Infinite loop in critical section solutions - operating-system

Why is the significance of do while(infinite loop) in this
turn = 1;
Critical section
Remainder section
}while(1); //(or untill false)```


randcase weight behaviour unexpected

class test1;
function test_randcase();
for (int idx=0; idx < 10; idx++) begin
50: begin
$display("displaying from first cases");
50: begin
$display("displaying from second case");
program main;
initial begin
test1 t1=new();
Since each case is equally weighed here (50/100=0.5) so the expectation is that I would see each display 5 times in total. However, I see "first case" print 6 times and "second case" print 4 times. If this is the behavior of randcase, then how would I achieve my intention of equal weight? I used vcs compiler for this execution.
displaying from second case
displaying from first cases
displaying from first cases
displaying from first cases
displaying from first cases
displaying from second case
displaying from first cases
displaying from second case
displaying from second case
displaying from first cases
Looking at this problem another way, suppose you had to choose a completely random 10-bit number where each bit has a 50% chance of being 0 or 1. There are 1024 possible numbers with a 1/1024 chance of having 10 1's and a 1/1024 chance of having 10 0's. And the odds of choosing a number with exactly 5 1's and 5 0's is around 25%. If you run more iterations, your randcase distribution would approach 0.50, but the odds of getting an exact 0.5 distribution diminish.
If your requirement is getting an exact distribution, you need to know upfront how many iterations you plan to have. There are several approaches you could take, one of which I can show you
class test1;
enum {FIRST, SECOND} itor[10];
function new;
itor[0:4] = '{5{FIRST}};
itor[5:9] = '{5{SECOND}};
function void test_randcase();
foreach(itor[i]) begin
FIRST: begin
$display("displaying from first cases");
SECOND: begin
$display("displaying from second case");
module main;
test1 t1=new();
initial repeat(10)begin
Other ways are shown in my paper from DVCon 2020, SystemVerilog Constraints: Appreciating What You Forgot in School to Get Better Results

PLC_OPEN MC_MoveAbsolute with same position

sometimes it may happen that MC_MoveAbsolute is called with the same current position of the axis, in this case the "done" or "busy" states cannot be used to manage the end of the function because the function must not perform any movement.
I'm a newbie to these types of controls, the examples I've studied always use a state machine like this:
1: MC_MoveAbsolute .exec: = true;
if MC_MoveAbsolute .busy then // never goes high if AxisActPos = MC_MoveAbsolute.position;
MC_MoveAbsolute .exec: = false;
nextStep: = 2;
if MC_MoveAbsolute.done then
// do something
what is the best way to handle these situations?
I normally don't use the busy bit.
1: MC_MoveAbsolute .exec: = true;
nextStep: = 2;
2: if MC_MoveAbsolute.done then
MC_MoveAbsolute .exec: = false;
// do something
The nature of the case structure is that when the step is incremented, the new code won't be executed until the next program scan. So, presuming that you are executing your MC_MoveAbsolute function block on every scan outside of the case, the done bit will be set appropriately (depending on whether motion was needed or not) before it is checked in step 2 of the case.

Bounded Waiting in Test and Set Instruction

In order to gurantee Bounded wait in Test and set Instruction,following is the code given in Operating system book,Galvin -:
do {
1 waiting[i] = true;
2 while (waiting[i] && test_and_set(&lock)) ;
3 waiting[i] = false;
/* critical section */
4 j = (i + 1) % n;
5 while ((j != i) && !waiting[j])
6 j = (j + 1) % n;
7 if (j == i)
8 lock = false;
9 else
10 waiting[j] = false;
/* remainder section */
} while (true);
I am getting the complete code and concluded that
A process P_i will be in the critical section if either
Waiting [i]=false or test_and_set(&lock)=FALSE which ensures that Lock was FALSE previously. so Exit Section is either setting Waiting[j] or lock to FALSE.
But i have got some doubts-:
if in the exit section section it is found that same process again requests for critical section i.e
if j==i
then according to the code,that process have to start its execution form line number 2,i.e will execute
in while loop and find the return value of test_and_set(&lock)) as false and then move to critical section.My doubt is that if same process wants to be in critical section ,is it necessary to start its exection right from line number 2
2.Now i want to do following Permutation and want to check the possible outcome.i want to swap line number 8 and 10
in line number 8 if i make
then also it will move to critical section even though lock =true now.
in line number 10 if i make
then also it(process p_j) will move to critical section even though waiting[i]=true and i think it would be better because line number 3 will assign waiting[i]=false ,after the while loop breaks due to test_and_set(&lock)=false.
On the other hand if i make this change process have to execute test_and_set(&lock) which is time consuming
Is my assumption for point2 right?
what is the correct reason for point 1?
Regarding point 1:
My doubt is that if same process wants to be in critical section ,is
it necessary to start its exection right from line number 2
A process is basically an program in execution. A process just cannot jump around choosing which instruction to execute next. The control flow decides that. The control of the code(which is the process itself) suggests that if a process successfully enters critical section, and again wants to enter critical section, then it will first execute lines 4 to 10 and then execute remainder section and would have to start execution right from line 1
Regarding your point 2
Now i want to do following Permutation and want to check the possible
outcome.i want to swap line number 8 and 10
If you swap the lines, the bounded waiting condition would no longer exist.
Suppose that only 1 process P(i) made the request to access Critical Section and it successfully entered. So
lock = true and waiting[i] = true
because only then it would have been able to come out of the for loop. Now it starts executing from line 4
Then j takes following values:
i + 2 , i + 3, ......0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4....i
wrap around of values occurs because of % operator. And Because no other process made request to enter critical section, waiting[j] = false for j != i
Therefore the condition while ((j != i) && !waiting[j]) becomes false when j equals i, and now we are at line 7. The new code is:
if (j == i)
waiting[j] = false;
lock = false;
Now if any process makes a request to enter critical section, then while (waiting[i] && test_and_set(&lock)) ; would always evaluate to true because lock is true and waiting[i] is also true and it would be stuck in spinlock. There would be no progress.

How Jump instruction is executed based on value of Out- The Alu Output

Figure from The Elements of Computer System (Nand2Tetris)
Have a look at the scenario where
j1 = 1 (out < 0 )
j2 = 0 (out = 0 )
j3 = 1 (out > 0 )
How this scenario is possible as out < 0 is true as well as out > 0 but out = 0 is false. How out can have both positive and negative values at the same time?
In other words when JNE instruction is going to execute although it theoretically seems possible to me but practically its not?
If out < 0, the jump is executed if j1 = 1.
If out = 0, the jump is executed if j2 = 1.
If out > 0, the jump is executed if j3 = 1.
Hopefully now you can understand the table better. In particular, JNE is executed if out is non-zero, and is skipped if out is zero.
The mnemonic makes sense if those are match-any conditions, not match-all. i.e. jump if the difference is greater or less than zero, but not if it is zero.
Specifically, sub x, y / jne target works the usual way: it jumps if x and y were equal before the subtraction. (So the subtraction result is zero). This is what the if(out!=0) jump in the Effect column is talking about.
IDK the syntax for Nand2Tetris, but hopefully the idea is clear.
BTW, on x86 JNZ is a synonym for JNE, so you can use whichever one is semantically relevant. JNE only really makes sense after something that works as a compare, even though most operations set ZF based on whether the result is zero or not.

Debugging Skip to a step in for loop

Considering debugging through a for loop
The length for this loop is just used for demo purpose
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//do something
//something more
//something more
how do i skip to Xth iteration i would want to test : in this case if i want to test what happens when i=567.
is there any way by which i can have eclipse halted precisely at i=567 in this loop ?
I am debugging over many for loops which run over varying large lengths.
Switch to Debug Perspective.Go to Break point view. Select the break point and enable hit count and enter hit count as 567.