Strapi instalation has error: connect ECONNREFUSED - postgresql

I just install Strapi but with PostgreQL DB (not using -- quickstart which means SQLite)
1. yarn create strap'-app name-of-my-project,
2. submit all QA=default step-by-step (database=strapi, port=default, login/password nothing fancy, and last without SSL connection)
And the finall result is not so descriptive. Only server error with connecting, which I don't know
Connection test failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
Problem solved! (after 2 hours of trying instalation)
The answer is => You have to install PostgreSQL DB too on your computer
Once its done, next, you can run Strapi by yarn develop
So the problem is solved. Other problem in meantime solved
`Server wasn't able to start properly. Error: The server does not support SSL connections. Try to install without SSL connection (last question in Strapi install process)

I know you resolved the issue but just posting this in case anybody needs specific instructions.
I followed this tutorial and it's working for me now.
Sidenote: Once I installed Postgres and ran the command psql postgres it prompted me to enter my password. Despite putting in the correct password it still gave me an error that it is the wrong password, so I ran psql postgres postgres and then entering my password resolved the issue for me.

Instead of downloading postgres you can apply docker and it works the same

I had the same problem and as Kris says above, you need to install postgresql, pgAdmin and create the database first to then can create your Strapi project linked to you database.
I followed this youtube tutorial (in spanish) to solve it very easy.
Also need to avoid enable SSL for your local project. If you need to change this option in the future you can make it in the strapi config/database.js file.
Good luck!


Error while using createdb command postgresql on windows 10

I am a new user of PostgreSQL, and I am learning it so that I can use it with Django, so I am trying to use the createdb command to create a new database, but even though I am entering the correct password for my account, I am getting this error. I reinstalled everything and checked everything I could think of but I was not able to solve this error. So, if I can get some help regarding this issue it would be nice.
Even using the command psql, and submitting the correct password, gives the same error.
I am using Windows 10.
As far as I checked, I needed to enter the password I used while installing PostgreSQL.
By the way, I am using the latest version of PostgreSQL 14.1
The command I used:
createdb testdatabase
createdb: error: connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<username_placeholder>"
So, basically, I figured the solution myself. I am just posting it here because mostly answers are available for Linux and not Windows. So, if a windows user has a similar problem, maybe this answer could help them.
So, the first thing is, if you need to open psql, use the command:
psql -U postgres
and then enter the password you used while installing PostgreSQL. Now, if you wish to do something similar to what I tried, what I mean is to use createdb command in the terminal itself, then you will have to create a new user using the same username as you do for your PC, like in my case, it is aryan.
(For example: C:\Users\aryan\).
I followed instructions from this website.
I personally used pgAdmin 4 to do it, you could also use the SQL commands themselves.
After doing everything, when I used the createdb command directly from the terminal/powershell, it asked my the password which I had used to create the other user( with the same username as my system/pc) using pgAdmin 4. That's it. This helped me out.

Connect Postman to Postgres

There is a problem.
I need to access Postgres Database from Postman. Database isn't local, it is on a server, but I have full connection string (host, db_name, user_name/password, scheme).
Any chances to do it?
I tried PostgREST, but I can't install it. I have LIBPQ.dll is not found error. I installed it but it was no help, I still have 0xc00007b error.
So that I can't install PostgREST.
Should I install it on the server where DB is located?
And is there any other way?
update: I managed to overcome all the errors (here is the note how to overcome 0xc00007b error:
Now I can call postgrest from cmd with the flag --help, but it's still not connected to the database.
update2: I managed the connection by putting postgrest.conf filled file in the same directory as postgrest.exe file and running in from cmd.
search for app and browser control in start menu, then select exploitation control :
set randomize image ASLR to off

"Null value for 'password'" - PostgreSQL in DataGrip

I have browsed the web but didn't find any answers/solution to my problem, so i hope somebody here can help me:
I have downloaded DataGrip because i wanted to replace pgAdmin 4. When i try to create a PostgreSQL data source and host it locally, i get the following error: "Null value for 'password'". In pgAdmin 4 i do remember creating a password to access my local database when i first set it up, and it worked fine. However, i don't remember creating a password when installing DataGrip. Is there some default password that im not aware of? And what should be written under "User"?
DataGrip can only connect to the server which already exists (and therefore has a password). "Data source" is the term of DataGrip.
In other words, you need to already have a working database on the server with the known credentials.

Aqueduct failed to execute db migration file

I'm trying to learn Dart and Aqueduct. I'm following the Aqueduct tutorial. Up to now everything worked ok. But when connecting to the database I get an error.
I'm using:
Windows 10
PostreSQL 13
Dart 2.10.0
Aqueduct 4.0.0-b1
I get the following error:
*** There was an error connecting to the database 'heroes_user:password#localhost:5432/heroes'. Reason: unable to connect to database.
Command prompt with error
I can connect to the database using psql or DBeaver, so username (heroes_user), password (password) and database (heroes) are correct.
I started with Aqueduct 3, but after I search for the error I noticed other people had similar problems and the suggestion was to upgrade to Aqueduct 4. So I executed pug get + updated pubspec.yaml + pub global activate aqueduct 4.0.0-B1. This did not result in any progress.
Other suggestions I found were to change the password authentication method. I modified pg_hba.conf to include the line:
host all all md5
But this did not have any success either.
I'm not sure in which direction to search anymore. I've noticed similar questions, but without actual answers.
Any suggestions?
Solved. Problem seemed to be with PostgreSQL 13.
I installed PostgreSQL 12.4 and ran the command to create the database migration file. Then ran the database update command and it worked immediately.

Can't connect to postgresql server installed locally on my machine

I have installed the DSP(Dreamfactory Service Platform) locally on my Mac Book Pro using Bitnani.
I have a PostGreSQL server running locally on my Macbook, which I want to connect to using the DSP.
I am successfully able to connect to my PostGreSQL server from other applications, which essentially means that there is no problem with the setup.
However, on trying to connect the same from DSP I get the error:- "Failed to launch service "sql": CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection."
My connection string is :- "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=Pinu"
Also, the password has been correctly entered.
The port is default as 5432. Whether or not I enter the same in the connection string, the connection always fails.
Even though I am trying to add the service as Remote SQL DB, I know that it's actually on the same local host. Not sure if that is the issue.
I also tried entering - in place of localhost, but still I see the same issue.
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated!
After talking to you via email, it looks like the root issue here is that you haven't successfully upgraded your DSP to the latest version. We are releasing DreamFactory version 1.8 on Bitnami tomorrow, so you should upgrade to the latest version.
As far as your PostgreSQL issue let's explore some options:
1) Connection strings:
a) pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=Pinu
2) If these don't work, try substituting your localhost with (as you've tried previously, but test this in all scenarios).
Typically, Option A should work without a problem.
Give these a try if you would, and if you need some help upgrading then reach out to me again via email.