Convert [HH:MM AM/PM] String to ISO Date in Mongo DB - mongodb

I have two string values which contains Start Time and End Time. They are in following format:
StartTime 07:00 AM
EndTime 10:00 PM
I need to check whether Current Date Time is within these Start and End times.
Therefore, I need to convert above two strings to ISO datetime.
What is the best way to convert [HH:MM AM/PM] string in to ISO date time in Mongo DB?


Format the inserted date in MongoDB

how can we format the date when you insert it into a collection in MongoDB ?
amount: 1,
id: req.params.userid,
date: new Date ()
I tried things like
new Date (<YYYY-mm-dd>)
new Date ("<YYYY-mm-dd>")
But it doesn't work.
Google isn't really helping either.
Thank you
It is not possible with Date type
new Date() returns the current date as a Date object. mongosh wraps the Date object with the ISODate helper. The ISODate is in
BSON Date is a 64-bit integer that represents the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970). This results in a representable date range of about 290 million years into the past and future.
On the other hand, you could do the below things
You can either use String type, but you need to convert to date before doing any queries
You need to convert to the desired format before returning to the client.

Google App Script - how to set date with timezone in AdminReports.UserUsageReport.get()

I'm using Apps Script and trying to extract data from AdminReports.UserUsageReport.get('all', 'the date') (to get classroom last interaction timestamps), but it always comes with records from another day. For example, if I extract from the 5th, the report brings the 6th together, until 7 o'clock in the morning.
The date parameter is a string and in the documentation says the following:
Represents the date the usage occurred. The timestamp is in the ISO
8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account's time zone
for this.
But if the parameter is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format, how am I going to pass the date with the right time zone?
This code not work:
var myDate = new Date(2021,5,5);
var timezone = Session.getScriptTimeZone();
var date = Utilities.formatDate(myDate, timezone, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
var page = AdminReports.UserUsageReport.get('all', date);
How do I use the date correctly?
Thanks a lot.
If the report dates are UTC, then each may first be converted to JavaScript Date objects using
var myDate = new Date('report_date_string');
The second two lines of your code look like they should follow correctly in converting and formatting the Dates to strings in your local time zone.

In what format is this time: 568399396

in my current project I need to work with data from a certain loger. Unfortunately, I encountered a problem of coding the date of this loger. I believed that it is a timestamp date format but it is not. Can you tell me in what format is this datum
Real date:
04-Jan-2018 16:43:16
Date format:
That date-time format is called epoch, where the date is stored as an integer. It is the number of seconds/milliseconds after 1st January 1970, 00:00:00. This is how all the computers/devices store the date/time internally.
You can use n number of libraries to convert an epoch to date/time etc.
You can read more about epoch here:
P.s.: Are you sure that you're getting this number for 4th Jan 2018? The epoch of 04-Jan-2018 16:43:16 will be 1515064396000(in ms)

Converting Date Column Format to Hours in Talend Open Studio

I am interested in converting a date column with a string mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss to an hour format using Talend Open Studio. I want the hour of the day from the Date column.
If the String has already been converted to a Date, you could retrieve the hour of the day with formatting in tMap:
This will return a String with the hour of the day.
If the String has not been converted, I suggest converting it before - it is always better to have a Date and work on the Date type than doing String processing.

Date Column Split in Talend

So I have one big file (13 million rows) and date formatted as:
2009-04-08T01:57:47Z. Now I would like to split it into 2 columns now,
one with just date as dd-MM-yyyy and other with time only hh:MM.
How do I do it?
You can simply use tMap and parseDate/formatDate to do what you want. It is neither necessary nor recommended to implement your own date parsing logic with regexes.
First of all, parse the timestamp using the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. Then you can use the parsed Date to output the formatted date and time information you want:
dd-MM-yyyy for the date
HH:mm for the time (Note: you mixed up the case in your question, MM stands for the month)
If you put that logic into a tMap:
you will get the following:
timestamp 2009-04-08T01:57:47Z
date 08-04-2009
time 01:57
Note that when you parse the timestamp with the mentioned format string (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'), the time zone information is not parsed (having 'Z' as a literal). Since many applications do not properly set the time zone information anyway but always use 'Z' instead, so this can be safely ignored in most cases.
If you need proper time zone handling and by any chance are able to use Java 7, you may use yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX instead to parse your timestamp.
I'm guessing Talend is falling over on the T and Z part of your date time stamp but this is easily resolved.
As your date time stamp is in a regular pattern we can easily extract the date and time from it with a tExtractRegexFields component.
You'll want to use "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}):[0-9]{2}Z" as your regex which will capture the date in yyyy-MM-dd format and the time as mm:HH (you'll want to replace the date time field with a date field and a time field in the schema).
Then to format your date to your required format you'll want to use a tMap and use TalendDate.formatDate("dd-MM-yyyy",TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", to return a string in the dd-MM-yyyy format.