a shader or decal that only renders the normal map - unity3d

so I've trying to find a decal solution to make a bullet hole decal on a surface that only renders the normal map. I've been searching all over the place but there's no results that works with unity's built in render pipeline i found this enter link description here but i don't really know how to set it up in my scene. apparently this effect works easily in unreal but no in unity
and here is the results I'm looking for
enter image description here


Use the sprite normal map to assimilate 3d mesh to use with Unity shaders

sorry if this is a noob question, is there a way to combine Unity shaders made using the Shader Graph with sprites? I would like to use the normal map attached to the texture to assimilate a 3d mesh, so that I can use some more advanced Shader Graph nodes (e.g. Fresnel).
It seems that the 2d shader examples online work only on the dissolve effect, character outline, tint changes, ... and I cannot find anything on using the highlights/lowlights already present in the 2d art to make it behave like 3d. I also have not found any examples of more complex shader effects that work on 2d. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
To give a more specific example, could this shader be adjusted to apply to a sprite?

Unity VR custom shader material is only rendered in the left eye

I have a problem in my Unity VR project, where I'm doing a red highlight material created from an Unity Built-in Shader Graph.
However, the material is only rendered in the Left Eye and not in the Right Eye, which makes it look strange when seeing the highlight in VR. How can I make the material appear in both Eyes (left and right)?
I'm using the Built-In pipeline and my Oculus are the Oculus Rift.
Here are two pictures, one from my problem and the other that is how I have my shader graph:
How the highlight appears in VR, with the material only being rendered in the Left eye
How my shader graph is
Edit: Nevermind. I was using a Single Pass Stereo Rendering Mode, and it started being rendered in both eyes as soon as I changed that to Multi Pass Stereo Rendering Mode.

VR Headset issue: objects displayed in one eye because of default shader. (in my case TextMeshPro shader)

I have:
High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)
Single pass rendering (no ability to change)
VR Headset
Part of objects displayed only in one eye.
Investigation show that the reason of this -- non-compatible shaders for such environment. For particle system I have resolved such problem with own shader created using ShaderGraph (below is solution)
But My problem of this question is:
I have no idea how to write correct shader for TextMeshPro Text.
Can anybody help with this?
THIS FIX WORKS FOR PARTICLE SYSTEM one eye issue: Shadergraph shader (works well with transparency, Color over lifetime, etc)

Implement Zoom(using UI Canvas) in Unity 2d game

I want to implement as showed in the below image in 2D game, I can find so many tutorials for 3D like mini map concept but for 2D i couldn't find anything. In my game i want to show a secondary
camera as in below image and also i need to zoom the content that will show through it. I developed one concept but it can be done with sprites or with Canvas in World Space mode. So you can see
they won't resize or positioned according to the screen resolution. If you guys have any idea how to do this task,it will be very helpful for me. And i also tried with depth mask shader .Thanks in advance.
Use a camera with target texture
Follow my tutorial here: Particles with Dynamic Text but disregard the parts about the particle system, they are irrelevant for you.
Once you've made a material, stop following the tutorial, and instead:
Create a sprite renderer on a canvas that is "Screen Space - Overlay" and set the material to be the one that you created.

How to write a custom shader in Unity 3D that lights up a specific pixel or group of pixel?

I'm making a FPS game in Unity, and I want the environment to light up as the player is shooting on his environment.
So say I have a tree. First it would be entirely black or greyish, but if I shoot somewhere, I would see some green.
To accomplish this feature, I'm using a raycast to have the impact point and so I can access any renderer of the point that the player is shooting on.
I guess the next step would be to write a custom shader to light the exact pixel that is shot.
Do you have any idea how I could write this shader or another way of doing this effect?
If you are using deferred rendering: Deferred decals.
If you are using forward rendering: Projectors.
If you need some more advanced "paint-like" functionality, use render textures coupled with RaycastHit.textureCoord to get the exact UV coordinate at your ray intersection point. You can draw stuff to render textures using Graphics.Blit. Check out this github project for some inspiration on how to do this.