How to fix flutter's AutoComplete widget not being recommended in vscode? - flutter

in VS code
For example, I wrap with widget in flutter's widget.
Next, I try to convert what is written as a widget into a GestureDetector.
When I type 'Ges', the widgets should be recommended with AutoComplete, but it doesn't work.
Please let me know how I can fix this.


Use widget inside TextFormField

I am in need to have a widget inside a TextFormField. For an example of what I need, see how this library uses images inline in the ExtendedTextField. I need that exact same thing, but instead of an inline image it would be an inline widget.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Thank you

Why is expanded widget is destroying my UI in flutter after publishing it on play store

I have developed an application in Flutter Dart and used an Expanded widget in my application but wherever I used expanded widget, it destroyed my UI and converted that List into an infinite list with no data on it.
Please let me know that reason why does this occur and the potential solution.
Thank you everyone in advance
You can use the expanded widget inside the column and row. Sometimes with use of an expanded widget with the wrong widget will give the error in release mode while it is working in the debug mode.
Make sure you are using the expanded widget inside the column or row and that column and row should not be inside the scroll view or other scrollable widgets.
If still not clear then update the question with the widget hierarchy.

Can I show snackbar in a widget which directly has no scaffold but has in a parent widget?

I want to use snack bar in a widget but the scaffold is in a different widget. I have used ScaffoldMessenger but not showing and no errors.[ScaffoldMessenger used in a widget that is two widget inside of parent widget which has a scaffold]
If you pass the BuildContext (of the different widget which holds the Scaffold) into the widget from where you'd like to show the Snackbar, you should be able to use ScaffoldMessenger.of(passedContext).showSnackBar()
If this doesn't answer your question. Please provide a minimal code snippet of what you've tried.
also, you can show SnackBar using GET,
you have to add get in your pubspec.yml in dependencies section
code : Get.snackbar("Hi..", "How are you !");

Can I wrap a widget with another at Runtime

I was wondering if it's possible to wrap a widget in the widget tree at runtime with another widget?
An example of this would be you a TextField on screen, when I tap on it I wrap a container around it and re-render the widget tree. This is not for in production use and will only be for debug use so no need to worry about the optimisation of the flutter tree.
Any example of this would be highly appreciated.

How to achieve this drop down container in flutter?

This is like a dropdown menu but doesn't accept any ontap function, just readability.
Please see the image to know how it looks and works
Use a listview of widgets and wrap each widget in the list with flutter-expandable
Check this