Image picker flutter issue - flutter

when I try to use image_picker and run the flutter project it gives me error
A problem occurred configuring project ':image_picker_android'.
Could not load compiled classes for build file 'C:\Users\ZerpSteve\Documents\flutter_windows_2.10.2-stable\\hosted\\image_picker_android-0.8.5\android\build.gradle' from cache.

Use this command in your flutter project folder and rerun your project.
flutter clean && flutter pub get


I am having a problem building a Flutter App

I has a build a flutter app before successfully, but I try to update the code of my flutter app because I discovered some bugs but when j try to build it I get a error about error configuring video_player Android, I try to add it as a Dependencies but still it didn't work, I also invalidate cache's too it didn't work because it also said something about Cache's, I also upgraded my flutter SDK, still it didn't work, I will attach a image under this write up.
The error I am facing 😭😪
The error I am facing 😭😪
Write below command in terminal to clear cache with android project path.
flutter pub cache clean
./gradlew clean
gradlew cleanBuildCache

I'm getting errors while running my flutter app

Hey there I'm building an audio app using audioplayers package in flutter and in my code I don't have any error but when I run my app using flutter run, I'm getting these errors attached in the image.
Try Following Commands
Step 1->
flutter clean
Step 2->
flutter pub get
Step 3->
flutter run
Try Following Commands
flutter clean
then run
flutter pub get
Delete your flutter cache folder inside flutter/bin directory and then try to run

flutter pub get won't download dependency

I deleted a package manually from Dart Package directory and deleted pubspec.lock. Now when I do flutter pub get it does not download that package again. I tried flutter clean && flutter pub get but it's not working as well. Please help I can't build my project now.
You can try to close and then open the editor and try:
flutter clean
flutter packages get
flutter packages upgrade

No pubspec.yaml file found. in flutter

I tried to build the project from vs code terminal but it just threw an error
According to the image, there is another folder inside of flutter-quizstar-master-step, therefore execute:
cd flutter-quizstar-master
flutter build apk

Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos

I create new app in flutter and it's work when I run it, but when I add shared_preferences package, I got this error when I run it
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':url_launcher:compileDebugAidl'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':url_launcher:debugCompileClasspath'.
Could not resolve project :url_launcher_macos.
Required by:
project :url_launcher
Unable to find a matching configuration of project :url_launcher_macos:
- None of the consumable configurations have attributes.
Neither package is compatible with mac
I have faced the same problem and i have fixed this with running following command:
flutter pub cache repair
If this is not working then please try the following:
flutter channel stable then run the commands
flutter clean and flutter upgrade
This worked for me
Go to Flutter sdk path
Enable the view hidden files in Mac by using CTRL + SHIFT + .
Go to .pub-cache
Go to hosted
Go to
delete this folder url_launcher_macos
Open the project and run app