Second page based on selected value in first page with direct query in obiee - oracle12c

I have an analysis with direct query. I use action link. but when i click on a value the prompt in the second analysis did not Initialize with that value. any one can help me?


building a form with dynamic fields in progress 4gl

I am trying to display a list of open indents with check boxes before them each line. Based on the selection a report will be generated next with further details.
Table: xxind_mstr (xxind_nbr, xxind_shipto, xxind_askedby, xxind_date).
Is there any way that I can bring the records from xxind_mstr and place them in the FORM with check boxes ?
Note: This only works if dynamic. Never hardcode this approach.
Name each check box with the value of ROWID(xxind_mstr).
This way on the post you can read back through the each xxind_mstr getting the value of the the rowid.
I'd like some more info, just to know if I'm not talking rubbish here. You want to display the records in xxind_mstr as checkboxes, then upon selection of the report setup, fire the report respecting the checkboxes flagged? If so, then I'd use a browse pre-built with a temp-table containing the xxind_mstr records, and a "flagged" field, this being a logical view-as checkbox, and when they run the report, do a
FOR EACH ttxxind_mstr WHERE flagged = true, and you should have what you want.

Display Value in Epicor

I am building an Epicor Configurator and I need to retrieve the Display Value of a Combo Box to a set it a a Part Description. I am able to get the value fine but I want to be able to fetch the display value as well. Your help is needed.
P.S. my combo box fetches its data from a BAQ.
When I want the value in a text field, I've used
to get it's value.

Crystal Reports limit Select Expert dropdown

How do I limit the Select Expert drop downdown to only a few records which I want in there?
In the image, the dropdown which I am referring to is the one with "01-NON-Exempt" in it. This dropdown pulls all records from the hrtables.fdesc field. I want to limit the records to only a select few which will populate this dropdown.
The dialog you're trying to use (Select Expert) is a design-time feature, and it will show all the records in the dropdown. The only way to change/restrict what it shows is to change/restrict what the database returns.
What you are probably looking for is a way to offer a similar dropdown to users at report run-time. That's what parameters are for. You can provide a parameter with a list of values (which can be a subset of field values), and when a user refreshes the report, they will be prompted to choose a value from the list.
For some more details, I did a quick search and found this article (pages 3-4) seems to be a decent explanation of how to create a parameter and use it in the record select expert.

SSRS Aggreation on Calculated Field

I am trying to perform an aggregation on a calculated Field in SSRS and am getting the following error:
[rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textrun 'Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers
This is the formula I tried to use:
=Sum(ReportItems!PlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
In this Case PlanPurcPrice is also an Expression:
=First(Fields!PawPlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
SSRS 2008 does not support the functionality you are looking for unless the report item is located in the header or footer (as is stated in the error message). I would, instead, propose two alternate solutions:
First Option
Place the calculation in your query (if possible) at which point you can then reference the field and the aggregate will work as desired.
Second Option
You essentially want to create the aggregate you're looking to return elsewhere in the report where it is directly connected to the Select_UCPUtilization scope, then reference the aggregated value elsewhere. Follow these steps:
Within the same scope as report item PlanPurchPrice, calculate a sum of the PlanPurchPrice. Name the textbox containing the aggregate something meaningful (e.g., Sum_PlanPurchPrice).
Reference that textbox directly wherever you were trying to use the ReportItems sum before (i.e., =ReportItems!Sum_PlanPurchPrice.Value)
Hide the workaround. Place the aggregate you created in an additional column or row attached to the Select_UCPUtilization scope. Turn the text white, turn off growth and shrinkage, and make the row very tiny (a pixel or two high).
Using the second option, the report item does exist (and is visible, which is important) on the report and contains the sum you are looking to return elsewhere.
Hope this helps. if this doesn't make sense, please reply via comment and I'll help you to the best of my ability.

Adding Row click event or a check box to each of the rows in a SSRS report

I'm new to SSRS. These may be very trivial questions.
I've a SSRS report, which shows employees in row by row format. Is there any way that I can double click on a row and get the corresponding employeeID of the row. And another question is can I have check boxes in each of the rows so that I can do something based on the rows that was checked? Please help.
Thanks in advance.
To your first question regarding dynamically hiding and showing the employeeid, you would want to use the Visibility property on the employeeid column,row or textbox and set visibility to "HIDE" and check "Display can be toggled by this report item" This will allow you to interactive show/hide the data.
Toggled Item Example
Another quick and easy option would be to set the tooltip property of one of the employee textboxes to
This would give you the employeeid without clicking anything, just hovering over the field.
For your second question about checkboxes, the easy answer is no, it's not built-in to do that. But I have seen interactive "game" reports that run stored procedures to update data as you click on textboxes (which you could make to appear as checkboxes) and drill-through to itself to show refreshed data, but it's more of a hack than actual functionality. Here's a link to one of the examples I've seen.