another file, then I come back to work in "User.php", the "App/Modals" folder reopens by itself ...
I do not have this behavior with Sublime Text, nor with PHP Storm.
SVP: Is there a regulation to prevent this behavior?
Thank you.
There's an option to make this feature (it's not something that's just happening to you, it's a feature of VSCode) go away. Go to settings (ctrl + , or cmd + , on mac) and search for "explorer.autoReveal". Make sure it's unchecked, or set it to false in your setting's json.
Just by the way, I don't know if you did, or you didn't know what to search, but you should try to solve this kind of problems by googling for an answer. For instance, I didn't know the answer, but a simple 'disable auto opening folder vs code' in google brought me several results. Just a recommendation, so that you can learn how to solve your own problems and be more efficient.

Deploy a HaxeFlixel game to a windows .exe file

I made a mini game with HaxeFlixel and OpenFL, It's worked great and now I want to put it on Game Jolt to check can it work or not, but to do that I need to change my whole project into executable, and I don't really know where I should start...
I looked it up and found some topic about Adobe AIR. Do I really need to use that to turn my Flixel project into an .exe? Can someone give me a little help here... I'm using FlashDevelop and Flixel for my game so right now my folder contains assets, source, hxproj file and a xml file. thanks!
You should have a dropdown at the top of the window next to play button and the release type (debug, release). In that dropdown you can select your platform, in your case select native. The first time you compile is going to take awhile because you are compiling all the lib to C++.
The result is deploy in bin/windows/windows, there you can find your executable.
You can compile with command lines. Go to your folder and type lime build windows

Any way to disable syntax checking for a project?

I created a project "Sample Code"... here I just paste sample code... much of it is snippets that won't compile.
Is there some project-specific setting I can make so that Eclipse doesn't try to compile it?
I would prefer not to have the source code littered with red error markers.
Put your code in a non-java project, ie a general project.
Downside: you will have to create package directory structure (unless you can copy and paste from somewhere else).
Upside: it won't try to compile.
ok, this is not an exact solution to my problem... but it is another way to do it and I kinda like it now...
I simply forget about using Eclipse to store the sample java files!
I found a good program CodeBox for Mac to store code snippets and I'm sure there exist such things for Windows, Linux too...
there interesting thing is that when I choose from this program to open the java snippet file (.java) in an external editor (Eclipse), it will open in Eclipse without any Syntax checking... wohoo! no squiggly lines
Because of this, it is not full blown code highlighting... classes and variables same color... but that's ok.. still quite readable. Much more than if it was in Eclipse with syntax highlighting running on it...
So basically, if you want to get rid of these red squiggles... one way to do it is don't keep sample .java (or other language) files in a project in Eclipse... simply keep them in the filesystem or code storage app and open them with Eclipse when you want to view them.
Depending on how you prefer to structure your project:
you could put your java files into a separate folder that is not configured as a source folder. There is an entry in the eclipse help on how to configure your build path.
or you can set exclusion-patterns in the build configuration, so that specific packages or files that follow a pattern you define don't get compiled.
Yet another way to handle your snippets could be to use a Scrapbook page.
Eclipse won't highlight anything in a scrapbook page but you can select code parts inside the page and execute them isolated. That's nice if you're experimenting and don't want to set up a whole class with imports and methods just to see if a specific snippet works as expected.