I am trying to present grouped data in a CollectionView. I tried following the example here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/user-interface/controls/collectionview/grouping. I could not get this to work in my project. So I created a brand new project and did a straight copy and paste from the link above, and it still does not display any data.
The only thing not shown in the link above is establishing the databinding, which I do with Xaml like this:
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Animals}"
IsGrouped="True" x:Name="GroupTestView">
And code like this from a button click handler:
//code that populates the Animals property is copied from the documentation page
//do the data binding
GroupTestView.BindingContext = Animals;
I have verified in the debugger that the Animals property is populated with data. However the page does not display any data. Is this working right now?
I'd like to modify the list of courses ( course overview ), to modify the display of the courses.
I'd like something like that:
Is there a way to save a thumbnail for each course in the database, and display it in the dashboard of the course list, each course with it's own picture, according to the subject
I have updated the file moodleDir\blocks\course_overview\renderer.php
I added a static HTML image next to each course
In the course settings form there is an option to add images in "Course Summary files"
You can upload an image there and retrieve it in the renderer using the function course_image($courseid) shown in this example:
I am currently building an, where i need to add a maps option. I found the openui5-googlemaps option which fitted my needs. Currently i managed to get the marker to work in an xml view without any problems. However I want to add directions with waypoints similar to what you see here:
But i can't figure out how to build this into my XML view. I tried to add this via the controller to the view and just add the myMap element to the page. That did show the map, but it didn't show any directions, i looked at the binding and i had the correct binding.
If i added the myMap to the context of the HTML file instead, then it works.
See the code here
Can someone help?
one trick to finding out how to make something work in an XML view is via the SAPUI5 Diagnostics tool, it generates the xml for you
<ctrl><shift><alt> + S
opens the SAPUI5 Diagnostics tool, then
-> Control Tree -> Export -> XML
here is an example using generated xmlview
I have two Views called UserView and RoleView.
UserView.xaml contains RadGridView which contain three columns
UserID (Label) | UserName (Label)| Role (Dropdown).
RoleView.xaml contains one TextBox where i can add Roles into database.
Role (Textbox).
Step 1. Now first i open the UserView.xaml and it will display
records from database with appropriate roles.
Step 2. Now i open new page RoleView.xaml (minimize UserView.xaml).
Step 3. I have added one role. (AdminRole)
Step 4. Now i open UserView.xaml (it is already in memory, so just i
navigate to this page)
Step 5. Now i double click to any of the row with Role (Dropdown
column) it will comes into edit mode and populate list of roles.
**but it will not display recently added role (AdminRole) in dropdown. because of the data source will not getting referesh.**
If i am closing the UserView.xaml and reopen this page then it will display recently added role (AdminRole) in dropdown.
Note: my requirement is like, i have to update or notify all opened views once any of the change from anywhere.
I am using
Silverlight 4 (MVVM)
telerik RadGridView
Your help/comment/suggestion would be highly appreciated!
Prism comes with an Event Aggreator. Where you have publishers and subscribers to these events, which we'll call "messages". Have a look at the MDSN link below:
What this means is you can have each view subscribe to an update message and have them update whenever they receive this message. So you could send an "update" message each time a view changes.
I am making an app which uses a splitviewcontroller and will have over 100 different pieces of content. I want to make it so when I select a row, the content changes dynamically. Before, I was creating 100 nib files and separate view controllers before realizing the inefficiency.
I want different labels shown in the detail view when I select a row.
As a guide, I am using the MultipleDetailViews sample code provided by apple.
Also, if anyone can help me out with how to have a button for back and forward (changing table view content) that would be great!
If they are the same just different labelled views, then you could create a single nib file with a view that has all the common elements and then perhaps, create a small template view in the nib which is not contained in the main view and is hidden by default, every time you switch to a new page you can the use you can then use you template view to build the fields for you page. You could also have a few different template views for the different kinds of fields you want to display. To store all this information to drive all of this, you can create simple property list files for each page which contain information like the field title, order, my type or width. Getting the path to a property list file from you app package is easy with methods like [[NSBundle mainBundle] patterForResourceOfName:extension:];, Using properties list can make it easy to change you app, it is even possible to add features like uploading of new nibs without having to resubmit you app to apple, just do a periodic search for new property list files from some server, parsing PropertyList files is really easer too, NSDictionary and NSArray all serialise them selves as property list.
I am running WSS3.0 and have a custom list which contains versioning on a couple of fields. When I click on an item and I view the item page I see the history of all the fields which I have made changes to. This works fine as expected.
I have also created a page using Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer and using a DataFormWebPart I have created a page that shows all the items in the list in a list view, I have also changed the XSL node of the DFWP to display the datain a way that my client wants.
The issue that I have is, it is only showing the latest version of the item record e.g. some of the fields are blank as the client did not update those fields the last time that the item was saved. I can fully understand why it is not showing these previous versions of the item but is there anyway that I can change an option in the webpart that will return that last non blank version of the field?
If this is not possible does anybody know if it is possible to change the edit page for the item so that it defaults certain fields to have the previous value of the field.
Many thanks for you ideas in advance
I eventually was able to add the following jQuery code at the bottom of the page (using Sharepoint Designer). You will also need to add a link at the top of the page to include a link to the jQuery code (or you can install it as a feature).
jQuery.fn.GetLastUpdate = function () {
$updates = this.parent().next().clone();
$("nobr", $updates).remove();
$("a", $updates).remove();
$("br", $updates).remove();
$lastUpdate = $updates.text().split("(): ")[1]; //.find("a").replaceWith("##++##").text();
return $lastUpdate;
Then you just have to replace the CONTROL_TITLE with the title of the text box that you want to auto fill.