Simulating PSoC 5LP - simulation

I am working on extracting strain gauge values mounted on my ATV (front suspension) with the help of a 20 bit ADC of PSoC 5LP. Before that, I would like to simulate it. So could you please suggest an appropriate simulator? I have tried it on proteus but seems like proteus does not support cypress chips.
Thank you for reading.

I got the solution: It is to upgrade the Proteus Software (Proteus 3.10).Here, libraries are provided from the internet so no need to manually search for them.
Thank you :)


Save images for my web server in SPIFFS on esp32-S2

Hi it's my first time using esp32-S2 because now its not recommended to use esp32. I'm looking for saving images in SPIFFS for my web server. In esp32 i used to use esp32fs plugin ( but it doesn't work for esp32-S2. I would like to know if there is any plugin like esp32fs and if not how can i save my images (I'm using arduinoIDE 1.8.19). I've been searching but i didn't found anything. Any orientation is welcomed. Thank you for your time and assistance.
You can try my ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD or ESP_FSWebServer example of ESP_WiFiManager library
Follow the instructions in ESP_FSWebServer Example
You can use either deprecated SPIFFS or the better LittleFS

LIBUSB for FTDI2232 to use I2C mode

Please help me to support this question:
Due to, we have used FTDI2232H and need to use “LIBUSB" to control FTDI2232H.
I want to ask How to control FTDI2232H related programs/code through LIBUSB.
1.To change MPSS mode to interface2?
2.To open iic and init it?
3.To set clock rate & set master mode?
4.The master write I2C code to slave ?
5.The master read I2C code from slave ?
I want to know how to use LIBUSB(libusb_bulk_transfer、libusb_control_transfer) to control FTDI2232H?
Please anyone can help me to solve my problem,I can not get full information from vendor here!!!
You can try this open-source library to talk with the FTDI:
Download and unzip it and then just follow the procedure on the README.
Once you finish it, if you are on build you can:
cd examples
Now you just load your examples on the terminal like using './'
You can also modify as you want and then remake those examples.

FPS Test Issue with Onvif Test Tool v21.12 rev.7225

When I test with v21.12 rev.7225,
Test items with issue:
Test camera:
AXIS P1375 with f/w 10.8.1, or 10.9.4 (It claims to pass v21.12)
IndigoVision BX620-4MP with f/w 2.2.0
Error Message:
"Only 0 frames captured (0.0 FPS)"
Note that we've tried increase Operation Delay, yet still fail the test items.
What we confuse:
We've tested numerous cameras with both OTT v21.06 and OTT v21.12.
With OTT v21.06, we passed both test items without issues.
Yet with OTT v21.12, the fail rate is at around 80% as we tested several times with each cameras.
All setups are exactly the same, except the OTT version.
It's also quite weird to us that not every time we test with OTT v21.12 result fail.
We'd like to know if there's any change on test procedure or criteria for both test items to help us solve the issues.
I also encountered the same problem and found that the new version updated the UDP port used to obtain the URL stream is fixed
So nice
We had the same problem and we were looking
If you check the link above, this is an ONVIF Test Tool bug
Maybe it will be fixed in v22.06! Hope this helps!
And check the ONVIF_Device_Test_Tool_Errata v3.50 file!
You can get that file at
good news,
v22.06 already fix this problem written on ONVIF_Device_Test_Tool_Errata v3.51.pdf,
Erratum number: 60
share with everyone
You need to remember two things about the ONVIF conformance (none of those are related to programming):
Each ONVIF compliant camera published on has an Interface Guide that explains if special settings are required before starting the test.
To be ONVIF conformant, cameras must have one FW tested with the testtool that was valid at the time of the certification. There is no requirement to re-certify the FW once newer versions of the test tool are released. Therefore it may happen that they pass with 21.06 and not with 21.12

Calibrating a resistive touchscreen for libinput

I'm using a GUI application framework (EGT) on an ATMEL/ Microchip SAMA5D4. The framework features
DRM/KMS and X11 backends.
I've looked at using tslib to calibrate a restive touchscreen for the device but due to EGT limitations it looks like I'm going to have to use libinput for the moment.
Is there a calibration mechanism (equivalent of tslib) available for libinput? I've looked at xlibinput_calibrator & it seems like it could be a solution but I'll have to sort out the dependencies in the Yocto build.
For anyone looking at this xlibinput_calibrator looks like it requires X11 & was not an option.
I eventually ended up using a startup script to prevent EGT capturing raw events (deleted /dev/event0 or similiar) from the touchscreen & instead use the calibrated source from ts_input.

How to get FATfs working on Xmega A4? Not sure what I should add or what file to edit

First of all, I have already been through, and while it has helped me, it is a bit vague (in my opinion).
I am attempting to read an SD Card with an Xmega128a4u using ASF (because the non-ASF way is too underground for me...). Anyway, although ASF has an example with the Xplained board for Xmega C3, it is not very helpful, and my attempts at porting it fail.
So, the following is what I do:
I start a Project in ASF (I'm programming in C)
I add the FATfs, SD/MMC and systemClock divers(or modules or services) to my project through ASF Wizard.
I get kind of lost... :(
I read in elm-chan's page that some sort of "glue file" but it's not very specific in what it should be. What should I #include in it or where should I #include it?
I'd appreciate some help on this as I have tried several things with no success.
you have to addapt the disk_read, disk_write, ... functions in the diskio.c file. they will connect the fatFS library with your (low-level) sd communication.
you should may first test a simple communication with the sd-card without file system.
I have the same "project" but with an arduino due board instead of Xmega and the simple communication does allready work, so I can read and write. But my problem is to addapt the FatFS correctly and I suppose that the fault can be localized in my diskio.c functions, cause they are individual.
Maybe someone has got the same problem and can help me?