Getting duplicate column ERROR while trying to insert same column with two different datatypes using SELECT INTO clause in PostgreSql - postgresql

I need to insert createdate column twice with two different datatypes one with the datatype defined in the table itself and another in char datatype.
I can insert it by changing the alias name of createdate column but can't insert with same alias name which i need.
so help me out to get correct way of doing it.
My query:
SELECT DISTINCT, T.debatchqueuelink, TE.transactionlink,
EC.errorclassification, TE.errorvalue,
EC.errorparameter, TE.classificationlink, TE.description,
TE.createdate AS createdate, TO_CHAR(TE.createdate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') AS createdate,
TE.status, TE.rebutt, TE.rebuttedstatus, BQ.appbatchnumber,
BQ.scanbatchnumber, BQ.clientlink, BQ.locationlink, T.patientid,
(DEUD.firstname|| ' ' ||DEUD.lastname) AS deusername, AS deuseremail,
(QCUD.firstname|| ' ' ||QCUD.lastname) AS qcusername, TE.inactive,
INTO table373
FROM qctransactionerror TE
INNER JOIN errorclassification EC ON = TE.classificationlink
INNER JOIN qctransaction T ON = TE.transactionlink
INNER JOIN batchqueue BQ ON T.debatchqueuelink =
INNER JOIN batchqueue QCBQ ON T.qcbatchqueuelink =
INNER JOIN userdetail QCUD ON QCBQ.assignedto =
INNER JOIN userdetail DEUD ON BQ.assignedto =
WHERE TE.inactive='t'
The actual error message I am getting is:
Duplicate column:column "createdate" specified more than once


Postgresql, how to SELECT json object without duplicated rows

I'm trying to find out how to get JSON object results of selected rows, and not to show duplicated rows.
My current query:
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('affiliate',a.*)) as affiliates, jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('vendor',vp.*)) as vendors FROM
affiliates a
INNER JOIN related_affiliates ra ON = ra.affiliate_id
INNER JOIN related_vendors rv ON ra.product_id = rv.product_id
INNER JOIN vendor_partners vp ON rv.vendor_partner_id =
WHERE ra.product_id = 79 AND a.is_active = true
The results that I receive from this is:
affiliates: {
affiliate: affiliate1
affiliate: affiliate2
vendors: {
vendor: vendor1,
vendor: vendor1,
As you can see in the second record, vendor is still vendor1 because there are no more results, so I'd like to also know if there's a way to remove duplicates.
First point : the result you display here above doesn't conform the json type : the keys are not double-quoted, the string values are not double-quoted, having dupplicated keys in the same json object ('{"affiliate": "affiliate1", "affiliate": "affiliate2"}' :: json) is not be accepted with the jsonb type (but it is with the json type).
Second point : you can try to add the DISTINCT key word directly in the jsonb_agg function :
jsonb_agg(DISTINCT jsonb_build_object('vendor',vp.*))
and remove the DISTINCT ON ( clause.
You can also add an ORDER BY clause directly in any aggregate function. For more information, see the manual.
You could aggregate first, then join on the results of the aggregates:
SELECT a.affiliates, v.vendors
select, jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('affiliate',af.*)) as affiliates
from affiliates af
group by
) a
JOIN related_affiliates ra ON = ra.affiliate_id
JOIN related_vendors rv ON ra.product_id = rv.product_id
select, jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('vendor',vp.*)) as vendors
from vendor_partners vp
group by
) v ON rv.vendor_partner_id =
WHERE ra.product_id = 79
AND a.is_active = true

How to apply distinct to perticular column and fetch all values from table in JPA(Criteria Builder)

I have written JPA query in that I want to apply distinct to only one column but here it is applying to all columns in table.
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager_gbl.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<sourceTracking> cq = cb.createQuery(sourceTracking.class);
Root<sourceTracking> data1 = cq.from(sourceTracking.class);
Join<sourceTracking,status> joinobj=data1.join("sts");
Subquery<Number> subq=cq.subquery(Number.class);
Root<sourceTracking> sbf=subq.from(sourceTracking.class);<Number>get("hopcount"))).groupBy(sbf.<String>get("message_id"));
TypedQuery<sourceTracking> tquery = entityManager_gbl.createQuery(cq);
Here is my Hibernate query
select distinct sourcetrac0_.tablekey as tablekey1_2_, sourcetrac0_.alt_recipient_addr as alt_reci2_2_,
sourcetrac0_.alt_recipient_tried as alt_reci3_2_,sourcetrac0_.arrival_time as arrival_4_2_, sourcetrac0_.delivery_status as delivery5_2_, sourcetrac0_.dispatch_time as dispatch6_2_,
sourcetrac0_.hopcount as hopcount7_2_, as id8_2_, sourcetrac0_.id1 as id9_2_, sourcetrac0_.mail_orig_time as mail_or10_2_,
sourcetrac0_.mail_server as mail_se11_2_, sourcetrac0_.mailtype as mailtyp12_2_, sourcetrac0_.message_id as message13_2_, sourcetrac0_.nexthop as nexthop14_2_,
sourcetrac0_.precedence as precede15_2_, sourcetrac0_.receiver as receive16_2_, sourcetrac0_.securityclassification as securit17_2_, sourcetrac0_.sender as sender18_2_,
sourcetrac0_.subject as subject19_2_ from source_tracking sourcetrac0_ inner join status_table status2_ on sourcetrac0_.message_id=status2_.message_id
cross join source_tracking sourcetrac1_ order by sourcetrac0_.message_id asc,sourcetrac0_.hopcount asc.
I want to apply distinct to only one column here is what needed query
select distinct on(sourcetrac0_.message_id) sourcetrac0_.message_id,sourcetrac0_.tablekey as tablekey1_2_, sourcetrac0_.alt_recipient_addr as alt_reci2_2_,
sourcetrac0_.alt_recipient_tried as alt_reci3_2_,sourcetrac0_.arrival_time as arrival_4_2_, sourcetrac0_.delivery_status as delivery5_2_, sourcetrac0_.dispatch_time as dispatch6_2_,
sourcetrac0_.hopcount as hopcount7_2_, as id8_2_, sourcetrac0_.id1 as id9_2_, sourcetrac0_.mail_orig_time as mail_or10_2_,
sourcetrac0_.mail_server as mail_se11_2_, sourcetrac0_.mailtype as mailtyp12_2_, sourcetrac0_.message_id as message13_2_, sourcetrac0_.nexthop as nexthop14_2_,
sourcetrac0_.precedence as precede15_2_, sourcetrac0_.receiver as receive16_2_, sourcetrac0_.securityclassification as securit17_2_, sourcetrac0_.sender as sender18_2_,
sourcetrac0_.subject as subject19_2_ from source_tracking sourcetrac0_ inner join status_table status2_ on sourcetrac0_.message_id=status2_.message_id
cross join source_tracking sourcetrac1_ order by sourcetrac0_.message_id asc,sourcetrac0_.hopcount asc
That's no possible because DISTINCT is done on the result of the query. Read more here:
DISTINCT for only one Column

Joining with set-returning function (SRF) and access columns in SQLAlchemy

Suppose I have an activity table and a subscription table. Each activity has an array of generic references to some other object, and each subscription has a single generic reference to some other object in the same set.
CREATE TABLE activity (
id serial primary key,
ob_refs UUID[] not null
CREATE TABLE subscription (
id UUID primary key,
ob_ref UUID,
subscribed boolean not null
I want to join with the set-returning function unnest so I can find the "deepest" matching subscription, something like this:
x.ob_ref, x.ob_depth,
subscription.subscribed IS NULL OR subscription.subscribed = TRUE
AS subscribed,
FROM activity
LEFT JOIN subscription
ON activity.ob_refs #> array[subscription.ob_ref]
LEFT JOIN unnest(activity.ob_refs)
WITH ORDINALITY AS x(ob_ref, ob_depth)
ON subscription.ob_ref = x.ob_ref
ORDER BY x.ob_depth DESC
) sub
WHERE subscribed = TRUE;
But I can't figure out how to do that second join and get access to the columns. I've tried creating a FromClause like this:
act_ref_t = (
[sa.column('unnest', UUID).label('ob_ref'),
sa.column('ordinality', sa.Integer).label('ob_depth')],
.suffix_with('WITH ORDINALITY')
query = (query
Subscription.ob_ref == act_ref_t.c.ob_ref))
.order_by(, act_ref_t.ob_depth)
But that results in this SQL with another subquery:
SELECT unnest AS ob_ref, ordinality AS ref_i
FROM unnest(activity.ob_refs) WITH ORDINALITY
) AS act_ref_t
ON subscription.ob_refs #> ARRAY[act_ref_t.ob_ref]
... which fails because of the missing and unsupported LATERAL keyword:
There is an entry for table "activity", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
So, how can I create a JOIN clause for this SRF without using a subquery? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Edit 1 Using sa.text with TextClause.columns instead of gets me a lot closer:
act_ref_t = (sa.sql.text(
"unnest(activity.ob_refs) WITH ORDINALITY")
.columns(sa.column('unnest', UUID),
sa.column('ordinality', sa.Integer))
But the resulting SQL fails because it wraps the clause in parentheses:
LEFT OUTER JOIN (unnest(activity.ob_refs) WITH ORDINALITY)
AS act_ref ON subscription.ob_ref = act_ref.unnest
The error is syntax error at or near ")". Can I get TextAsFrom to not be wrapped in parentheses?
It turns out this is not directly supported by SA, but the correct behaviour can be achieved with a ColumnClause and a FunctionElement. First import this recipe as described by zzzeek in this SA issue. Then create a special unnest function that includes the WITH ORDINALITY modifier:
class unnest_func(ColumnFunction):
name = 'unnest'
column_names = ['unnest', 'ordinality']
def _compile_unnest_func(element, compiler, **kw):
return compiler.visit_function(element, **kw) + " WITH ORDINALITY"
You can then use it in joins, ordering, etc. like this:
act_ref = unnest_func(Activity.ob_refs)
query = (query
.add_columns(act_ref.c.unnest, act_ref.c.ordinality)
.outerjoin(act_ref, sa.true())
.outerjoin(Subscription, Subscription.ob_ref == act_ref.c.unnest)

Postgres Complex Select in a View

I have this select clause that is working perfect:
"Aspectos"."ID" AS "Aspecto Normativo ID",
"Aspectos"."Aspecto" AS "Aspecto Normativo",
"Fatores"."ID", "Fatores"."Fator" AS "Fator Normativo",
"Fatores_1"."Fator" AS "Fator Determinativo",
"Aspectos_1"."ID" AS "Aspecto Determinativo ID",
"Aspectos_1"."Aspecto" AS "Aspecto Determinativo",
Count("Itens"."ID") AS "No Itens",
Count("Itens"."ID") AS "Pri"
FROM "Diagnostico" INNER JOIN ("Aspectos" AS "Aspectos_1"
INNER JOIN (("Fontes" INNER JOIN "Itens" ON "Fontes"."ID" = "Itens"."Fonte")
INNER JOIN ("Fatores" AS "Fatores_1"
INNER JOIN ("Aspectos"
INNER JOIN ("Vinculos"
INNER JOIN "Fatores"
ON "Vinculos"."Fator_Normativo" = "Fatores"."ID")
ON ("Aspectos"."ID" = "Fatores"."Aspecto")
AND ("Aspectos"."ID" = "Fatores"."Aspecto"))
ON "Fatores_1"."ID" = "Vinculos"."Fator_Determinativo")
ON "Itens"."ID" = "Vinculos"."Item")
ON "Aspectos_1"."ID" = "Fatores_1"."Aspecto")
ON "Diagnostico"."ID" = "Vinculos"."Diagnostico_ID"
GROUP BY "Aspectos"."ID", "Aspectos"."Aspecto",
"Fatores"."ID", "Fatores"."Fator",
ORDER BY "Aspectos"."ID", "Aspectos_1"."ID",
"Fatores"."Fator", "Fatores_1"."Fator";
But when I try to CREATE A VIEW with this same select I'm getting thuis error:
ERROR: column "ID" specified more than one time
Can anybody help me on this.
You have "Fatores"."ID" (line 4) and "Fatores_1"."ID" (line 6). Give them different aliases.
For such complex queries it is recommended to have only 1 (one) column in per line in the statement for better visibility. Also it is recommended to always give aliases to the columns.

postgresql multi join syntax

SELECT sessions_compare.*
FROM archive_sessions as f_session, sessions_compare
LEFT JOIN archive_sessions as s_session ON ( = sessions_compare.second_session_id)
LEFT JOIN consols as f_consol ON (f_session.console_id =
where sessions_compare.first_session_id =
after executing a get error like
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "f_session"
LINE 13:
LEFT JOIN consols as f_consol ON (f_session.console_id
HINT: There is an entry for table "f_session", but it cannot be referenced from this
part of the query.
When i switch places and have from like sessions_compare, archive_sessions as f_session
i get error like
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table
LINE 4: ... archive_sessions as s_session ON
( = sessions_c...
HINT: There is an entry for table "sessions_compare", but it cannot be
referenced from this part of the query.
And only thing that work is
SELECT sessions_compare.*
FROM sessions_compare
LEFT JOIN archive_sessions as s_session ON ( = sessions_compare.second_session_id)
,archive_sessions as f_session
LEFT JOIN consols as f_consol ON (f_session.console_id =
where sessions_compare.first_session_id =
And my question is it normal ?? Im young in Postgresql in mysql when using multiple join from tables needed to be in ()
Yes, that's documented behavior in PostgreSQL.
In any case JOIN binds more tightly than the commas separating FROM items.
That means PostgreSQL acts like it builds its working table by evaluating the JOIN clauses before evaluating a comma-list in the FROM clause.
Best practice is generally considered to be to always use JOIN clauses; never put more than one table name in the FROM clause.
Changing the main query to a JOIN (and adding/shortening some correlation names) seems to fix the problem.
SET search_path='fuzz';
create table archive_sessions ( id INTEGER NOT NULL
, console_id INTEGER NOT NULL, game_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table sessions_compare (first_session_id INTEGER NOT NULL
, second_session_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table consols (id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table games (id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table localizations ( consols_id INTEGER NOT NULL, bars_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table bars ( id_bars INTEGER NOT NULL, area_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
create table areas ( id_areas INTEGER NOT NULL );
SELECT sco.*
FROM archive_sessions as ase
JOIN sessions_compare sco ON sco.first_session_id =
LEFT JOIN archive_sessions as ss ON ( = sco.second_session_id)
LEFT JOIN consols as sc ON (ss.console_id =
LEFT JOIN games as sg ON (ss.game_id =
LEFT JOIN localizations as sl ON ( = sl.consols_id)
LEFT JOIN bars as sb ON (sl.bars_id = sb.id_bars)
LEFT JOIN areas as sa ON (sb.area_id = sa.id_areas)
LEFT JOIN consols as fc ON (ase.console_id =
LEFT JOIN games as fg ON (ase.game_id =
LEFT JOIN localizations as fl ON ( = fl.consols_id)
LEFT JOIN bars as fb ON (fl.bars_id = fb.id_bars)
LEFT JOIN areas as fa ON (fb.area_id = fa.id_areas)
-- WHERE sco.first_session_id =