Postgres pg_dump getting very slow while copying large objects - postgresql

I was performing a pg_dump operation on a postgres (v9) database of size around 80Gb.
The operation never seemed to finish even when trying the following:
running a FULL VACUUM before dumping
dumping the db into a directory-format archive (using -Fd)
without compression (-Z 0)
dumping the db into a directory in parallel (tried up to 10 threads -j 10)
When using the --verbose flag I saw that the most of the logs are related to creating/executing large objects.
When I tried dumping each table on its own (pg_dump -t table_name) the result was fast again (in minutes) but when restoring the dump to another db, the application that uses the db started throwing exceptions regarding some resources not being found (they should've been in the db)
As in Postgres pg_dump docs when using the -t flag the command will not copy blobs.
I added the flag -b (pg_dump -b -t table_name) and the operation went back to being slow.
So the problem I guess is with exporting the blobs in the db.
The number of blobs should be around 5 Million which can explain the slowness in general but the duration of execution is lasting as long as 5 hours before killing the process manually.
The blobs are relatively small (Max 100 Kb per blob)
Is this expected? or is there something fishy going around?

The slowness was due to high number of orphaned blobs
Apparently when launching a FULL VACUUM on a postgres database, it doesn't not remove orphaned large objects.
When I queried the amount of large objects in my database
select count(distinct loid) from pg_largeobject;
The displayed amount from the query did not match the expected value. The expected amount of blobs should be around 5 Million in my case.
The table (the one that I created in the app) that references those blobs, in my case, is subject for frequent updates and postgres does not delete the old tuples (rows) but rather marks them as 'dead' and inserts the new ones. With each update to the table the old blob becomes no longer referenced by alive tuples, only by dead ones which makes it an orphaned blob.
Postgres has a dedicated command 'vacuumlo' to vacuum orphaned blobs.
After using it (the vacuum took around 4h) the dump operation became much faster. The new duration is around 2h (previsouly taking hours and hours without finishing)


How to resolve Amazon RDS Postgresql instance's DiskFull error?

We are having a very small Database for storing some relational data in an Amazon RDS instance. The version of the PostgreSQL Engine is 12.7.
There are a number of lambda functions in AWS in the same region, that access this instance for inserting records. In the process, some join queries are also used. We use psycopg2 Python library to interact with the DB. Since, the size of the data is very small, we have used a t2.small instance with 20GB storage and 1 CPU. In the production, however, a t2.medium instance has been used. Auto Scaling has not been enabled.
Recently, we have started experiencing an issue with this database. After the lambda functions run for a while, at some point, they time out. This is because the database takes too long to return a response, or, some times throws a Disk Full error as follows:
could not write to file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp1258.168": No space left on device
I have referred this documentation to identify the cause. Troubleshoot RDS DiskFull error
Following are the queries for checking the DB file size:
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('db_name'));
The response of this query is 35 MB.
SELECT pg_size_pretty(SUM(pg_relation_size(oid))) FROM pg_class;
The output of the above query is 33 MB.
As we can see, the DB file size is very small. However, on checking the size of the temporary files, we see the following:
SELECT datname, temp_files AS "Temporary files",temp_bytes AS "Size of temporary files" FROM pg_stat_database;
If we look at the size of the temporary files, its roughly 18.69 GB, which is why the DB is throwing a DiskFull error.
Why is the PostgreSQL instance not deleting the temporary files after the queries have finished? Even after rebooting the instance, the temporary file size is the same (although this is not a feasible solution as we want the DB to delete the temporary files on its own). Also, how do I avoid the DiskFull error as I may want to run more lambda functions that interact with the DB.
Just for additional information, I am including some RDS Monitoring graphs taken while the DB slowed down for CPU Utilisation and Free Storage Space:
From this, I am guessing that we probably need to enable autoscaling as the CPU Utilisation hits 83.5%. I would highly appreciate if someone shared some insights and helped in resolving the DiskFull error and identify why the temporary files are not deleted.
One of the join queries the lambda function runs on the database is:
scl1.*, scl2.date_to AS compiled_date_to
column_name_loading ON = logger_main_config_column_name_loading.column_name_loading_id
sensor_config_column_name_loading ON sensor_config_column_name_loading.column_name_loading_id =
sensor_config_loading AS scl1 ON = sensor_config_column_name_loading.sensor_config_loading_id
SELECT id, hash, min(date_from) AS date_from, max(date_to) AS date_to
FROM sensor_config_loading
GROUP BY id, hash
) AS scl2
ON = AND scl1.hash=scl2.hash AND scl1.date_from=scl2.date_from
logger_main_config_loading_id = %(logger_main_config_loading_id)s;
How can this query be optimized? Will running smaller queries in a loop be faster?
pg_stat_database does not show the current size and number of temporary files, it shows cumulative historical data. So your database had 145 temporary files since the statistics were last reset.
Temporary files get deleted as soon as the query is done, no matter if it succeeds or fails.
You get the error because you have some rogue queries that write enough temporary files to fill the disk (perhaps some forgotten join conditions). To avoid the out-of-space condition, set the parameter temp_file_limit in postgresql.conf to a reasonable value and reload PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL: even read access changes data files disk leading to large incremental backups using pgbackrest

We are using pgbackrest to backup our database to Amazon S3. We do full backups once a week and an incremental backup every other day.
Size of our database is around 1TB, a full backup is around 600GB and an incremental backup is also around 400GB!
We found out that even read access (pure select statements) on the database has the effect that the underlying data files (in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/xxxxxx) change. This results in large incremental backups and also in very large storage (costs) on Amazon S3.
Usually the files with low index names (e.g. 391089.1) change on read access.
On an update, we see changes in one or more files - the index could correlate to the age of the row in the table.
Some more facts:
Postgres version 13.1
Database is running in docker container (docker version 20.10.0)
OS is CentOS 7
We see the phenomenon on multiple servers.
Can someone explain, why postgresql changes data files on pure read access?
We tested on a pure database without any other resources accessing the database.
This is normal. Some cases I can think of right away are:
a SELECT or other SQL statement setting a hint bit
This is a shortcut for subsequent statements that access the data, so they don't have t consult the commit log any more.
a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE writing a row lock
autovacuum removing dead row versions
These are leftovers from DELETE or UPDATE.
autovacuum freezing old visible row versions
This is necessary to prevent data corruption if the transaction ID counter wraps around.
The only way to fairly reliably prevent PostgreSQL from modifying a table in the future is:
never perform an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on it
run VACUUM (FREEZE) on the table and make sure that there are no concurrent transactions

psql copy command hangs with large CSV data set

I'm trying to load some large data sets from CSV into a Postgres 11 database (Windows) to do some testing. Fist problem I ran into was that with very large CSV I got this error: "ERROR: could not stat file "'D:/temp/data.csv' Unknown error". So after searching, I found a workaround to load the data from a zip file. So I setup 7-zip and was able to load some data with a command like this:
psql -U postgres -h localhost -d MyTestDb -c "copy my_table(id,name) FROM PROGRAM 'C:/7z e -so d:/temp/' DELIMITER ',' CSV"
Using this method, I was able to load a bunch of files of varying sizes, one with 100 million records that was 700MB zipped. But then I have one more large file with 100 million records that's around 1GB zipped, that one for some reason is giving me grief. Basically, the psql process just keeps running and never stops. I can see based on data files growing that it generates data up to a certain point, but then at some point it stops growing. I'm seeing 6 files in a data folder named 17955, 17955.1, 17955.2, etc. up to 17955.5. The Date Modified date on those files continues to be updated, but they're not growing in size and my psql program just sits there. If I shut down the process, I lose all the data since I assume it rolls it back when the process does not run to completion.
I looked at the logs in the data/log folder, there doesn't seem to be anything meaningful there. I can't say I'm very used to Postgres, I've used SQL Server the most, so looking for tips on where to look, or what extra logging to turn on, or anything else that could help figure out why this process is stalling.
Figured it out thanks to #jjanes comment above (sadly he/she didn't add an answer). I was adding 100 million records to a table with a foreign key to another table with 100 million records. I removed the foreign key, added the records, and then re-added the foreign key, that did the trick. I guess checking the foreign keys is just too much with a bulk insert this size.

Moving Postgresql - download all data and table creation, but without indexes

I'm trying to move postgresql between two servers. There's rsync connectivity between the two servers.
My tables are large, around 200GB in total with nearly 800 million rows across 15 tables. For this volume of data, I found that COPY command for the key tables was far faster than the usual pg_dump. However, this only dumps the data.
Is there a way to dump only data this way, but also then dump the database creation script -- which will create the tables, and separately indexes? I'm thinking of the following sequence:
COPY all tables into file system. Just 15 files, therefore.
RSYNC these files to the new server.
On the new server, Create a fresh PG database: tables, foreign keys etc. But no indexes yet.
In this fresh PG database, COPY FROM all the tables, one by one. Slightly painful but worth it.
Then create the indexes, all in one go.
I'm seeing ways to get some scripts for #3 and #5 dumped by PG on the older server. The complication in the PG world is the OIDs for tables etc. Will this affect the tables and data on the new server? The pg_dump reference is a bit cryptic in its help material.
For #3, jsut the creation of the "schema" and tables, I could do this:
pg_dump --schema-only mybigdb
Will this carry all the OIDs and other complications, thereby being a good way to complete step #3?
And for only #5, not sure what I'd do. Just the indexes etc. Will I have to look inside the "schema only" file and separate out the indexes?
Appreciate any pointers.
Funny, the sequence you are describing is a pretty good description of what pg_dump/pg_restore does (with some oversights: e.g., for performance reasons, you wouldn't define a foreign key before you restore the data).
So I think that you should use pg_dump instead of reinventing the wheel.
You can get better performance out of pg_dump as follows:
Use the directory format (-Fd) and parallelize the COPY commands with -j number-of-jobs.
Restore the dump with pg_restore and use -j number-of-jobs for several parallel workers for data restore and index creation.
The only drawback is that you have to wait for pg_dump to finish before you can start pg_restore if you use the directory format. If that is a killer, you could use the custom format (-Fc) and pipe the result into pg_restore. That won't allow you to use -j with pg_dump, but you can still parallelize index creation and such with pg_restore -j.

postgres copy database to another server reduces database size

Installed postgres 9.1 in both the machine.
Initially the DB size is 7052 MB then i used the following command for copy to another server.
pg_dump -C dbname | bzip2 | ssh remoteuser#remotehost "bunzip2 | psql dbname"
After successfully copies, In destination machine i check size it shows 6653 MB.
then i checked for table count its same.
Has there been data loss? Is there missing data?
Two machines have same hardware and software configuration.
i used:
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('dbname'));
One of the PostgreSQL's most sophisticated features is so called Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), a standard technique for avoiding conflicts between reads and writes of the same object in database. MVCC guarantees that each transaction sees a consistent view of the database by reading non-current data for objects modified by concurrent transactions. Thanks to MVCC, PostgreSQL has great scalability, a robust hot backup tool and many other nice features comparable to the most advanced commercial databases.
Unfortunately, there is one downside to MVCC, the databases tend to grow over time and sometimes it can be a problem. In recent versions of PostgreSQL there is a separate server process called the autovacuum daemon (pg_autovacuum), whose purpose is to keep the database size reasonable. It does that by trying to recover reusable chunks of the database files. Still, there are many scenarios that will force the database to grow, even if the amount of the useful data in it doesn't really change. That happens typically if you have lots of UPDATE and/or DELETE statements in the applications that are using the database.
When you do a COPY, you recover extraneous space and so your copied DB appears smaller.
That looks normal. Databases are often smaller after restore, because a newly created b-tree index is more compact than one that's been progressively built by inserts. Additionally, UPDATEs and DELETEs leave empty space in the tables.
So you have nothing to worry about. You'll find that if you diff an SQL dump from the old DB and a dump taken from the just-restored DB, they'll be the same except for comments.