Can we use moodle for android application - moodle

Will I be able to use moodle in the Android application instead of google firebase for authentication (login page).
pleases Help.


Using fingerprint with flutter in the web environment

I'm using local_auth in Flutter, but local_auth doesn't support web.
I need that if a user logs into the web version of my app with their mobile, they can log in with their fingerprint.
I also wrote the web version with Flutter.
What should I do to solve this problem?

Any cordova plugin to add WebAuthn API to Android WebView?

We've developed a cordova app that shows one of our websites (which is also accessible using a web browser).
Recently, FIDO2 authentication using WebAuthn has been added to that website. This works fine in the tested browsers (Chrome and Firefox), but not in our cordova application, as it uses Android WebView, which doesn't implement the WebAuthn API.
Does anybody know if there is any cordova plugin to add this API to Android WebView?
Is there any website with information about the Android WebView roadmap (bugs that will be fixed in next release, new features that will be added, ...)?
You're correct that Android WebView doesn't support WebAuthn in Android 13. We hope to address that in the Android 14 timeframe but, for now, you have to inject Javascript hooks and use a Javascript bridge to implement it. It's certainly possible to do but I'm not aware of any packaged solutions that do it.

Ionic InAppBrowser issues with SSO login

I have an Ionic/Capacitor project which requires SSO login from an external Federation web page.
I am able to display the login page successfully using the InAppBrowser plugin (I have experimented with the capacitor plugin as well as the "awesome" cordova plugin).
My problem is that when I press the login button on our test ADFS server, the page just refreshes. I don't believe the login call is ever executed.
Note that if I try this with an external browser on the phone it works fine. Also if I try other API links on the in-app browser, that works fine too.
Is there any reason why SSO would not work within an InAppBrowser?
Should I try the Cordova plugin (rather than "awesome" plugin?). I could try the capacitor plugin again, but it does not seem to be as feature-rich on callbacks.

Is there a way to integrate facebook & google login in ionic PWA

I developed an app in ionic 3. It's working fine for android & iOS. Then I added browser platform but fb & google login not working for it.
Ionic documentation says facebook plugin is supported in browser. But it's not working.
Google plus plugin only supports android & iOS.
So how to integrate fb & google login in PWA developed in ionic 3?
I have tried using angular4-social-login module but no luck. Also I tried using javascript sdk but no success.
Facebook with Browser:
After you add the browser platform:
ionic cordova platform add browser
ionic cordova build browser --prod
After that in your facebook develop website settings page, add your server's domain to app domain (or localhost for testing).
You can read more about it here: browser

Ionic and Firebase v3 google auth error

I'm trying to add the Google-plus login to my app, but no matter what I do I cannot get it working on a real Android device.
So far I was able to get the idToken from this plugin
Using Firebase's singInWithCredential(idToken) I get an error that said:
This app, identified by the domain where it is hosted, is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the provided API key. Review your key configuration in the Google API console.
I want to point out that I follow all the steps for the installation, SHA1 key are correct and I am using signed APKs.
Using the facebook plugin, retrieving the token and signInWithCredential worked without any issue.
Thanks in advance!
it seems like you have some API key restrictions that are not met by your ionic application.
To begin with, please check you are using the API key from the "Web setup" popup, under the auth section of the Firebase console for your project. This one should work out of the box if you have not changed your configuration in the API console.
If that doesn't fix the issue, go to the credentials section of the Google API console for your Firebase project, look for the API key that you are using, and check which referrer restrictions are set there and ensure they are met by your application. Read this answer for several options that you have to set up your API key restrictions for a Cordova app.
In my Ionic2 RC1 + Firebase3.5 + AngularFire2.beta5 project I had the same problem... Google Auth with Popup worked in Browser but not in my Android .APK
Note.- I didn't use Tokens in my App
Firstly, I add to my Firebase Console authorized domain list and <allow-navigation href=""/> to my config.xml.
After this, I found that installing Cordova InAppBrowser plugin solves my problem definitively.
I didn't need to modify my code, only plug and play, exactly like David East says in his Social login with Ionic blog.