Can i call cubit from another cubit? - flutter

i'm working on an application that uses cubits, to manage the state.
Very often when i need to make an api request i need to get my current localization (handle possible exceptions) and then send it to backend. So i guess i should use cubit for the requests and for getting my current localization.
So now my question is how should i handle that? Can i somehow call gpsLocalizationCubit from another cubit? Should i call gpsLocalizationCubit and on success call requestCubit with the use of bloc listener? But then how should i manage loading screen that should be visible for both getting localization and api request?
Another problem is that i have multiple similiar request (that need to use current localization) in single view.
Thanks for the answers :D


Flutter SIP call from background service

I'm making a Flutter SIP call application using dart-sip-ua
I need to use PUSH messages to wake up the application and set the call.
I was able to wake up the application, but how to connect with the current call?
According to the documentation, when making a call, a Call object is created and it has an answer() method.
But when the Call object wakes up, we do not have, respectively, the answer() method either.
I tried to find a solution using SIPUAHelper.findCall(callUUID), but without success: callUUID is generated when the call is initialized, and we do not know it in advance to pass it via PUSH.
That is, I show my CallScreen, but I don’t have a Call object...
Is there really only one option? Wait until the SIP connects itself? It could be 5, 10, 30 seconds...
Help me please. What is the approach to accomplish this task? I feel that my approach is not correct.
Thank you!
One possible solution to your problem could be to store the Call object in a persistent storage, such as a database or a file, whenever it is created. Then, when the application wakes up and receives the PUSH message, you can retrieve the Call object from the storage and pass it to the CallScreen. To do this, you can use a database library like "sqflite" or a file library like "path_provider" to store and retrieve the Call object as a serialized object.
Another option could be to use the "callUUID" of the Call object as a key to store and retrieve it from the storage. You can pass the "callUUID" via PUSH message, and use it to retrieve the Call object from the storage. However, you need to make sure that the "callUUID" is unique and persistent across sessions, so you may need to use a combination of the SIP call ID and the local session ID.
A third option could be to use a global state manager like "Provider" or "Redux" to store the Call object and share it across the application. This way, you can access the Call object from any widget, even if it is not passed directly as an argument. However, you need to be careful with the performance and complexity of using a global state manager, especially if you have a large and complex application.
I hope these suggestions can help you solve your problem

How to receive data from an api without any user interaction

I'm trying to receive some data from an API call and do some task based on the received data.
Let's say I have my flutter app opened and in that opened state without any click or any interaction I get some data or do any function when I send something through the API.
I used Firebase FCM to do such task - When I send something through the API the firebase notification captures that data and doing the tasks I want on the flutter app.
But I want to do without Firebase. How can I do that. Any solution/suggestions would be great. Thanks!
At first, let's put Flutter aside. Your problem is to pull data from API and do a specific task OR your API should notify the app through API.
For the first problem, a simple data polling should work: when the app is opened, you just start some kind of timer and periodically pull data from the API and do something. However, this method is not perfect, it drains the battery and in general, there are better ways to achieve the same thing, for instance using sockets or push notifications (as some of the answers already state that).
For your second problem - "or do any function when I send something through the API" - you need some kind of mechanism to notify your app for it to react and process the data. This one could be handled using the same mechanism as for the first problem.
So, probably you need to use some kind of push notification service (for instance OneSignal or Pusher, or any other similar service) or web sockets (
Your question is little bit unclear. Whatever if you want to do some network call even without any interaction by user you can call network in your onInit method. This method runs at the very beginning for individual screen. Then do your task based on the response
You need stream API for this,look into socket programming
You can use webs socket or pusher for this. When web socket is connected with your server that time you received some data and you can do your task.

How to handle communication between Blocs

I'm working with the flutter_bloc library. Imagine the situation, that you are navigating deep in your app and every screen on the navigationstack presents data (slightly differnet because otherwise it wouldn't make sense), that can be modified by the user. Because we are using Bloc, every screen is connected to it's own bloc. Now, the user modifies the data.
My question: How can I tell the other Blocs/screens to rebuild with the updated data?
To my understanding, the blocs on the routes which I'm not currently viewing, get closed. So they don't listen to events anymore.
EDIT: This assumption is wrong, see answer.
Final answer. My assumption was wrong. Blocs don't get closed, if the route is still on the navigation stack. So you can still add events to Blocs, which are on other routes.

Does Firebase functions retain state for google assistant

The scenario is this. I want to show the user one or two items, but I don't want to keep showing the same items over and over again. I don't think Firebase functions will retain state because each function call will activate the function again. So how do I maintain state without having to store it in the database.
No, Firebase Functions don't retain state. In fact, you're not even guaranteed to be running on the same server in between calls to the same webhook.
If you want to maintain the state during the conversation, but between different parts of the conversation, you have two good ways to do it:
If you're using the actions-on-google JavaScript library, you can put data into the field and it will be available in the same place in the next call. (I can't find documentation on this, but its reported in
Since you're using Dialogflow, you can add the state as parameters to a Context. These parameters will remain in the Context, and available to future Intents that expect it as an incoming Context, as long as the Context is active.
If you need to maintain state between conversations, you will need to save that state, probably associated with the anonymous UserID that is passed to you with each request.
These methods are similar to what you have when you're working with web requests for a user.

asynchronous request objective c

hi i am developing a sms App for my client. so far i have put down this plan in place.
1)The app keeps polling the server with an asynchronous request so that it does not interfere with the user interface.
2) for sending sms i am currently using synchronous request , depending on the reply from server i have do various things. i am showing the spinning circle and make the user wait until i get the response from server.
my client has problem with point 2.
The client says as soon as the send sms button is clicked it has to go back to the homescreen and should be able to navigate to any screen and do all other things that the app offers. i could have used async request , but i am not sure how to handle the responses from the server when i am on different view controller other than the one request is called from.
Can somebody help me on this.
Thank You.
The classic way of handling the response of an asynchronous action is either using delegation or notifications. Do not use a singleton. This breaks modularity and decoupling of different view controllers.
Roadmap of how to handle asynchronous actions
Register for the response of the asynchronous actions. This can be setting the delegate of the requesting object e.g. NSURLConnection to the view controller, which is typically self in this context. The othe possibility is that you register for the notification which is fired by the requesting object if things have happend e.g. when a download is finished or an error occurred.
Implement the delegate methods or the notifications to update your model and/or your user interface. Be aware that updating the UI has to happen on your main thread.
Start the asynchronous action. What happens in the background is that a separate thread is spawned or an operation is dispatched using GCD. These are implementation details and do not bother you.
Wait for the answer, which will result in one of your implemented methods to be executed which you then use to update what has changed.
Difference between notifications and delegates
The two differences between delegates and notifications is that delegate is a one-to-one connection between the delegate and the delegating object. Notifications are posted application wide and can be observed by as many objects as needed creating a one-to-many connection. Think about this as a broadcast. The second main difference is that delegation can be used to transfer information back from the delegate to the delegating object. Meaning that the delegating object asks the delegate for certain information. Typical example would be the data source of an UITableView. Notifications however are a one way street. The information flows from the posting object to the observing objects. This makes sense because think about the situation where you would have more than one observer and each would give feedback to the posting objects. Which one would be the right one?
In your case you would have to look up the delegate methods of the asynchronous HTTP request object and implement them accordingly.
Maybe you can try ASIHTTpRequest , It has Sync an Async request
If you using Async request , you can do anything after you press a button to do a request .
Check this
The solution depends on the response processing.... if you are just showing user that the sms sending is failed/successful than you can do it in any general utility class that shows alert.. but for this you have to create the singletone instance of your connection class so delegate(class itself) don't die when the response comes back.......
For this we need to keep track of currentViewController ....... we can do this by creating a reference ........ id currentViewController in appDelegate(with setter/getters).......... so it could be accessible in everywhere application........
its referred object should be changed each time when user changes the viewController.... that will help us to know on which viewController user is currently working.
than when the singeltone class of connection finished its response loading we can use this currentViewController with your desired viewController.
I am not sure how you are using different view controller....... pushing it/ presenting it or adding its view.....