If IL2CPP on unity is compiled, how come people can mod games? - unity3d

I've been developing a game in unity(called Humanity Clicker, if anyone is interested) so I been doing a lot of research on how the engine works and etc.
It just so happens that there are projects, such as MelonLoader, which are capable of modding basically any Unity game, no matter if using mono or IL2CPP. And while I can understand how they mod mono projects(as its not compiled into machine code), IL2CPP converts MSIL into machine code, and thus should make it basically impossible to mod, since the game's code would be unreadable for humans.
How do tools like that work?


Does the Unity WebGL exporter work?

Has the Unity WebGL exporter improved in the last year? Thinking about using it for a project but the last time I checked it wasn't fit for purpose..huge file sizes and bugs with different browsers...
I just finished porting my mobile game to WebGL using Unity 2017.1. It has stabilized quite a bit and I found no major issues using it. The biggest annoyance was the long compilation times.
I've found it to be quite good now in 2017.1. It compresses things pretty nicely and load times are not too bad. If you want to see some examples of different games exported to WebGL, I have a site up called SIMMER.io to host these games. Most uploads were created in Unity 2017.1.
There's also a WebGL compressor asset available here, but I have not tried it: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/30335

Is it possible to convert game written in Torque Game Engine 1.5.1 into Unity?

I have some games written several years ago in Torque (so C++ engine code and Torque scripts). I'd like to have them in Unity3D.
I have searched through the Internet but haven't found anything.
Is rewriting everything from the scratch the only way to convert those games from TGE 1.5.1 into Unity?
I know that I can import some graphics but I cannot find anything about code.
Yes, it is the only way. Not only do they use different languages, but also different concepts to reason about game logic and different coding practices.

Actionscript 3: Any way to get data to and from a local program?

I've recently been constructing a pixel shader to apply shading to the player-character in a Flash game I'm currently coding for. As it turns out, however, Actionscript 3 is... Not handling this gracefully, and the framerate hit is pretty huge.
What I would like to do is write something in C++ that can then use OpenGL buffers to store the pixels I want to tweak, tweak them in a hardware accelerated fashion, and then pass it back to the Flash file.
Is there any way of getting AS3 to pass bitmap data to a local shader plugin .exe, and then accept returned data back, or should I just give up and rewrite the entire damn thing in Unity or something?
Failing this, is there any way of forcing the GPU to do the number crunching in AS3? I know OpenGL can't be used with AS3, but DirectDraw, perhaps?
I'm aware this entire enterprise is a) ridiculous overkill and b) probably doomed, but it's currently all that's preventing me from having to work on my reflective essay for the project. (University coursework)
You can't interact with any local program. Since Flash Player 10, there is some silly hardware acceleration support, but mostly for video and not for 3D. The best AS3 (Flash Player 10+) can provide is the native support for working with triangles in 3D (method drawTriangles()). For example Flash 3D engine "Away3D Lite" uses this feature.
Have you tried looking at Alchemy?
It is a way of compiling C++ code into the swf bytecode.

iPhone to Flash porting

I need to port an existing game written for the iPhone to Flash. The iPhone game is mainly written in pure C rather than Objective C.
I'm wondering if there are any good tools for converting the C code to Actionscript directly, or in general if anyone has some advice on how to do this porting in an efficient way given its C based source code?
Since the game will keep getting updated with bugfixes etc, a method allowing rapid conversion of the updated game code to Flash so that only one code base would need to be maintained would be optimal.
Take a look at Alchemy. This might be what you want, but I suspect you will have issues simply compiling on different compilers since the user-input differs immensely between a flash game and an iphone game.

iPhone:Learning Cocos2D project

I want to develop a game in a month by using the Cocos2D Open Source game engine. Learning Cocos2D is a bit hard and I don't know how to create my initial project by using the files provided by Cocos2D base project. I doubt whether it is possible?
Can I learn by using Cocos2D base project directly and modify it for my game application? Does the license allow me to use like that? ( Because I can't learn all OpenGL programming concepts and develop an application in a month, which is very hard. )
Appreciate your thoughts and advice.
Thank you.
, I have been programming games for iPhone for more than a year now! I started doing most of the things in Objective-C but then I learned that for most graphically ( or computation ) intensive games, Objective-C is not really the best option. There are a lot of paths like Pure Objective-C for logic, and inline C functions for the more "intensive" parts of your game, Obj-C does also let you use C++ files ( for the model classes for example ) with Obj-C++ (which is basically a .m Obj-c source code file but renamed to .mm for Obj-c++ ).
Having said that, Cocos-2D is in my opinion a wonderful library, it's mostly written in Obj-C but has pure C parts for the most CPU intensive stuff (physics it's chipmunk physics and Box2D, they also have a hash table library written in pure C to avoid calling NSDictionary a lot). Cocos2D is not hard to use, and you can get a nice game working quite fast!
You can embed the whole Cocos-2D to a project of yours, or just embed some useful parts of it (like Cocos-Live for On-Line scores, the Texture loaders, etc). You could also start working directly from the Cocos-2D Xcode project and remove what you don't need (like examples etc).
For a simple explanation of the Cocos-2D license , read Here !
About OpenGL, with Cocos you won't need to learn it deeply, unless you start getting into very custom stuff.
Having said all that, here are my recommendations :
1) GUI takes time, GUI can take a lot (even more than 50%) of your source code actually... so take that into consideration if you are going to have game menus, etc.. and adjust your time schedules to make the GUI coding fit!
2) When you have learned Cocos a bit, start playing with OpenGL, it's a wonderful ride, and it's really great to know a bit about the "Engine" of your "Car" so if your "Car" (Cocos2D) break's or doesn't do exactly what you want, you can always tweak here and there to make it work.
For what it's worth, I tried to pick up Objective C a few times over the last year but gave up pretty quickly each time (though I used to do C a lot in the early 90s). Just over a week ago, though, I watched some screencasts and eventually decided to start making my own game. I then discovered and gravitated toward using Cocos2D.
Now, 9 days later, I have a prototype of a game done (it's a kinda clone of Robotron 2084). It's been great fun doing it so far and while this is not the most up to date version (this was at the 1 week mark), this video will give you an idea of what I've achieved: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzD6va1GiTI
I started by using the default Cocos2D project and just figuring it out and adding stuff as I went. I did a TON of Googling and often ended up here on Stack Overflow and on the Cocos2D iPhone forums (which are VERY useful). I've scratched my head a lot but it's been a fun experience (except for tracking down memory leaks ;-)).
Cocos2D is, I believe, LGPL licensed but has some extra clauses tagged on to make it even more free so you can use it in your iPhone game projects commercially or not without any problems.
I've found you don't need to learn much about OpenGL. I've copied and pasted some free snippets from here and there but they've been simple to figure out. Things like drawing lines and boxes, etc. I haven't learnt any "hard" OpenGL stuff. I've just stumbled and got a pretty long way, IMHO. I now feel pretty confident and am still finishing off this game to get it on the App Store and want to develop more!
Make sure to start with the latest Cocos2D 0.99-rc because they changed a lot of names and it'll annoy you if you have to upgrade in future. It's very stable and works fine. Go to http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/download and download it, unpack, then run the template installer. Then create a project using the Cocos2D template in XCode and Build & Run it on the iPhone Simulator. You'll get a basic example that you can then dig around in. Read the Cocos2D iPhone "Programming Guide" on their site too and gradually figure out how to change the scene to do something you want it to do. Small steps, etc :-)
If you have programmed games before AND you have some experience with Objective-C THEN you could develop a game in a month. The complexity of the game is a big factor.
I think Cocos2d is a very good framework to help you get started in 2D game programming for the iPhone.
Here is a very nice tutorial that will get you started: link text