How to enable emmet in .astro? - neovim
I have installed the language server above in neovim.
The language server comes with emmet support, but I can't seem to get it to work.
How can I enable emmet in .astro files?

Open VSCode global settings then search for emmet. Scroll to Emmet: Include Languages section and click on Add Item
add astro on the left and html to the right. Restart VSCode and now you can use emmet tab in .astro files


Is there any Windows 10 keyboard shortcut to open a folder from the file explorer with VS Code instead of Right clicking and 'open with code' [duplicate]

I don't see a keyboard shortcut for "Open Folder..." listed on the documentation page below, and after searching elsewhere for a while I didn't see anything else.
I thought I would ask here before putting an issue on GitHub about it. (Also there doesn't seem to be a open / closed issue about this anywhere on the GitHub repo.)
There is indeed a shortcut for it, the command is workbench.action.files.openFolder, and the default keybinding is Ctrl+K,Ctrl+O.
It's easy to find in the list of shortcuts (File → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts) if you search for "folder" or "openFolder" in the Default Keybindings.
Hit Cmd+O on macOS or Ctrl+O on Windows/Linux to activate the open dialog, select a folder, and click "Open."
Note: This answer was written before multiple folder workspaces were implemented in VS Code. If you open folders this way, it will replace your entire workspace with the folder you selected to open. If you want to add a folder to your existing workspace, you must use Cmd+K, Cmd+O on a macOS or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O on Windows/Linux.

Is it possible to enable and disable extensions for certain workspace with .vscode

I added some extensions to vscode, including python, c++, flutter, etc. I'm trying to disable some extensions in a specific repo, such as the flutter extension in my frontend repo. I want to save this setting in .vscode so that when I move the repo, vscode will remember the setting.
In order to enable and disable the extensions for a certain workspace in visual studio code.
Go to the extensions on the sidebar and disable/enable for the current workspace. Adding screenshot.
To do this step by step:
On the Extensions sidebar.
Select the extension, then select the 'Disable' button. This will disable the extension for all workspace.
Then select "Enable (workspace)" to enable it for the current workspace.

No JavaScript syntax highlighting in Eclipse 2020-09

I just upgraded to Eclipse 2020-09 (4.17.0) from Eclipse Luna. After installing, I installed Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.19 from the Marketplace, then restarted Eclipse. When I open a .js file, there is no syntax highlighting. It was fine out of the box with Luna, so is there anything extra that I need to configure in 2020-09? File associations for *.js shows this:
It seems JavaScript files (*.js) have been associated with the plain text editor instead of the Generic Text Editor by mistake (please make sure it has been reported to Eclipse).
Right-click the file and choose Open With > Generic Text Editor.
Or better, associate all *.js files with the Generic Text Editor by right-click a *.js file, choose Open With > Other..., select the Generic Text Editor in the list and tick the Use it for all '.js' files* checkbox at the bottom (as shown in my video here).
Yes, you need to install the Wild Web Developer feature so that it provides that functionality through the Generic Text Editor.

PhpStorm Drag & Drop files from Explorer

Can you please help, how to drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to the PhpStorm editor?
I have enabled the Drag and Drop feature in settings, but the drag&drop works only for the files from the internal explorer in the left column in the editor.
If I want to drag and drop my html files from my Desktop, or from Windows Explorer, PhpStorm doesn't allow this.
How can I enable this feature? All other editors I ever used had this functionality...
Sooo, thank you all for the answers, I think I found the cause of the issue. I had PHPStorm set to run as administrator. When I removed this setting from the shortcut, now the files are draggable! However this is strange, why the dragging doesn't work in administrator mode, but at least now I know and it works. As spoken with JetBrains support, this is a reported bug.

How do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse?

Simple question: how do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse? I looked at this plugin but it only goes up to Luna. In addition, this plugin is a separate text editor and does not have syntax highlighting or validation. I'm open to other suggestions.
Word wrap is available in Eclipse Neon IDE:
Just consider using the latest version.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+Y
Or button:
Or menu Window > Editor > Toggle Word Wrap:
As pointed out by #KrisWebDev in this answer, Eclipse supports soft line/word wrapping as of Eclipse Neon but the GUI to control this setting does not exist yet. There should be a global settings to enable soft word wrapping by default in any text editor in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Enable Wordwrap and it is not there.
Instead, you have to manually edit the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs) in your eclipse workspace. There, you can add the settings wordwrap.enabled=true.
For windows this worked for me(change workspace6 if not works), open settings file