myFunc(Row): String = {
//process row
//returns string
appendNewCol(inputDF : DataFrame) : DataFrame ={
But no new column got created in my case. My myFunc passes this row to a knowledgebasesession object and that returns a string after firing rules. Can I do it this way? If not, what is the right way? Thanks in advance.
I saw many StackOverflow solutions using expr() sqlfunc(col(udf(x)) and other techniques but here my newcol is not derived directly from existing column.
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType}
val myFunc = (r: Row) => {r.getAs[String]("col1") + "xyz"} // example transformation
val testDf = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
(1, "abc"), (2, "def"), (3, "ghi"))).toDF("id", "col1")
val rddRes = testDf
.map{x =>
val y = myFunc (x)
Row.fromSeq (x.toSeq ++ Seq(y) )
val newSchema = StructType(testDf.schema.fields ++ Array(StructField("col2", dataType =StringType, nullable =false)))
spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rddRes, newSchema).show
| id|col1|
| 1| abc|
| 2| def|
| 3| ghi|
| id|col1| col2|
| 1| abc|abcxyz|
| 2| def|defxyz|
| 3| ghi|ghixyz|
With Dataset:
case class testData(id: Int, col1: String)
case class transformedData(id: Int, col1: String, col2: String)
val test: Dataset[testData] = List(testData(1, "abc"), testData(2, "def"), testData(3, "ghi")).toDS
val transformedData: Dataset[transformedData] = test
.map { x: testData =>
val newCol = x.col1 + "xyz"
transformedData(, x.col1, newCol)
As you can see datasets is more readable, plus provides strong type casting.
Since I'm unaware of your spark version, providing both solutions here. However if you're using spark v>=1.6, you should look into Datasets. Playing with rdd is fun, but can quickly devolve into longer job runs and a host of other issues that you wont foresee
Given a dataFrame with a few columns, I'm trying to create a new column containing an array of these columns' names sorted by decreasing order, based on the row-wise values of these columns.
| a | b | c | newcol|
| 1 | 4 | 3 |[b,c,a]|
| 4 | 1 | 3 |[a,c,b]|
The names of the columns are stored in a var names:Array[String]
What approach should I go for?
Using UDF is most simple way to achieve custom tasks here.
val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq((1,4,3), (4,1,3))).toDF("a", "b", "c")
val names=df.schema.fieldNames
val sortNames = udf((v: Seq[Int]) => {})
df.withColumn("newcol", sortNames(array( _*))).show
Something like this can be an approach using Dataset:
case class Element(name: String, value: Int)
case class Columns(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, elements: Array[String])
def function1()(implicit spark: SparkSession) = {
import spark.implicits._
val df0: DataFrame =
.parallelize(Seq(Row(1, 2, 3), Row(4, 1, 3))),
StructType(Seq(StructField("a", IntegerType, false),
StructField("b", IntegerType, false),
StructField("c", IntegerType, false))))
val df1 = df0
.flatMap(row => Seq(Columns(row.getAs[Int]("a"),
Array(Element("a", row.getAs[Int]("a")),
Element("b", row.getAs[Int]("b")),
Element("c", row.getAs[Int]("c"))).sortBy(-_.value).map(
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[1]").getOrCreate()
| a| b| c| elements|
| 1| 2| 3|[a, b, c]|
| 4| 1| 3|[b, c, a]|
Try something like this:
val sorted_column_names = udf((column_map: Map[String, Int]) =>
column_map.toSeq.sortBy(- _._2).map(_._1)
df.withColumn("column_map", map(lit("a"), $"a", lit("b"), $"b", lit("c"), $"c")
.withColumn("newcol", sorted_column_names($"column_map"))
I just used Standard Scaler to normalize my features for a ML application. After selecting the scaled features, I want to convert this back to a dataframe of Doubles, though the length of my vectors are arbitrary. I know how to do it for a specific 3 features by using{case Row(v: Vector) => (v(0), v(1), v(2))}.toDF("f1", "f2", "f3")
but not for an arbitrary amount of features. Is there an easy way to do this?
val testDF = sc.parallelize(List(Vectors.dense(5D, 6D, 7D), Vectors.dense(8D, 9D, 10D), Vectors.dense(11D, 12D, 13D))).map(Tuple1(_)).toDF("scaledFeatures")
val myColumnNames = List("f1", "f2", "f3")
// val finalDF = DataFrame[f1: Double, f2: Double, f3: Double]
I found out how to unpack to column names when creating the dataframe, but still am having trouble converting a vector to a sequence needed to create the dataframe:
finalDF ={case Row(v: Vector) => v.toArray.toSeq /* <= this errors */}.toDF(List("f1", "f2", "f3"): _*)
Spark >= 3.0.0
Since Spark 3.0 you can use vector_to_array
Spark < 3.0.0
One possible approach is something similar to this
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// In Spark 1.x you'll will have to replace ML Vector with MLLib one
// import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
// In 2.x the below is usually the right choice
// Get size of the vector
val n = testDF.first.getAs[Vector](0).size
// Simple helper to convert vector to array<double>
// asNondeterministic is available in Spark 2.3 or befor
// It can be removed, but at the cost of decreased performance
val vecToSeq = udf((v: Vector) => v.toArray).asNondeterministic
// Prepare a list of columns to create
val exprs = (0 until n).map(i => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(s"f$i"))$"scaledFeatures").alias("_tmp")).select(exprs:_*)
If you know a list of columns upfront you can simplify this a little:
val cols: Seq[String] = ???
val exprs ={ case (c, i) => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(c) }
For Python equivalent see How to split Vector into columns - using PySpark.
Please try VectorSlicer :
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((1, 0.2, 0.8), (2, 0.1, 0.9), (3, 0.3, 0.7))
).toDF("id", "negative_logit", "positive_logit")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("negative_logit", "positive_logit"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]|
val slicer = new VectorSlicer()
val posi_output = slicer.transform(output)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|positive_prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]| [0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]| [0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]| [0.7]|
Alternate solution that evovled couple of days ago: Import the VectorDisassembler into your project (as long as it's not merged into Spark), now:
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((0, 1.2, 1.3), (1, 2.2, 2.3), (2, 3.2, 3.3))
).toDF("id", "val1", "val2")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("val1", "val2"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]|
val disassembler = new
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|val1|val2|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]| 1.2| 1.3|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]| 2.2| 2.3|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]| 3.2| 3.3|
I use Spark 2.3.2, and built a xgboost4j binary-classification model, the result looks like this:"classIndex","probability","prediction").show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |
I define the following udf to get the elements out of vector column probability
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getProb = udf((probV:, clsInx: Int) => probV.apply(clsInx) )"classIndex","probability","prediction").
withColumn("p_1",getProb($"probability", lit(1))).show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|p_0 |p_1 |
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |0.5998525619506836|0.400147408246994 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |0.5487841367721558|0.45121586322784424|
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |0.5555324554443359|0.44446757435798645|
Hope this would help for those who handle with Vector type input.
Since the above answers need additional libraries or still not supported, I have used pandas dataframe to easity extract the vector values and then convert it back to spark dataframe.
# convert to pandas dataframe
pandasDf = dataframe.toPandas()
# add a new column
pandasDf['newColumnName'] = 0 # filled the new column with 0s
# now iterate through the rows and update the column
for index, row in pandasDf.iterrows():
value = row['vectorCol'][0] # get the 0th value of the vector
pandasDf.loc[index, 'newColumnName'] = value # put the value in the new column
I have a DataFrame that looks like follow:
userID, category, frequency
The number of distinct categories is 10, and I would like to create a feature vector for each userID and fill the missing categories with zeros.
So the output would be something like:
It is just an illustrative example, in reality I have about 200,000 unique userID and and 300 unique category.
What is the most efficient way to create the features DataFrame?
A little bit more DataFrame centric solution:
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, "cat1", 1), (1, "cat2", 3), (1, "cat9", 5), (2, "cat4", 6),
(2, "cat9", 2), (2, "cat10", 1), (3, "cat1", 5), (3, "cat7", 16),
(3, "cat8", 2))).toDF("userID", "category", "frequency")
// Create a sorted array of categories
val categories = df
// Prepare vector assemble
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
// Aggregation expressions
val exprs =
c => sum(when($"category" === c, $"frequency").otherwise(lit(0))).alias(c))
val transformed = assembler.transform(
df.groupBy($"userID").agg(exprs.head, exprs.tail: _*))
.select($"userID", $"features")
and an UDAF alternative:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{
MutableAggregationBuffer, UserDefinedAggregateFunction}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{
StructType, ArrayType, DoubleType, IntegerType}
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
class VectorAggregate (n: Int) extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
def inputSchema = new StructType()
.add("i", IntegerType)
.add("v", DoubleType)
def bufferSchema = new StructType().add("buff", ArrayType(DoubleType))
def dataType = new VectorUDT()
def deterministic = true
def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer) = {
buffer.update(0, Array.fill(n)(0.0))
def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row) = {
if (!input.isNullAt(0)) {
val i = input.getInt(0)
val v = input.getDouble(1)
val buff = buffer.getAs[WrappedArray[Double]](0)
buff(i) += v
buffer.update(0, buff)
def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row) = {
val buff1 = buffer1.getAs[WrappedArray[Double]](0)
val buff2 = buffer2.getAs[WrappedArray[Double]](0)
for ((x, i) <- buff2.zipWithIndex) {
buff1(i) += x
buffer1.update(0, buff1)
def evaluate(buffer: Row) = Vectors.dense(
with example usage:
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val indexed = indexer.transform(df)
.withColumn("category_idx", $"category_idx".cast("integer"))
.withColumn("frequency", $"frequency".cast("double"))
val n = indexer.labels.size + 1
val transformed = indexed
.agg(new VectorAggregate(n)($"category_idx", $"frequency").as("vec"))
// +------+--------------------+
// |userID| vec|
// +------+--------------------+
// | 1|[1.0,5.0,0.0,3.0,...|
// | 2|[0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,...|
// | 3|[5.0,0.0,16.0,0.0...|
// +------+--------------------+
In this case order of values is defined by indexer.labels:
// Array[String] = Array(cat1, cat9, cat7, cat2, cat8, cat4, cat10)
In practice I would prefer solution by Odomontois so these are provided mostly for reference.
val cs: SparkContext
val sc: SQLContext
val cats: DataFrame
Where userId and frequency are bigint columns which corresponds to scala.Long
We are creating intermediate mapping RDD:
val catMaps = cats.rdd
.map { case (id, rows) => id -> rows
.map { row => row.getAs[String]("category") -> row.getAs[Long]("frequency") }
Then collecting all presented categories in the lexicographic order
val catNames = cs.broadcast( union _).toArray.sorted)
Or creating it manually
val catNames = cs.broadcast(1 to 10 map {n => s"cat$n"} toArray)
Finally we're transforming maps to arrays with 0-values for non-existing values
import sc.implicits._
val catArrays = catMaps
.map { case (id, catMap) => id ->, 0L)) }
.toDF("userId", "feature")
now prints something like
|userId| feature|
| 2|[0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 0...|
| 1|[1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0...|
| 3|[5, 0, 0, 0, 16, ...|
This could be not the most elegant solution for dataframes, as I barely familiar with this area of spark.
Note, that you could create your catNames manually to add zeros for missing cat3, cat5, ...
Also note that otherwise catMaps RDD is operated twice, you might want to .persist() it
Given your input:
val df = Seq((1, "cat1", 1), (1, "cat2", 3), (1, "cat9", 5),
(2, "cat4", 6), (2, "cat9", 2), (2, "cat10", 1),
(3, "cat1", 5), (3, "cat7", 16), (3, "cat8", 2))
.toDF("userID", "category", "frequency")
| 1| cat1| 1|
| 1| cat2| 3|
| 1| cat9| 5|
| 2| cat4| 6|
| 2| cat9| 2|
| 2| cat10| 1|
| 3| cat1| 5|
| 3| cat7| 16|
| 3| cat8| 2|
Just run:
val pivoted = df.groupBy("userID").pivot("category").avg("frequency")
val dfZeros =
| 1| 1.0| 0.0| 3.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 5.0|
| 3| 5.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0|16.0| 2.0| 0.0|
| 2| 0.0| 1.0| 0.0| 6.0| 0.0| 0.0| 2.0|
Finally, use VectorAssembler to create a
NOTE: I have not checked performances on this yet...
EDIT: Possibly more complex, but likely more efficient!
def toSparseVectorUdf(size: Int) = udf[Vector, Seq[Row]] {
(data: Seq[Row]) => {
val indices =
val values =
Vectors.sparse(size, indices, values)
val indexer = new StringIndexer().setInputCol("category").setOutputCol("idx")
val indexerModel =
val totalCategories = indexerModel.labels.size
val dataWithIndices = indexerModel.transform(df)
val data = dataWithIndices.groupBy("userId").agg(sort_array(collect_list(struct($"idx", $"frequency".as("val")))).as("data"))
val dataWithFeatures = data.withColumn("features", toSparseVectorUdf(totalCategories)($"data")).drop("data")
|userId|features |
|1 |(7,[0,1,3],[1.0,5.0,3.0]) |
|3 |(7,[0,2,4],[5.0,16.0,2.0])|
|2 |(7,[1,5,6],[2.0,6.0,1.0]) |
NOTE: StringIndexer will sort categories by frequency => most frequent category will be at index=0 in indexerModel.labels. Feel free to use your own mapping if you'd like and pass that directly to toSparseVectorUdf.
I have a DF with a huge parseable metadata as a single string column in a Dataframe, lets call it DFA, with ColmnA.
I would like to break this column, ColmnA into multiple columns thru a function, ClassXYZ = Func1(ColmnA). This function returns a class ClassXYZ, with multiple variables, and each of these variables now has to be mapped to new Column, such a ColmnA1, ColmnA2 etc.
How would I do such a transformation from 1 Dataframe to another with these additional columns by calling this Func1 just once, and not have to repeat-it to create all the columns.
Its easy to solve if I were to call this huge function every time to add a new column, but that what I wish to avoid.
Kindly please advise with a working or pseudo code.
Generally speaking what you want is not directly possible. UDF can return only a single column at the time. There are two different ways you can overcome this limitation:
Return a column of complex type. The most general solution is a StructType but you can consider ArrayType or MapType as well.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val df = Seq(
(1L, 3.0, "a"), (2L, -1.0, "b"), (3L, 0.0, "c")
).toDF("x", "y", "z")
case class Foobar(foo: Double, bar: Double)
val foobarUdf = udf((x: Long, y: Double, z: String) =>
Foobar(x * y, z.head.toInt * y))
val df1 = df.withColumn("foobar", foobarUdf($"x", $"y", $"z"))
// +---+----+---+------------+
// | x| y| z| foobar|
// +---+----+---+------------+
// | 1| 3.0| a| [3.0,291.0]|
// | 2|-1.0| b|[-2.0,-98.0]|
// | 3| 0.0| c| [0.0,0.0]|
// +---+----+---+------------+
// root
// |-- x: long (nullable = false)
// |-- y: double (nullable = false)
// |-- z: string (nullable = true)
// |-- foobar: struct (nullable = true)
// | |-- foo: double (nullable = false)
// | |-- bar: double (nullable = false)
This can be easily flattened later but usually there is no need for that.
Switch to RDD, reshape and rebuild DF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
def foobarFunc(x: Long, y: Double, z: String): Seq[Any] =
Seq(x * y, z.head.toInt * y)
val schema = StructType(df.schema.fields ++
Array(StructField("foo", DoubleType), StructField("bar", DoubleType)))
val rows = => Row.fromSeq(
r.toSeq ++
foobarFunc(r.getAs[Long]("x"), r.getAs[Double]("y"), r.getAs[String]("z"))))
val df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema)
// +---+----+---+----+-----+
// | x| y| z| foo| bar|
// +---+----+---+----+-----+
// | 1| 3.0| a| 3.0|291.0|
// | 2|-1.0| b|-2.0|-98.0|
// | 3| 0.0| c| 0.0| 0.0|
// +---+----+---+----+-----+
Assume that after your function there will be a sequence of elements, giving an example as below:
val df = sc.parallelize(List(("Mike,1986,Toronto", 30), ("Andre,1980,Ottawa", 36), ("jill,1989,London", 27))).toDF("infoComb", "age")
| infoComb|age|
|Mike,1986,Toronto| 30|
| Andre,1980,Ottawa| 36|
| jill,1989,London| 27|
now what you can do with this infoComb is that you can start split the string and get more columns with:"(split(infoComb, ','))[0]").cast("string").as("name"), expr("(split(infoComb, ','))[1]").cast("integer").as("yearOfBorn"), expr("(split(infoComb, ','))[2]").cast("string").as("city"), $"age").show
| name|yearOfBorn| city|age|
|Mike| 1986|Toronto| 30|
|Andre| 1980| Ottawa| 36|
| jill| 1989| London| 27|
Hope this helps.
If your resulting columns will be of the same length as the original one, you can create brand new columns with withColumn function and by applying an udf. After this you can drop your original column, eg:
val newDf = myDf.withColumn("newCol1", myFun(myDf("originalColumn")))
.withColumn("newCol2", myFun2(myDf("originalColumn"))
where myFun is an udf defined like this:
def myFun= udf(
(originalColumnContent : String) => {
// do something with your original column content and return a new one
I opted to create a function to flatten one column and then just call it simultaneously with the udf.
First define this:
implicit class DfOperations(df: DataFrame) {
def flattenColumn(col: String) = {
def addColumns(df: DataFrame, cols: Array[String]): DataFrame = {
if (cols.isEmpty) df
else addColumns(
df.withColumn(col + "_" + cols.head, df(col + "." + cols.head)),
val field =
val newCols = field.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType] =>
addColumns(df, newCols).drop(col)
def withColumnMany(colName: String, col: Column) = {
df.withColumn(colName, col).flattenColumn(colName)
Then usage is very simple:
case class MyClass(a: Int, b: Int)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
val f = udf((x: Int) => MyClass(x*2,x*3))
df.withColumnMany("test", f($"x")).show()
// +---+------+------+
// | x|test_a|test_b|
// +---+------+------+
// | 0| 0| 0|
// | 1| 2| 3|
// +---+------+------+
This can be easily achieved by using pivot function