How to pass datetime field in UTC format as a parmeter in Query in DB2 - db2

I have a date time field which is coming from an external system in UTC format 2022-01-02T08:00:00.000+00:00. This value should be queried in DB2 to determine whether the record exists or not. The date stored in DB2 is in the format 2022-01-01 08:00:00.000 Is there any way to convert the incoming date in the format 2022-01-01 08:00:00.000 ?
The final query should be something like
select * from table where changedate = '2022-01-02T08:00:00.000+00:00'

Db2 doesn't store timestamps in a string format. Some binary format is used for that.
So, if I got you right, your question should be changed to "how to convert YYYY-MM-DDTHH24.MI.SS.FF3XXXXXX string representation of timestamp to the timestamp data type".
Unfortunately, there is no such a built-in pattern in the TO_DATE / TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function, but you can use the following expression. T column has the timestamp data type, and you may use this expression in the select * from table where changedate = ... statement.
, TO_DATE (TRANSLATE (SUBSTR (S, 1, 23), ' ', 'T'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3')
+ CAST (TRANSLATE (SUBSTR (S, 24), '', ':', '') || '00' AS DEC (6)) AS T
, '2022-01-02T08:00:00.000+03:30'
, '2022-01-02T08:00:00.000-03:30'
) T (S)


Converting Integer values to Date in Presto SQL

Below is a script i am trying to run in Presto; Subtracting today's date from an integer field I am attempting to convert to date. To get the exacts days between. Unfortunately, it seems the highlighted block does not always convert the date correctly and my final answer is not correct. Please does anyone know another way around this or a standard method on presto of converting integer values to date.
Interger value in the column is in the format '20191123' for year-month-date
select ms, activ_dt, current_date, date_diff('day',act_dt,current_date) from
select ms,activ_dt, **CAST(parse_datetime(CAST(activ_dt AS varchar), 'YYYYMMDD') AS date) as act_dt**, nov19
from h.A_Subs_1 where msisdn_key=23480320012
) limit 19
You can convert "date as a number" (eg. 20180527 for May 27, 2018) using the following:
cast to varchar
parse_datetime with appropriate format
cast to date (since parse_datetime returns a timestamp)
presto> SELECT CAST(parse_datetime(CAST(20180527 AS varchar), 'yyyyMMdd') AS date);
You can use below sample query for your requirement:
select date_diff('day', date_parse('20191209', '%Y%m%d'), current_timestamp);

Convert packed DB2 iseries value to YYYY-MM-DD

I'm trying to select records from a DB2 Iseries system where the date field is greater than the first of this year.
However, the date fields I'm selecting from are actually PACKED fields, not true dates.
I'm trying to convert them to YYYY-MM-DD format and get everything greater than '2018-01-01' but no matter what I try it says it's invalid.
Currently trying this:
FROM table1
WHERE val = 145
AND to_date(char(dateShp), 'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '2018-01-01';
it says expression not valid using format string specified.
Any ideas?
char(dateshp) is going to return a string like '20180319'
So your format string should not include the dashes.. 'YYYYMMDD'
select to_date(char(20180101), 'YYYYMMDD')
from sysibm.sysdummy1;
So your code should be
FROM table1
WHERE val = 145
AND to_date(char(dateShp), 'YYYYMMDD') >= '2018-01-01';
Charles gave you a solution that converts the Packed date to a date field, and if you are comparing to another date field, this is a good solution. But if you are comparing to a constant value or another numeric field, you could just use something like this:
select *
from table1
where val = 145
and dateShp >= 20180101;

Leading Zero when extract Day and Month

Hello i'm trying to extract current day and month in a query. This query is filling table from csv file.
the file is named like this:
My query search for file:
With no Zero in front day and month. How to add Zero numbers?
Here is the code:
execute format ($f$COPY tmp_x FROM 'D:\Programs\PS\download_files_from_ftp_avtomat\files\LOG_%s_%s_%s.csv'
(header, FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', NULL ' ', ENCODING 'WIN1251');
$f$,extract(day from now()),extract(month from now()),extract(year from now()));
One option uses LPAD:
execute format ($f$COPY tmp_x FROM 'D:\Programs\PS\download_files_from_ftp_avtomat\files\LOG_%s_%s_%s.csv'
(header, FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', NULL ' ', ENCODING 'WIN1251');
lpad(extract(day from now())::text, 2, '0'),
lpad(extract(month from now())::text, 2, '0'),
extract(year from now()));
The year would always be a fixed width four digit number, unless you plan to work with data which existed before computers were around.
extract(field from timestamp) returns double precision, so you either lpad zero to it (making the value text), or just use to_char with data mask, eg:
t=# select extract(day from now()), to_char(now(),'MM'),extract(year from now());
date_part | to_char | date_part
19 | 01 | 2018
(1 row)
Looks shorter to use to_char():
SELECT to_char(now(),'DD')||'/'||to_char(now(),'MM')||'/'||to_char(now(),'YYYY')

How do I go from Varchar string into Unix time type? Greenplum

I'm fairly inexperienced with SQL let alone PostgreSQL so appreciate your help.
Let's say we have a varchar column called ID that is a combination of IP address and a unix epoch time string.
So when I run this query:
SELECT substring( from char_length (r.IP_address)+2 for 10),, r.ip_address
FROM bq b
INNER JOIN event r ON r.visitor_id::TEXT =
substring id ip_address
So the output of the substring is a unix time stamp but it is in a varchar format. How do I convert the varchar into a unix timestamp? Ultimately I am going to convert that time stamp into date I just don't think I can directly go from the varchar of a unix string to a date?
As Terra said, use the to_timestamp() function:
# select to_timestamp('1460854333') ;
2016-04-16 17:52:13-07
(1 row)
If a date is the type you're after, just add the ::date cast:
# select to_timestamp('1460854333')::date ;
(1 row)
The function is basically executing this:
select ('epoch'::timestamptz + '1460854333'::float * '1 second'::interval) ;

Crystal Report-Convert date string (with day of week) to date format

I'm new to crystal report. I have a date in string format like 2015-03-25 (Wed) and I want to convert it to date format like 03/25/2015. I tried with CDate and DateValue but it returned bad date string format. Any suggestions to convert such date string to proper date format?
If you have a DateTime field in Crystal Reports, you will see Date and Time tab option on the Format Editor when you right click on the field and select Format Field menu item. From the Date and Time tab, you may select the desired format and select OK.
It would be recommended to use the formats you want to use.
For eg : if you are giving string format for money or decimal you may not be able to use it at its full,like you may not be able to auto sum and other properties related to the datatype you intend to use
Not to do any thing in the code, Crystal Report have facility to this type of simple format.
#utility, you are near to answer.
As above image, in last Custom Format option, where you just go in Date tab and give format as
Updated : sorry for above answer, that will work if you have valid date string.
In your case, where any arbitrary string need to convert into other date format. There is 2 option. In both case you have to extract the date and then format as you need and again combined with other sub-string.
Second you already done ie. crsytal report side, grab the date , format it and concatenate. this will slow down as need to process for each row.
SqlServer side - This option is faster from first option.
declare #t nvarchar(16) = '2015-03-25 (Wed)'
--get the acual date select SUBSTRING ( #t, 1, charindex('(' , #t ) -1 )
--above result give the charter datatype, so you first convert into date and then convert into other format select cast( SUBSTRING ( #t,
1, charindex('(' , #t ) -1 ) as date) --convert into date select
convert (varchar(15) , cast( SUBSTRING ( #t, 1, charindex('(' , #t )
-1 ) as date) , 103) --convert into dd/mm/yyyy format
--Above is for your understand, this is the actual execution of your code (Only write the below line) select convert (varchar(15) , cast(
SUBSTRING ( #t, 1, charindex('(' , #t ) -1 ) as date) , 103) + ' ' +
datename(dw, getdate() )
I suggest, go with Sqlserver side.