Why is my github pages showing my readme file and not the index.html?
Not seeing any index.html file in your github. If todolist.html is the one refering to, maybe try renaming it to index.html. That should work.
I am struggling to figure out why the only thing I see on github page is the read me file.
I followed the instructions to publish to a github page here :
my repo
Looks like readme.md takes priority over index.html.
You can either make orphan gh-page branch and put all your files (except readme.md) to this branch. Or create /docs folder and copy all your files to the /docs folder except of readme.md. And after this action enable the relevant sourcesetting in GitHub pages as it is described in the GitHub documentation
So i create a simple test repository https://github.com/mugas/imdb/.
The branch is gh-pages and I have an index.html file but it still opens the readme.md file instead. How can I change it to open the index.html?
Github Pages does not effect your normal repository page. It effects your github.io page.
You'll want to read the Github Help for Pages Basics and the instructions for Configuring Github Pages.
I have a .html file which I would like to set as the wiki to github, it is generated from .Rmarkdown so it would help a lot to do it automatically, the same way yo do with the README file.
I built a Hexo blog and hosted it on GitHub Pages. Since Hexo has no default README.md file, I'd like to add one myself.
I manually added the README.md through the console as 'hexo deploy'. The README file disappeared.
Then I copied the README file into a non-specific local folder and redeployed the website. Hexo parsed the README.md file into README.md.html, which I'm not interested in.
Adding README.md into the public or .deploy folders and running 'hexo g' also results in deleting the file.
I have answer a same question here.
you must do as follow two steps:
put README.md under source folder.
declare REAMDE.md after skip_render field in _config.yml.
this method is suit for hexo 3.0.1, and I have successed.
I've created a branch named gh-pages and pushed it to github. The username.github.io/projectname url is 404 however. What am I doing wrong?
Your index.html in that branch looks like it is a symlink to the xhtml file. Try just make it a copy instead of a symlink.
I tried this with one of my projects and confirmed that it will not work with a symlink but does work with the content in the index.html file.