How to resolve Amazon RDS Postgresql instance's DiskFull error? - postgresql

We are having a very small Database for storing some relational data in an Amazon RDS instance. The version of the PostgreSQL Engine is 12.7.
There are a number of lambda functions in AWS in the same region, that access this instance for inserting records. In the process, some join queries are also used. We use psycopg2 Python library to interact with the DB. Since, the size of the data is very small, we have used a t2.small instance with 20GB storage and 1 CPU. In the production, however, a t2.medium instance has been used. Auto Scaling has not been enabled.
Recently, we have started experiencing an issue with this database. After the lambda functions run for a while, at some point, they time out. This is because the database takes too long to return a response, or, some times throws a Disk Full error as follows:
could not write to file "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp1258.168": No space left on device
I have referred this documentation to identify the cause. Troubleshoot RDS DiskFull error
Following are the queries for checking the DB file size:
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('db_name'));
The response of this query is 35 MB.
SELECT pg_size_pretty(SUM(pg_relation_size(oid))) FROM pg_class;
The output of the above query is 33 MB.
As we can see, the DB file size is very small. However, on checking the size of the temporary files, we see the following:
SELECT datname, temp_files AS "Temporary files",temp_bytes AS "Size of temporary files" FROM pg_stat_database;
If we look at the size of the temporary files, its roughly 18.69 GB, which is why the DB is throwing a DiskFull error.
Why is the PostgreSQL instance not deleting the temporary files after the queries have finished? Even after rebooting the instance, the temporary file size is the same (although this is not a feasible solution as we want the DB to delete the temporary files on its own). Also, how do I avoid the DiskFull error as I may want to run more lambda functions that interact with the DB.
Just for additional information, I am including some RDS Monitoring graphs taken while the DB slowed down for CPU Utilisation and Free Storage Space:
From this, I am guessing that we probably need to enable autoscaling as the CPU Utilisation hits 83.5%. I would highly appreciate if someone shared some insights and helped in resolving the DiskFull error and identify why the temporary files are not deleted.
One of the join queries the lambda function runs on the database is:
scl1.*, scl2.date_to AS compiled_date_to
column_name_loading ON = logger_main_config_column_name_loading.column_name_loading_id
sensor_config_column_name_loading ON sensor_config_column_name_loading.column_name_loading_id =
sensor_config_loading AS scl1 ON = sensor_config_column_name_loading.sensor_config_loading_id
SELECT id, hash, min(date_from) AS date_from, max(date_to) AS date_to
FROM sensor_config_loading
GROUP BY id, hash
) AS scl2
ON = AND scl1.hash=scl2.hash AND scl1.date_from=scl2.date_from
logger_main_config_loading_id = %(logger_main_config_loading_id)s;
How can this query be optimized? Will running smaller queries in a loop be faster?

pg_stat_database does not show the current size and number of temporary files, it shows cumulative historical data. So your database had 145 temporary files since the statistics were last reset.
Temporary files get deleted as soon as the query is done, no matter if it succeeds or fails.
You get the error because you have some rogue queries that write enough temporary files to fill the disk (perhaps some forgotten join conditions). To avoid the out-of-space condition, set the parameter temp_file_limit in postgresql.conf to a reasonable value and reload PostgreSQL.


PostgreSQL: even read access changes data files disk leading to large incremental backups using pgbackrest

We are using pgbackrest to backup our database to Amazon S3. We do full backups once a week and an incremental backup every other day.
Size of our database is around 1TB, a full backup is around 600GB and an incremental backup is also around 400GB!
We found out that even read access (pure select statements) on the database has the effect that the underlying data files (in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/xxxxxx) change. This results in large incremental backups and also in very large storage (costs) on Amazon S3.
Usually the files with low index names (e.g. 391089.1) change on read access.
On an update, we see changes in one or more files - the index could correlate to the age of the row in the table.
Some more facts:
Postgres version 13.1
Database is running in docker container (docker version 20.10.0)
OS is CentOS 7
We see the phenomenon on multiple servers.
Can someone explain, why postgresql changes data files on pure read access?
We tested on a pure database without any other resources accessing the database.
This is normal. Some cases I can think of right away are:
a SELECT or other SQL statement setting a hint bit
This is a shortcut for subsequent statements that access the data, so they don't have t consult the commit log any more.
a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE writing a row lock
autovacuum removing dead row versions
These are leftovers from DELETE or UPDATE.
autovacuum freezing old visible row versions
This is necessary to prevent data corruption if the transaction ID counter wraps around.
The only way to fairly reliably prevent PostgreSQL from modifying a table in the future is:
never perform an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on it
run VACUUM (FREEZE) on the table and make sure that there are no concurrent transactions

Find unused tables in Amazon RDS (Postgres)

In an effort to do some basic housekeeping on our Amazon RDS (Postgresql) instance, my team hopes to drop unused or rarely used tables from our database. In Redshift, I used the stl_query table to determine which tables were accessed frequently enough to remain.
The problem is, I can't seem to figure out an equivalent strategy for Postgres. I tried checking the log files in the console, but these don't appear to have the correct info.
Aside from searching our code base for references to used tables, is there a good strategy to find unused / infrequently used tables in Postgres? If sufficient logs exist, I am willing to write some sort of parsing script to get the necessary data - I just need to find a good source.
It turns out the statistics I need live in the statistics collector views, specifically pg_stat_user_tables.
This is the query I was able to find infrequently accessed tables:
(idx_tup_fetch + seq_tup_read) < 5; --access threshold

RDS instance unusably slow after restoring from snapshot

Database: Postgres.
Version: 9.6
Host: Amazon RDS
Problem: After restoring from snapshot, the database is unusably slow.
Why: Something AWS calls the "first touch penalty". When a newly restored instance becomes available, the EBS volume attachment is complete but not all the data has been migrated to the attached EBS volume from S3. Only after initially "touching" the data will RDS realize the data isn't on the EBS volume and it needs to pull it from S3. This completely destroys our performance. We also cannot use dd or fio to pre-touch the data because RDS does not allow access to the mounted EBS volumes.
What I've done: Contact AWS support. They acknowledged that it's a problem, that they are working on it and that the only solution is to select * from all tables.
Why I still need help: The select * strategy did speed things up (I selected everything from the public schema), but not as much as is needed. So I read up on how postgres stores data to disk. There's a heck of a lot on disk that wouldn't be "touched" by a simple select from user-defined tables.
My question: Being limited to only SQL queries/functions and not having direct access to the underlying disk, what are the best sql statements I can use to "touch" as much as possible on the disk in order to get it loaded on the EBS volume from S3?
My suggestion would be to manually trigger a vacuum analyze, this will do a full table scan of each table within scope to update the planner with fresh statistics. You can scope this fairly easily to only a certain schema, the database in question and the Postgres schema for example could help keep total time down if you have multiple databases within the one host.
The operation is rather time consuming and I'm not aware of a good way to parallelize it. There is also the vacuumdb utility but this just runs a query with a vacuum statement in it.
Source: I asked RDS support this very question a few days ago.
edit: will reformat later, on mobile

Redshift "INSERT INTO" blocked during a separate COPY

I have been playing with Redshift recently, and found an odd (or maybe not so odd) behavior. When a COPY (from S3) is in progress, if I do INSERT INTO in a completely different table in a different schema, the INSERT INTO query takes way too much time. When nothing else is running on the redshift cluster, the INSERT INTO query finishes within 3-5 minutes. But, when a COPY is in progress, the same INSERT INTO query takes 1-2 hours.
Looking at the Redshift dashboard, the odd thing is that read throughput is close to zero. Given that my INSERT INTO query contains a select, I would imagine that the read throughput would be higher. So, it feels like the COPY query is blocking all other writes. I have checked the LOCKs (STV_LOCKS) table and there is no conflict between LOCKS for COPY and INSERT INTO. Is it possible that the COPY query blocks all other writes?
Thanks in advance
You need to check parameter group configuration ( for your cluster in AWS console) -> Workload Management Configuration.
Check for concurrency .By default its 5 . you can increase the value ( max is up to 50) . This will allow concurrent connections. When you are doing copy command some of the connections are used so for insert into query , there might not connections left. So increase the concurrency and check again.
Hope this helps

How to set the table space of a sub select in PostgreSQL

I have a rather large Insert Query, and upon running this my slow disks fill up towards 100% upon where I revive:
Transaction aborted because DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device
Sounds believable, I have a Fast drive with lots of space on it that i could use instead of the slow disk but I dont want to make the fast disk the default table-space or move the table im inserting into to the fast disk, I just want that data-blob that is generated as part of the insert query to be on the fast disk table-space. Is this possible is PostgreSQL and if so how?
version 9.1
You want the temp_tablespaces configuration directive. See the docs.
Temporary files for purposes such as sorting large data sets are also
created in these tablespaces
You must CREATE TABLESPACE the tablespace(s) before using them in an interactive SET temp_tablespaces command.
SET LOCAL temp_tablespaces may be used to set it only for the current transaction.