I'd like to modify the list of courses ( course overview ), to modify the display of the courses.
I'd like something like that:
Is there a way to save a thumbnail for each course in the database, and display it in the dashboard of the course list, each course with it's own picture, according to the subject
I have updated the file moodleDir\blocks\course_overview\renderer.php
I added a static HTML image next to each course
In the course settings form there is an option to add images in "Course Summary files"
You can upload an image there and retrieve it in the renderer using the function course_image($courseid) shown in this example:
So, I'm new to TYPO3. I worked myself through some guides and documentations to be able to create custom content elements on my own.
Now, for one of my desired content elements, I need to have a set of fields I want to be able to make repeatable, since I want to leave the choice up to the editor, how many of the sets he wants to add.
I'm running on TYPO3 version 7.6
I have already seen both options in existing content elements:
Content elements that work like a wrapper where you can add additional content elements within and
Content elements where you can add fieldsets within its configuration.
I'm searching for examples or written guides to recreate this, since I can't figure it out from the source code of those examples I've seen.
So after seeing a few reactions and replies, I want to further clarify what I'm looking for.
I do NOT need an assistant plugin to create new content elements, I'm already past that.
Let me draw an example, to better describe what I want to achieve.
I do already have a working Content Element.
I have defined a set of fields (for example name & phone) shown in the TYPO3 backend. Now I want to leave the choice to the editor, if he just wants one set of 'name & phone' fields, or 2, or 8.
Therefore I want to create a '+'-button or something like that, for the editor to click on to make a new input set of 'name & phone'-inputs.
There is an extension called mask, with that you can simply click together your own content element with many different kinds of relations and fields.
Then there is a second extension mask_export that exports your new content elements into an own extension.
With those you can just create a very basic content element
export it
see what code was generated
add more to your content element
export it
check the code
and so on :-)
I am using TYPO3 6.2.9 CMS.I make category and assigned to page.But I don't know how to display the category when i am showing the page i want all the category assign to that page must display then after clicking that category the content which i have assign to that category must display
There is no out-of-the box solution for this.
But you can use the following :
Or create your own extension where you gather the categories of your page and render them on your page. You then can also create a sort of category menu.
You can use category collection :
cObject RECORDS has also a categories property, so you could also use typoscript for rendering.
For this purpose you can use extensions to your website.
Catalogue extension package
Which relates to categorisers and if you want to you can customize it in your own manner.
Use of these extensions make simple in listing category.
The usage is also given in its manual ans its simple to adopt it.
I am currently working on a website..
I need the following functionality:
I have several categories for colors and photos that relate to these categories
category examples:
I am trying to make a form on my wordpress HOME page that will allow me to check a category and then filter my current displayed posts by that category.
I would like to remain on the home page during this process
I would also like to figure out how to eliminate the "submit" button and have the form submit every time a box is checked or un-checked.
I am using the latest version of wordpress and the twentytwelve theme
So far this function will filter post by category:
function filter_color( $query ) {
$query->set( 'cat', '2' );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'filter_color' );
I am just not sure how to create the checkboxes that will trigger the filter. I do not know where my form should "submit" to (index.php?) and I'm not sure how to get the submitted data to show up. Also, I would like ALL boxes checked by default and the form to save the data as color options are un-checked or re-checked.
Please, any links to good reference materials and any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I have been stumped currently.
Thanks in advance!
I have a LIST VIEW in tt_news. I want to display a list of all the categories each entry belongs to, like this:
Sports, Travel, Photos"
so that each category name links to the view of all news from that category, like the CATMENU.
How could I do it? Im using genericmarkers for tt_news to add custom objects
Use the extraItemMarkerProcessor we were talking about before and insert new marker ie. ###ITEM_CATEGORIES###. Then you can use some kind of loop for every category to build link with and pass it to the marker as a list of coma-separated links:
$pObj->cObj->typolink($catName, $catLinkConfArray);
Building links with typolink is documented in TSref
I am building one feature of a fishing app.I will need to store picture and description of species of fish found in various lakes of my state. I will display a list view of those species and allow the user to choose which one to display. What is the best option to store and retrieve the data (species picture and description) I understand I can use a xml strings. How can I setup my xml string to do this?
If I understood your question correctly, you need:
-a ListView showing species,
onClick: show new View with details of the selected species with photo.
And all this, from an XML?
If you're using a local XML file inserted in the assets you can use a Parser to Parse the data from the XML to Objects.
Then in the activity, you create a listview using the species objects.
Add an OnItemClickListener to the listview to determine who is clicked.
show a new view with the details of the selected species.
If you want extra information, ask ahead :) I hope this was helpful