OTA LTE main.py update for GPy - micropython

In my internet research I often found how to update a main.py or the firmware with LoRa but with never how I can update my GPy with LTE.
In my thoughts I would do something like firstly in the boot.py setup the LTE and let it subscribe of MQTT where the new version of the program is. Then the GPy should start the update with the new file and get a new main.py.
Is this even possible or can I only update the main.py with LoRa? Next to this how could a code look like? I have to say I am quite new to the pycom and never used one before. What I can is simple micropython stuff for esp32.
Another person asked the same question like me but didnt get any helpful answer. Link to the question: OTA on Pycom gPy
Thank you for helping.


LIBUSB for FTDI2232 to use I2C mode

Please help me to support this question:
Due to, we have used FTDI2232H and need to use “LIBUSB" to control FTDI2232H.
I want to ask How to control FTDI2232H related programs/code through LIBUSB.
1.To change MPSS mode to interface2?
2.To open iic and init it?
3.To set clock rate & set master mode?
4.The master write I2C code to slave ?
5.The master read I2C code from slave ?
I want to know how to use LIBUSB(libusb_bulk_transfer、libusb_control_transfer) to control FTDI2232H?
Please anyone can help me to solve my problem,I can not get full information from vendor here!!!
You can try this open-source library to talk with the FTDI: https://github.com/lipro/libftdi
Download and unzip it and then just follow the procedure on the README.
Once you finish it, if you are on build you can:
cd examples
Now you just load your examples on the terminal like using './'
You can also modify as you want and then remake those examples.

Simulating PSoC 5LP

I am working on extracting strain gauge values mounted on my ATV (front suspension) with the help of a 20 bit ADC of PSoC 5LP. Before that, I would like to simulate it. So could you please suggest an appropriate simulator? I have tried it on proteus but seems like proteus does not support cypress chips.
Thank you for reading.
I got the solution: It is to upgrade the Proteus Software (Proteus 3.10).Here, libraries are provided from the internet so no need to manually search for them.
Thank you :)

How to get FATfs working on Xmega A4? Not sure what I should add or what file to edit

First of all, I have already been through http://elm-chan.org, and while it has helped me, it is a bit vague (in my opinion).
I am attempting to read an SD Card with an Xmega128a4u using ASF (because the non-ASF way is too underground for me...). Anyway, although ASF has an example with the Xplained board for Xmega C3, it is not very helpful, and my attempts at porting it fail.
So, the following is what I do:
I start a Project in ASF (I'm programming in C)
I add the FATfs, SD/MMC and systemClock divers(or modules or services) to my project through ASF Wizard.
I get kind of lost... :(
I read in elm-chan's page that some sort of "glue file" but it's not very specific in what it should be. What should I #include in it or where should I #include it?
I'd appreciate some help on this as I have tried several things with no success.
you have to addapt the disk_read, disk_write, ... functions in the diskio.c file. they will connect the fatFS library with your (low-level) sd communication.
you should may first test a simple communication with the sd-card without file system.
I have the same "project" but with an arduino due board instead of Xmega and the simple communication does allready work, so I can read and write. But my problem is to addapt the FatFS correctly and I suppose that the fault can be localized in my diskio.c functions, cause they are individual.
Maybe someone has got the same problem and can help me?

Programs and downloads for a serverside mongo-dart DB

I have been programming with dart for a while now and after I tried LocalStorage, I wanted to start with a server-side mongo-dart app. So my question is:
What do I need as far as programs and downloads beside the Darteditor and Chromium?
I would be very happy about an answer.
Thanks in advance!
There is no official MongoDB driver for Dart language mentiond on MongoDB site http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/.
However you can find a driver on GitHub by vadimtsushko:
He also wrote tutorial http://blog.dartwatch.com/2012/03/building-client-server-dart-app-part-2.html
Hope it gives you something to start with.
Here is a blog post I wrote awhile back that does a full stack example using mongodb and dart
The server side is still light, I'd suggest experimenting stream from rikulo http://rikulo.org/projects/stream Might be a cleaner solution then rolling your own web server.
Have fun!

Flash Player 9 vs Flash Player 10 with FLEX 3, ?_method=PUT/DELETE not working?

I have a FLEX 3 frontend that worked fine in FlashPlayer 9. But now that I've upgraded to FlashPlayer10, the ?_method=PUT/DELETE hack is not working anymore. All those requests show up as a POST on the backend now. I did some reading and it sounds like I need to use as3httpclientlib AND run a socket policy server to give access to port 80 (or any other port) in order to use as3httpclientlib. So my question is: are you freakin kidding me? How is it that, in earlier versions of Flex/flash player, all I had to do was add a simple string ("_method=") to the url. But now I have to do the hokey pokey AND turn my self around? Really? Please someone tell me that I've got this all wrong, and that _method= is, in fact, still supported. Otherwise, its BYE BYE FLEX/FLASH PLAYER - NEVER AGAIN!
I understand you very much, my friend, just had similar noise with authentication headers in new one Security Policy from Adobe. Anyway, if you'll share your code, maybe I could help you, because your goal is not clearly explained in your post, Buddy. So let me know please, cause java sandbox and silverlight are not the better way in this case. But maybe some javascript stuff could save our time.