C0222 error when opening project (then goes away) - codesys

I have many methods the return value of which is a REFERENCE TO in my libraries. When I open the library, I see a C0222 error in the message window for each of these. If I compile the library, the message goes away. The code compiles and works under both CODESYS and TwinCAT.
Is this just a CODESYS glitch, or is there a reason for that message?

I can confirm that this happens.
Make a PRG or FB with a method that returns a reference to something, the precompiler throws this error:
C0222: Outputs can't be of type REFERENCE TO
However the code compiles fine, and there are no messages in the normal 'Build' section.
(I think that's why the message 'disappears' in your case. The Messages box switches from Precompile to Build when you compile the library.)
I'd suggest listening to the precompiler and avoid returning a reference.
For example:
i : INT;
Method1 REF= i;
Call like this:
result REF= Method1();
This code works fine. When you change result you actually change the i variable inside the method. This feels very hacky!
And when you change i from a VAR_INST to a VAR, the code compiles ok, but the reference now points to invalid memory because i goes out of scope when you leave the method.
You can use a pragma to disable the error message. Add the following line in every method where you return a reference:
{warning disable C0222} // Disables Precompiler error C0222: Outputs can't be of type REFERENCE TO


how do I use this OnCompleted function?

This library I found that handles music playing has the following variable public.
void Function() onCompleted;
I want to change the icon of a button when the track is finished, so that it returns to a play icon.
I tried using musicPlayer.OnCompleted(() { **stuff** }); but that gives me a syntax error Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 1 found.
How do I subscribe on that event, or how do I check if OnCompleted has been called?
I am still pretty new to dart but can't wrap my head around this one. I tried subscribing like in Angular or looking up if there's a different syntax for it, but I am at a loss.
Presumably you have to set onCompleted to something, specifically a function taking no parameters and returning void.
It would be normal to provide something like this in the constructor. Is there a named, optional parameter for this? Alternatively, there may be a setter.
Let's assume there's a setter. You could write:
musicPlayer.onCompleted = (){/* do stuff*/};

Typhoon loading storyboard programmatically appears to perform asynchronous instantiation without blocking

I am developing an iOS application and am trying to integrate Typhoon into the testing. I am currently trying to mock out a dependency in a view controller that comes from the storyboard, so with in my assembly:
public dynamic var systemComponents: SystemComponents!
public dynamic func storyboard() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(TyphoonStoryboard.self) {
(definition) in
definition.useInitializer("storyboardWithName:factory:bundle:") {
(initializer) in
I want to create a CameraModeViewController (the class I am unit testing) with its dependency upon a system-camera-functions-providing protocol mocked out. The dependency is dynamic var cameraProvider: CameraAPIProvider?. I think I correctly created a replacement collaborating assembly to replace systemComponents; MockSystemComponents is a subclass of SystemComponents that overrides functions. This is where I inject the mock:
let assembly = ApplicationAssembly().activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies([
MockSystemComponents(camera: true)
let storyboard = assembly.storyboard()
subject = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Camera-Mode") as! CameraModeViewController
The next line of code in the tests is let _ = subject.view, which I learned is a trick to call viewDidLoad and get all the storyboard-linked IBOutlets, one of which is required for this test.
However, I am getting very mysterious result: sometimes but not always, all the tests fail because in the viewDidLoad I make a call to the dependency (cameraProvider), and I get an "unrecognized message sent to class" error. The error seems to indicate that at the time the message is sent (which is a correct instance method in protocol CameraAPIProvider) the field is currently a CLASS and not an instance: it interprets the message as +[MockSystemCamera cameraStreamLayer] as reported in the error message.
Here's the kicker: if I add a breakpoint between the calls to assembly.storyboard() and subject.view, the tests always pass. Everything is set up correctly, and the message is correctly sent to an instance without this "class method" bogus interpretation. Therefore, I have to wonder if Typhoon does some kind of asynchronous procedure in the injection that I have to wait for? Possibly only when dealing with storyboard-delivered view controllers? And if so, is there any way to make sure it blocks?
After digging around in Typhoon's source for a while, I get the impression that in the TyphoonDefinition(Instance Builder) initializeInstanceWithArgs:factory: method there is an __block id instance that is temporarily a Class type, and then is replaced with an instance of that type; and possibly this can be called asynchronously without blocking, so the injected member is left as a Class type?
UPDATE: Adding the code for MockSystemComponents(camera:). Note that SystemComponents inherits from TyphoonAssembly.
public class MockSystemComponents: SystemComponents {
var cameraAvailable: NSNumber
init(camera: NSNumber) {
self.cameraAvailable = camera
public override func systemCameraProvider() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(MockSystemCamera.self) {
(definition) in
definition.useInitializer("initWithAvailable:") {
(initializer) in
UPDATE #2: I tried replacing the constructor injection in the MockSystemComponents.systemCameraProvider() with a property injection. Different issue, but I suspect it's equivalent in cause: now, the property that is injected (declared optional) is still nil some of the time when I go to unwrap it (but not always -- probably about 4/5 of test runs fail, about the same as before).
UPDATE #3: have tried using the following code block, using factory construction according to this answer (note that setting factory directly didn't work as that OP did, but I think I correctly used the feature added in response to Jasper's issue). The results are the same as when using property injection like Update #2 above), so no dice there.
This issue was in fact arising even before the call to the instantiation. In fact, the problem was assemblies aren't generally intended to be stateful. There are a few ways to get around this, but the one I used -- having a member variable and an initializer method -- is NOT recommended. The problem with doing this is that in the activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies method, all the instance methods of the assembly are enumerated for definitions, and initializers will actually get called on the collaborating assembly. Consequently, even if you create your assembly with an initializer, it may get called again with a bogus value.
Note that the reason there appeared to be async behavior is actually that there is nondeterministic order in which definitions are assembled (property of storing them in an NSDictionary). This means that if activateWithCollaboratingAssemblies happens to enumerate methods which depend on state first, they'll work fine; but if the initializer is enumerated first, and the state is destroyed, definitions that are created after will be borked.

Checking form's existence doesn't work

I have a Form for which I coded my own constructor:
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; AParent: TWinControl; ASender: TMyClass;
ATab: String); reintroduce; overload;
To create such a form I use the following:
MyForm := TMyClassForm.Create(nil, Self.Parent, Self as TMyClass, 'FirstTab');
Somewhere else, before starting a procedure, I need to check whether this form is opened or not, so I check its existence with:
if (Assigned(MyForm)) and (MyForm.Active) and (MyForm.Showing) then
// Don't do the procedure
// Do the procedure
Now, if I open the form and close it, and I check this conditional statement, everytime I get true, but the Form is not opened and not showing anymore, because I freed it after creating.
Any idea of what could be the problem?
You called Free on the MyForm global method, but you did not modify the reference. So, MyForm still refers to the now destroyed form. And so Assigned(MyForm) evaluates as True, and then the other two tests operate on the stale object reference. Anything could happen when you operate on a stale object reference. In the situations that you have tried, it seems that the operations both return True. But another time you might get an access violation.
You'll want to set the MyForm variable to nil after call Free. At the risk of re-starting the great religious Delphi war of our times, you might contemplate using FreeAndNil(MyForm) in place of MyForm.Free.
You might find my answer here to be instructive: Why should I not use "if Assigned()" before using or freeing things?
MyForm := nil;
User FreeAndNil(MyForm)
if (Assigned(MyForm)) then

dart js-interop FunctionProxy callback relationship to js.context

I have a Dart js-interop callback that in turn takes a javascript callback as an argument. The dart callback implementation looks like this:
void callBackToDartCode(String query, js.FunctionProxy completionCallback) {
js.context.completionCallback = completionCallback;
(result) {
// hand the query result back to the javascript code
This works. The key to making this work is to save the FunctionProxy in the js.context so that it is available when it comes time to execute it in the async "then" method. This line of code is important:
js.context.completionCallback = completionCallback;
If that's not done then the completeCallback is not retained and hence cannot be called when the async operation completes.
I have not seen examples like this and I am not sure I have really done this properly.
It raises questions:
How do I disassociate "completeCallback" from js.context after I've called it? Does it remain associated with js.context forever?
It appears there will be conflicting use of the name "completionCallback" within js.context if multiple async operations are in progress at the same time. That strikes me as a common problem. Does js-interop have a way to deal with that or is it my job to manage that?
With js-interop all proxies are scoped to prevent memory leaks. This means that Proxy will lost its JS object reference at the end of its associated scope. If scoped((){}) function is not use explicitely a lazy scope is initialized the first time an interop operation is done and the scope is automatically closed at the end of the current event loop. If you want to make a Proxy to live longer than its associated scope, you have to retain it. This can be done with js.retain(proxy). Once your proxy is no longer needed, you can release it with js.release(proxy).
Thus your code should be :
void callBackToDartCode(String query, js.FunctionProxy completionCallback) {
(result) {
// hand the query result back to the javascript code
// completionCallback is no longer used
About your question about disassociate "completeCallback" from js.context you could have done it with js.deleteProperty(js.context, "completeCallback")

MobileSubstrate: MSHookFunction example

I am trying to write a MobileSubstrate plugin which hooks into a C-method. I tried to edit the famous "ExampleHook", by just writing a demo MSHook and hook it in the Initialize method.
This is probably too optimistic and it doesn't work. But I cannot find anywhere a simple example of a MSHookFunction(). There is barely information about this on the Internet. It might be possible I misunderstood the whole concept of MSHookFunction.
Please, can anybody help me out with a little example code? I would deeply appreciate any help.
Best regards,
Marc Backes
I realize you have found this, but I am posting this answer to help whoever else may be needing this.
A simple example can be found at the MobileSubstrate article on the iPhone Dev Wiki, and an actual example of this in a project is at this bit of User Agent Faker.
But what is an answer without an actual explanation? Therefore, here we go!
void MSHookFunction(void* function, void* replacement, void** p_original); is the function definition for MSHookFunction, the magic function which causes your function X() to be interposed by Y(), for instance.
That is, when a program commonly would call X(), the call will be redirected to Y() instead. This is pretty much a basic explanation of function interposing.
Now, what are the parameters, and their usefulness?
function is a function pointer to the function you want to interpose. That would be a function pointer to X(), in our quick explanation.
replacement is a function pointer to the function you want function to be interposed with. In our quick explanation, that would be a function pointer to Y().
p_original is a pointer to a function pointer, which from now on will point to what function used to be.
The reason this is there is simple: If you intend to modify behavior, but not suppress it, you'll still need to call what X() used to be. But a common call to X() wouldn't work as intended, as it would end calling Y() instead of the default function.
Therefore, you have a function pointer to call X() as if it wasn't interposed.
Now, explaining the devwiki example:
static void (*original_CFShow)(CFTypeRef obj); // a function pointer to store the original CFShow().
void replaced_CFShow(CFTypeRef obj) { // our replacement of CFShow().
printf("Calling original CFShow(%p)...", obj);
original_CFShow(obj); // calls the original CFShow.
printf(" done.\n");
// hook CFShow to our own implementation.
MSHookFunction(CFShow, replaced_CFShow, &original_CFShow);
// From now on any call to CFShow will pass through replaced_CFShow first.
Here, we:
Pass a pointer to CFShow, the function we want to change default behavior from as the function parameter.
Pass a pointer to the function we just created, replaced_CFShow as the replacement parameter. That is, whenever CFShow would be called by default, replaced_CFShow will be called instead.
We pass a pointer to the original_CFShow function pointer as the p_original parameter. Since we still want the things CFShow still does by itself to be done inside our replacement function, we call it.