Plugin activation issue when running junit with tycho-surefire-plugin - eclipse

I'm trying to add junit suites to my Maven/ Tycho pipeline and all of them except for one suite seems to work. I'm receiving the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: my/plugin/ui/Activator
at my.plugin.ui.junit (
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: An error occurred while automatically activating bundle my.plugin.ui (50).
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Workbench has not been created yet.
My junit pom looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Locally, I'm able to run the junit suite as expected with my.plugin.ui project opened or closed (when setting the RCP application as the target-platform).
I'm not sure why this specific junit suite is unable to startup the necessary ui plugin when executing in Maven/ Tycho automation environment.


Maven error: Failed to run the ecj compiler: Unrecognized option : --patch-module

I'm using Maven in Eclipse for a modular Java project, and have managed to make Maven use the Eclipse compiler following the answer to this question.
However, the Maven test-compile target fails with the error message
Failed to run the ecj compiler: Unrecognized option : --patch-module
which is quite surprising (actually unbelievable) because Eclipse is well up to patching modules.
Here's the pom.xml for a MVE, consisting of a modular project patchmodule:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
The error kicks in as soon as you give the project a single test, such as
package patchmodule.test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class Test {
void test() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
and then do a Maven install, or any target that will invoke testCompile.
Is this a bug (and if so, whose)? More importantly, is there a way to work around it? Any help is much appreciated.

Eclipse: Convert to Maven - unknown packaging: eclipse-plugin

I am trying to convert my Eclipse RCP 3 Product into a Maven Project.
This is the pom.xml it created:
<project xmlns=""
The error message "Project Build Error: Unknown packaging: eclipse-plugin" comes up. I don't know how to fix that.
You need to tell Maven to enable the Tycho extension (which registers Tycho’s packaging types):
See the Tycho Reference Card for details.
You should also get in the habit of defining a tychoVersion property, as Tycho will complain if you mix multiple versions of the various Tycho plugins in your build.

Eclipse could not find artifact on local maven-plugin module

I have a maven project with 1 parent and 5 modules. One of the modules (call it P) is of packaging "maven-plugin", which is configured to be run in the execution phase "process-test-classes of other module (call it T).
The module T has pom.xml as follows. I omitted dependencies, but they don't include P. As in many other cases it all works perfectly in command line.
Question: Whatever I do Eclipse shows "Could not find artifact org.local.enhancer:pom:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT pom.xml /test line 1 Maven Configuration Problem".
Seems like the issue started after installing "m2e-wtp" v0.17 to resolve other issue with offending jars. Configuration is Eclipse Juno SR2, m2e v1.3.1, m2e-wtp v0.17.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Does anybody have any insight on this? Thanks!

How to add the plugin with my RCP application in the Tycho SWTBot test runtime

My RCP was created on a 3.x Eclipse and is now on 4.x using the compatibility layer.
This is the setup that I have: I have two plugins: xyz-plugin and xyz-rcp-plugin. My RCP application is composed of these two plugins. I have a Test fragment (xyz-test) whose host plugin is xyz-plugin and contains SWTBot tests. My product configuration points to the application defined in the plugin.xml of xyz-rcp-plugin.
When I run the SWTBot Test via Eclipse, it all works ok. I point it to the correct application on the Main tab and it launches the correct one.
When I try to run it via Maven (using mvn integration-test), after the command to launch the UI for testing, no UI opens and it just reports saying there are test failures but it never actually even reaches the stage for testing my cases.
I feel this is happening because my test fragment only has xyz-plugin as its host and so knows its dependency but the application is actually contained in xyz-rcp-plugin so I am guessing it doesn't bring that plugin into the testing workspace. In fact, the test runs when I omit the <application> configuration in my pom file; it simple launches the default which is the Eclipse SDK.
So but how can I make the SWTBot test run my application, if the plugin with the application is not a dependency of the test plugin?
Below is my pom file for the test fragment,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- explicit dependency is only needed because SWTbot brings its
own hamcrest bundle which conflicts with the one from junit in the eclipse
platform -->
Tycho does not automatically add the bundle defining the configured <application> to the test runtime - you need to manually ensure that this bundle is included.
One way to do this is to specify extra dependencies in the pom.xml of the test project. In this way, you can add bundles or even entire features (as always, including transitive dependencies) to the test runtime.
Example pom.xml snippet:

Why can't maven plugin work with eclipse java compiler?

I installed m2eclipse plugin in my eclipse.I have a java project in eclipse. Then I add a pom.xml into the root folder of my project. Convert my project into maven project. Now the problem comes: I can download jar contained in pom.xml, but can't import it into my java file.
Always got java compile error in my project. In package explorer view,I can see maven dependencies.
I have tried this:maven clean, restart eclipse, project clean.
Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Tom source code</description>
One possibility could be the package/class what you are trying to import is not available in the version of the jar file you have mentioned in the pom.xml.