Eclipse: Convert to Maven - unknown packaging: eclipse-plugin - eclipse

I am trying to convert my Eclipse RCP 3 Product into a Maven Project.
This is the pom.xml it created:
<project xmlns=""
The error message "Project Build Error: Unknown packaging: eclipse-plugin" comes up. I don't know how to fix that.

You need to tell Maven to enable the Tycho extension (which registers Tycho’s packaging types):
See the Tycho Reference Card for details.
You should also get in the habit of defining a tychoVersion property, as Tycho will complain if you mix multiple versions of the various Tycho plugins in your build.


How to handle Dependencies in Eclipse Plugin Project using Tycho

I'm writing an eclipse plugin and I'd like to manage it using Maven, specifically dependencies.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
I can successfully build this project, however Junit is not visible in my project, I'm not able to call any classes or method from Junit. So it seems I'm not properly using dependencies . Any idea how I can use dependencies? Junit is just an example, no dependency is available to me after a successful build.
I'm a noob to plugins and Maven so any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
You can create a p2 repository from a location of your own filled with jars/plugins/features (also put there jUnit) and then just add that repository to your pom.xml; the external dependency is not a good idea I think, I would recommend using a cached local repository.
How to create p2 repository :
Also, when building your Eclipse RCP product, use a custom target platform and also dump in there Eclispe SDK, JUnit+others jars, etc (just google Eclipe target platform)
A very late answer. For those who come on this now, there is the Orbit Eclipse repository which contain a lot of libraries useable with Tycho builds. Junit is one of these.

When automating Eclipse's "Export as Feature", Maven/Tycho doesn't see my plugin

I have a plugin and a feature project in my workspace. When I export the feature manually via File > Export As > Feature everything works well. I'm trying to write an automatic plugin building and exporting script to get rid of this chore. I converted feature project to Maven project and filled pom.xml with:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
However script throws:
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR] Software being installed: 1.0.0.qualifier
[ERROR] Missing requirement: 1.0.0.qualifier requires 'GDBFifoBlocks [1.0.0.gdbfifoblocks]' but it could not be found
How could that happen? I thought pom.xml uses feature.xml of project, doesn't it? What is a proper configuration?
So far, your configuration looks good. However you currently only have an automated build for your feature, but not the for the plugin. Unlike the Eclipse export wizard, eclipse-feature only processes the feature.xml - and it expects that the referenced plugins are built elsewhere.
So what you need to do is to set up a Maven reactor which includes both an eclipse-feature and an eclipse-plugin project. Here is how you do this:
Make your current pom.xml the parent POM: Change the packaging to pom, adapt the artifactId to something which makes sense (e.g. MyProject.parent), and move the pom.xml into a new general project in your workspace.
Add a pom.xml in the root of the feature project:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Add another pom.xml in the root of the plugin project, which is the same as the one above except for the artifactId - this needs to be the same as the plugin's Bundle-SymbolicName - and the packaging which needs to be eclipse-plugin.
Include the plugin and feature projects in the Maven reactor by adding a <modules> section in the parent POM with the paths to these projects:
Note that the paths need to be adapted so that they are correct for the project locations on disk (which may be different to what is shown in the Eclipse workspace). The paths need to be relative, so they probably start with ../.
Now you can trigger a Maven build on your parent POM, and the feature should be able to resolve the reference to your plugin. In Eclipse, you can trigger the Maven build from the context menu of the pom.xml file. Or, if you also convert the parent project to a Maven project, the you can also run Maven builds from the context menu of the project root.

Missing artifact log4j:log4j:bundle:1.2.17

I created a dynamic web application in eclipse Version: Kepler Service Release 1 using menu.
After that I converted it into a maven project using
configure -> convert to maven project. Then I did
maven->Add dependency and then searched for log4j.
After adding that on hovering over the tag
for log4j it displays Missing artifact log4j:log4j:bundle:1.2.17.
I can't update dependencies using maven. How to fix it?
Please also explain the reason for the error.
Here is the generated xml after adding log4j.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
First why did you changed the default source folder location? The default is src/main/java and for webapp src/main/webapp. Apart from that a bundle for log4j does not exist on Maven Central just remove the <type>bundle</type> from your dependency, cause in Maven Central only a jar is available.
I always do the following trick:
In the dependencies management i edit the dependencies properties (select the dependencies with problem and click on properties button) changing the type from bundled to jar and that fixs the problem.
Well i hope that this solution work for you :) regards,
I too played with all the options provided above but it did not helped. By updating Maven dependencies forcefully my issue got resolved.
Go to project >> Maven >> Update Project
select the project and click OK.
Project will automatically try to download required jar but if still you are getting same error then do below step.
Go to project >> Maven >> Update Project >> check in the checkbox 'Force Update of Snapshots/Releases'
select the project and click OK.
Please check if the dependencies are correct or if it is missing.
By default (and the common usage), Maven would consume jars as a dependency. Just change the bundle to jar in your pom.xml file in the given dependency which is giving you an error.

Eclipse could not find artifact on local maven-plugin module

I have a maven project with 1 parent and 5 modules. One of the modules (call it P) is of packaging "maven-plugin", which is configured to be run in the execution phase "process-test-classes of other module (call it T).
The module T has pom.xml as follows. I omitted dependencies, but they don't include P. As in many other cases it all works perfectly in command line.
Question: Whatever I do Eclipse shows "Could not find artifact org.local.enhancer:pom:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT pom.xml /test line 1 Maven Configuration Problem".
Seems like the issue started after installing "m2e-wtp" v0.17 to resolve other issue with offending jars. Configuration is Eclipse Juno SR2, m2e v1.3.1, m2e-wtp v0.17.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Does anybody have any insight on this? Thanks!

Why can't maven plugin work with eclipse java compiler?

I installed m2eclipse plugin in my eclipse.I have a java project in eclipse. Then I add a pom.xml into the root folder of my project. Convert my project into maven project. Now the problem comes: I can download jar contained in pom.xml, but can't import it into my java file.
Always got java compile error in my project. In package explorer view,I can see maven dependencies.
I have tried this:maven clean, restart eclipse, project clean.
Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Tom source code</description>
One possibility could be the package/class what you are trying to import is not available in the version of the jar file you have mentioned in the pom.xml.