Does the Unity WebGL exporter work? - unity3d

Has the Unity WebGL exporter improved in the last year? Thinking about using it for a project but the last time I checked it wasn't fit for purpose..huge file sizes and bugs with different browsers...

I just finished porting my mobile game to WebGL using Unity 2017.1. It has stabilized quite a bit and I found no major issues using it. The biggest annoyance was the long compilation times.

I've found it to be quite good now in 2017.1. It compresses things pretty nicely and load times are not too bad. If you want to see some examples of different games exported to WebGL, I have a site up called to host these games. Most uploads were created in Unity 2017.1.
There's also a WebGL compressor asset available here, but I have not tried it:!/content/30335


Can we combine SFML with Unity? If yes then how?

I just started C++ lessons not so long ago because I am interested in game development. Obviously I am nowhere near creating my own game yet but I was reading some guides on game development and it was talking about Unity and how it makes game development a lot easier than having to code 100% of the game.
However, I also watched some tutorials on youtube regarding SFML which can also be used for game developing, what are the differences? and can you use both at the same time?
I have already started learning about SFML but Unity seems so much simpler to use.
Thanks in advance.
In theory yes, but it's not practical, so the real answer is no.
SFML provides access to basic APIs (OpenGL, OpenAL, OS APIs, FreeType 2, etc) which can be used to build complex applications on top, for example like an engine more in the direction of Unity (e.g. xygine, Nero Game Engine).
But since Unity already provides access to all the things SFML would provide, there's really no reason in trying to integrate SFML into Unity. Similar to how it wouldn't make sense to integrate the Unreal Engine into Unity.
If you really want to do it, you'd approach it similar to how #Programmer described it in the comments.

Phonegap / Ionic augmented reality

I've been Googling and Googling for an augmented reality plugin to use for my app but I keep returning to Wikitude, which costs a fortune (at least, at this moment). So I'm reaching out to you.
I'm looking for an AR plugin that can display an image onto a marker/placeholder. If it is possible to play a video as well that would be great but its not mandatory.
Have you been at this point before? Which plugin did you choose and why?
Thanks for reading and taking your time to respond.

How to Play High Quality Video in Unity

I'm using MovieTexture now, but when a video file is added to unity Project, it will automatically be imported and converted to Ogg Theora format. and the quality is really bad.
I have tried changing the quality setting and even on the highest setting the video is still pretty bad quality, I have tried it in multiple file formats like .mov, .avi. .mpeg4 etc. I have even tried converting it to .ogv to try and get around unity converting it itself, and still the quality is poor. The platform is PC, and in the build the quality is the same as in the editor.
so the question is ,how to play high quality video in unity no matter using MovieTexture or anything else like some plugins?
Unity player on Windows only supports OGG, which is why Unity is transcoding your videos.
I have use the Renderheads AVPRo Quicktime plugin on Windows to play very high quality videos in kiosk setups. (They also have one for Windows Media format, but I used Quicktime).
Link: Renderheads AVPro (Quicktime)
I am not affiliated with them in any way, just a very happy customer, and here is the review I posted on the Unity Asset store:
Great work on your plugin! I've used so many plugins that don't work well over multiple platforms, or require switching between platforms, or manual steps, or manual licensing, or DLL hell, etc. I have to say you nailed it.
I develop on a Mac (and your plugin runs in the Unity Editor), then deploying on Windows. It all worked well straight forward and as documented. Even the events to detect when a video has loaded and is ready to play just what I needed (as we are loading a large video file).
Additionally, the error messages are very precise and pin-point a problem (missing file, bad format, etc) which means less time debugging.

xcode basic game template

I am wondering if anyone knows of a open source or paid Xcode template.
It would be for a basic game, ( NOT COCOS2d ).
It would include simple items like profile management, load/save, Menu, Settings,
( perhaps include Openfeint/Game Center )
Something to use as a base for creating new games, things that get used over and over.
I am thinking about creating either a simple match three game, or maybe a card game.
Before I sat down and created one myself, I thought I would check to see if something
was available. ( No need to recreate the wheel right? )
Thanks everyone!
This isn't quite the solution you're looking for as it's not a game template, but it's worth checking out Sparrow - it's an open-source Objective C library so you don't need to learn anything new (unlike COCOS2D) and there's a nice Beginners Action Game tutorial you can follow.
If you don't want to use Cocos2D I guess you are thinking of 3D i.e. OpenGL ES games. If so, have a look at former question Alternative of Unity & SIO2. Maybe this is what you are looking for, but you should take SIO2 and Unity3D themselves into consideration. Especially Unity3D (I am just evaluating it the last 2 weeks) will save you a lot of work. SIO2 is a library using Blender for design and ships with customized exporter. It was open source since V1.4 but then they "convert" it into commercial software. What a pitty that the 1.4 source code is still not available at the according SF project.
There are two more engines: Unreal 3 Engine and Torque. I failed to find the pricing for Unreal now, but it might be something about 25% of your revenue or so. Torque stopped selling their 3D engine on iPhone and is now available in 2D only.
PS: Even for simple games I recommend using some kind of game engine, it will save you a lot of work compared to native XCode hacking.
You can use this template which is a well researched one available in the market.

Oolong, SIO2 or commercial Game engine for 3D iPhone Games newbie?

I'm trying to pick between the Oolong and SIO2 iPhone game engines for my first game programming project. I have some Cocoa experience and many years of C++ including relatively low level 2D graphics and developing Quicktime plugins but only minor OpenGL exposure. Which engine would be easiest to learn and most productive for someone with my background and limited time?
Both include the Bullet physics engine. I lean towards Oolong because of its C++ source and optimisation for the PowerVR graphics. However, the Lua interpreter and additional sound goodies in SIO2 are appealing. SIO2 also seems to have a good range of tutorials.
I'm also willing to spend money on Unity or Torque Game Environment if they will save me significant time. The pricing gets interesting though - the Unity Indie license only applies to companies with turnover (not revenue!) of under USD 100,000 so you're easily out of that category and up for USD 3,000 per seat. I'd want a lot of convincing it will save time to justify that investment over just using SIO2! The Torque 3D product doesn't seem to be released yet but looks like costing about USD 500 on top of a USD 150 Indie license (their income threshold is USD 250,000).
**Edit Dec 2011 - SIO2 is no longer free **
I started my first SIO2 app last night and it was easy to get up & running from the tutorials (the tutorials include a full XCode project that you can load and start hacking on). The tutorial projects are also very well commented - this makes it quicker to pick up.
The interfaces to SIO2 are mostly in C, so your C++ background should make that transition pretty easy.
Even if you don't use it, download SIO2 and open one of the tutorials and check out the comments & code. You'll be able to tell pretty quickly if it's a toolkit & style you like.
Not directly related to speed of uptake, but a big plus for me was the Blender integration. It lets me use a free 3d toolkit to make & export models and then go from there. I saw that Oolong uses 3DS and I'm not sure if Blender exports that format or not so I could be wrong.
If you're curious: SIO2 provides a python script that exports the Blender scene to a zip file. Then, from inside the SIO2 code you reference your objects from the scene and pull them in to your iPhone app.
I try both OOLong and Unity way. I suggest to use unity:
Learn Curve is very short if you have a basic game background
Unity include a large set of utility outer of 'graphics & audio'
With unity you don't care about graphics/audio file format
One code for both iOs and Android
Full set of pre-assembled asset free from the store
Exendible editor to make your level-editor
I spend one year to close a OOLong project. I probably would have saved six months of work with unity.