MongoDB model generate for FASTAPI python similar to sqlacodegen - mongodb

Is there a tool that reads the structure of an existing MONGO DB database and generates the appropriate code, using the declarative style if possible.
for FASTAPI python motor?
This code generator creates pydantic model from an mongoDB json file


PrismaJS Reverse Engineered from DB (like Hibernate)?

I have a lot of experience using Hibernate to reverse engineer entity classes (Java) from the DB instance, (this process is the 'reverse' of evolving the DB based on writing entity classes). Often, with existing data and processes, it is essential to treat the DB as the single 'source of truth' and create entities based on the DB.
I'm interested in using Prisma (TS/JS), and I've been looking for generators which can generate Prisma schema (which is used to generate entity classes) based on an existing DB (reverse engineering).
Is there a way to reverse engineer the Prisma schema from an existing DB? Are there any known projects to add this functionality?
I believe you're looking for Prisma's introspection feature. According to the Introspection Concept Article in the Prisma docs:
You can introspect your database using the Prisma CLI in order to generate the data model in your Prisma schema.
Introspection is often used to generate an initial version of the data model when adding Prisma to an existing project.
The prisma cli command for introspection once you have the database connection set up:
npx prisma introspect
This should update your Prisma Schema file with the existing database tables.

how to import JSON file into mongodb in Scala

I need to update my MongoDB database each time from given JSON files. Is there any way to import a JSON file into MongoDB with Scala? or is it possible to execute a raw mongo command like this in Scala environment?
mongoimport --db issue --collection customer --type json --file /home/lastvalue/part-00000.json
In Java we can do like this but I need to implement it in Scala. Where I will get to import the libraries of this classes?
When writing Scala, you can use any Java library, including the Process library that your link refers to.
This will allow you to run the mongoimport command in a process spawned from your Scala code. If you're looking for a solution entirely written in Scala, you should use the mongo-scala-driver. The documentation includes a complete example to mimic mongoimport's functionalities.

How to get data of collection in mongo db using python flask?

I am new to flask web frame work in python . i need to dump the data from collection in mongodb and save it into csv file by writing service in flask.and am getting collection data using following lines.
here wh_data is the name of the collection in mongodb.

Querying MongoDB from browser using a flask backend

I am building an interactive visualization tool that lets users query a database which is then visualized using D3, Flask as the server and MongoDB as the database. My question: How do I query the MongoDB (from Flask) with the user input and render this to the server?
Install the mongodb and run its server (in terminal type mongo)
Install pymongo (python package)
Then create an instance of the pymong using:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(MONGO_URL)
db = getattr(client, DATABASE_NAME)
4. Then you can query using following:
> documents = db.your_collection.find()
> db.your_collection.insert({'name': 'Nabin Khadka'})
These python code can be wrapped in file under a method. Like:
def test():
# All above code
return jsonify(response_dictionary)
Then running the app, we can call the following url from browser:

Data Migration from Java Hibernate SQL Server to Python Mongo Stack

I have one live website with multiple active users(around 30K) and each of them have their own configuration to render there homepages. The current stack of the portal is Java Spring Hibernate with SQL Server. Now, we have re written the code in Python MongoDB stack and want to migrate our users to new system. The issue here is that the old and new code will be deployed on the separate machines and we want to run this migration for few users as part of Beta Testing. Once the Beta testing is done, we will migrate all the users.
What would be the best approach to achieve this? We are thinking about dumping the data in alternative file system like XML/JSON on a remote server and then reading it in the new code.
Please suggest what should be the best way to accomplish this task
Import CSV, TSV or JSON data into MongoDB.
It will be faster and optimal to dump the file in a format like json, txt or csv , which should be copied to the new server and then import the data using mongoimport, in the command line shell.
mongoimport -d databasename -c collectionname < users.json
Kindly regard to the link below for more information on mongoimport if you need to