MobileSubstrate: MSHookFunction example - iphone

I am trying to write a MobileSubstrate plugin which hooks into a C-method. I tried to edit the famous "ExampleHook", by just writing a demo MSHook and hook it in the Initialize method.
This is probably too optimistic and it doesn't work. But I cannot find anywhere a simple example of a MSHookFunction(). There is barely information about this on the Internet. It might be possible I misunderstood the whole concept of MSHookFunction.
Please, can anybody help me out with a little example code? I would deeply appreciate any help.
Best regards,
Marc Backes

I realize you have found this, but I am posting this answer to help whoever else may be needing this.
A simple example can be found at the MobileSubstrate article on the iPhone Dev Wiki, and an actual example of this in a project is at this bit of User Agent Faker.
But what is an answer without an actual explanation? Therefore, here we go!
void MSHookFunction(void* function, void* replacement, void** p_original); is the function definition for MSHookFunction, the magic function which causes your function X() to be interposed by Y(), for instance.
That is, when a program commonly would call X(), the call will be redirected to Y() instead. This is pretty much a basic explanation of function interposing.
Now, what are the parameters, and their usefulness?
function is a function pointer to the function you want to interpose. That would be a function pointer to X(), in our quick explanation.
replacement is a function pointer to the function you want function to be interposed with. In our quick explanation, that would be a function pointer to Y().
p_original is a pointer to a function pointer, which from now on will point to what function used to be.
The reason this is there is simple: If you intend to modify behavior, but not suppress it, you'll still need to call what X() used to be. But a common call to X() wouldn't work as intended, as it would end calling Y() instead of the default function.
Therefore, you have a function pointer to call X() as if it wasn't interposed.
Now, explaining the devwiki example:
static void (*original_CFShow)(CFTypeRef obj); // a function pointer to store the original CFShow().
void replaced_CFShow(CFTypeRef obj) { // our replacement of CFShow().
printf("Calling original CFShow(%p)...", obj);
original_CFShow(obj); // calls the original CFShow.
printf(" done.\n");
// hook CFShow to our own implementation.
MSHookFunction(CFShow, replaced_CFShow, &original_CFShow);
// From now on any call to CFShow will pass through replaced_CFShow first.
Here, we:
Pass a pointer to CFShow, the function we want to change default behavior from as the function parameter.
Pass a pointer to the function we just created, replaced_CFShow as the replacement parameter. That is, whenever CFShow would be called by default, replaced_CFShow will be called instead.
We pass a pointer to the original_CFShow function pointer as the p_original parameter. Since we still want the things CFShow still does by itself to be done inside our replacement function, we call it.


Lua override class function in included file

I'm sorry I'm new to LUA scripts and I have to work on code written by others.
Please don't focus on code, my problem is only about included files and priority evaluating which function has to be called, in case of overriding.
Let's say I have a file Terrain.lua containing a class Terrain, which has a function Terrain:generate() and Terrain:generate() calls Terrain:getLatitude().
Terrain was included in a script MyScript.lua, which overrided Terrain:getLatitude() as follows:
function Terrain:getLatitude()
new code;
function myFunction()
local myTerrain = Terrain.create();
This has the effect of overriding getLatitude(): when myTerrain.generate() is called, generate() is the code from the included "Terrain", but getLatitude() is the local function with the new code, even if called by a function from the included class.
Now let's say I want to put some of the code in an external file Custom.lua. Custom (and not MyScript) has to override getLatitude().
This is the situation:
Terrain.lua contains Terrain class and these functions
MyScript.lua is the script being executed, and include Custom:
function myFunction()
return customFunction()
Custom.lua contains:
function Terrain:getLatitude()
new code;
function customFunction()
local myTerrain = Terrain.create();
Now, if I call customFunction() from MyScript, getLatitude() from Terrain is used, instead of getLatitude() from Custom. I assume ovveride is possible only inside the currenti file being executed? How can I achieve overriding in an included file?
I hope this example is enough to understand my problem, without posting a lot of code. Thank you.
Firstly, some corrections: there is no local function's in your question; include is not part of any lua standard, what that function actually does may be quite important.
Finally, Lua does not have actual class system, what you use in the question is merely a syntactic sugar (misleading and confusing as I find it) over table assignments. Lua is an interpreted language, so what may seem to you as a class definition is not a static structure known from the very beginning of the program execution but a code that gets executed from the top of the file to the bottom.
Thus, if we assume that include is similar to the require, then the your question code will be equivalent to the following:
Terrain = {
local created_object
--some code to assign value to created_object
return created_object
Terrain.generate = function(self) end
Terrain.getLatitude = function(this_is_a_self_too)
--some code that uses `also_self` as a reference to the object when called as object:generate()
--do end block is essentially an equivalent of file, its local variables are not seen outside
--global variables it has assigned (like `terrain`) will stay accessible AFTER its end
--changes it done to global variables will also remain
Terrain.getLatitude = function(this)--this is the assignment to a field in a table stored in the global variable Terrain
--this function will replace the one assigned to the `getLatitude` field
customFunction = function()
local myTerrain = Terrain.create();
myTerrain.generate();--this one probably needs `:` instead of `.`
--depends on actual code inside terrain.lua
myFunction= function()
return customFunction() --this line calls the global variable customFunction
Thus if your actual setup is similar to the one in question, then the "override" will take effect after the Custom.lua is executed and for all the subsequent calls to the Terrain.getLatitude regardless of whether or not they've called the file. (And any later file can override it again, and all calls after that will be using the new one)
It is probably more complicated to do a limited override in this setup. That again depends on the actual details of how your team has defined the Terrain class and the class system itself.

What is a pointer language?

I am in the process of trying to gain a clear understanding of what a callback is. I came across this post: what-is-a-callback-function. The user 8bitjunkie who answered the question mentioned callbacks are named such because of how they are used in pointer languages. My initial assumption based on the name led me to think that a pointer language is a language where pointers can be directly manipulated. So I would like to know if c++ is a pointer language, and if my initial assumption was incorrect; what a pointer language is. As far as I can tell it does not seem to be a typical language agnostic term. If it is, it is covered by results relating to the usage of pointers.
Callbacks are not unique to languages that allow direct manipulation of pointers - but that is what a "Pointer Language" is. I will focus my answer on what callbacks are because that seems to be your main confusion.
Callbacks are available in Java, Python, JavaScript, and many other languages that hide pointers from you.
A callback is just a function that will be executed at the end of another function. Generally this is useful for asynchronous tasks, because it allows you to respond to the task in a specific way without blocking.
For an example I will use Java - a language with managed memory no direct access to pointers. The more native way to implement callbacks is with function pointers, and I think that is what your article meant about "Pointer Languages." But I'd rather show you what a callback is and how to use them without pointers in one fell swoop, so Java it is.
In this example we will have an interface defined like this.
public interface CallBack {
public void onFinished(boolean success);
This callback interface allows us to declare an object with a predefined method that will respond to either success or failure. We can then define a Runnable class like this.
public class CBObject implements Runnable {
private CallBack myCallback;
public CBObject(CallBack myCallback) {
this.myCallback = myCallback;
public void run() {
boolean success = false;
// do some stuff, set success = true if it works
myCallback.onFinished(success); // this calls the callback
Then if we want to use this callback we will do something like this.
public void doSomethingAsynchronous(CallBack callback) {
CBObject cb = new CBObject(callback);
Thread task = new Thread(cb);
This will run this task asynchronously but allow the user to react to its success or failure.
I hope this helps!

How to expect on method calls that has inline new instance creations in easymock

We have following code structure in our code
namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(buildMyQuery(request),new MapSqlParameterSource(),myresultSetExtractor);
namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(buildMyQuery(request),new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(mybean),myresultSetExtractor);
How can I expect these method calls without using isA matcher?
Assume that I am passing mybean and myresultSetExtractor in request for the methods in which above code lies.
you can do it this way
likewise you can do mocking for other Methods as well.
hope this helps!
good luck!
If you can't use PowerMock to tell the constructors to return mock instances, then you'll have to use some form of Matcher.
isA is a good one.
As is anyObject which is suggested in another answer.
If I were you though, I'd be using Captures. A capture is an object that holds the value you provided to a method so that you can later perform assertions on the captured values and check they have the state you wanted. So you could write something like this:
Capture<MapSqlParameterSource> captureMyInput = new Capture<MapSqlParameterSource>();
//I'm not entirely sure of the types you're using, but the important one is the capture method
EasyMock.anyObject(Query.class), EasyMock.capture(captureMyInput), EasyMock.eq(myresultSetExtractor.class))).andReturn(...);
MapSqlParameterSource caughtValue = captureMyInput.getValue();
//Then perform your assertions on the state of your caught value.
There are lots of examples floating around for how captures work, but this blog post is a decent example.

GWT - Calling instance method from external javascript

There is this $entry method that we can use in GWT to allow external javascript to execute java methods.
You can see the explanations in their documentation
However, the example there is only with static methods. I'm trying to write it for a non-static method and when I try to call it, I get an exception :
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast$ to mypackage.MyModule
Here is my code :
public native void setRefreshModuleCallback() /*-{
$wnd.refreshModule = $entry(function() {
public void refreshModuleJava() {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "REFRESH");
What I find very funny is that alert is called, I see the result in the browser, but the call just before is not performed.
Do you know if it's actually possible to do such thing ?
$entry is not about calling java, it's about ensuring a few things go well in GWT: exceptions are routed to the GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler, and commands scheduled via Scheduler#scheduleEntry and Scheduler#scheduleFinally are correctly called.
Your problem is the this. When the function is called, this is not your MyModule class (it's most probably the $wnd object). This is why the question you linked to uses var that = this. It's about scoping.
You also need to actually call the method, not only reference it: in JSNI, the first pair of parens are for the formal parameters (to disambiguate overloads), and you need another pair passing the actual arguments: that.#mypackage.MyModule::refreshModuleJava()().

DelegateCommand<object> test with EventArg parameter mstest

I currently have an event trigger firing a custom trigger action.
The action passes back a EventArgs type of object to the view's view-model.
This is all well and good when I run the code it works perfectly. However, when I come to test this portion of code it all goes a bit rubbish.
As stated We are using an MVVM type pattern so I'm testing the 'Doing' end of the event trigger in my view-model and what I want to do is create a 'mocked' EventArgs object to pass into the execute method of my command under test. However it requires a RoutedEvent as it's ID property as stated above and I don't have access to it's constructor!
Cannot Access Internal Constructor for 'RoutedEvent' here.
Has anyone got any ideas? The code converage in test is more important than the current implimentation so if this is thought to be 'untestable', then I can make changes.
I have answered my own Question I think.
Casting the object passed back from the view at an earlier point means that the object I am passing to the methods under test is more easily created.
This is what I have now for the method under test.
public void DoItemsChanged(IList param)
Before I had
public void DoItemsChanged(object param)
Where the param is a SelectedItemCollection (previously a RoutedEventArgs, but now I use the IvokeCommandAction on the event trigger in the view, passign the SelectedItems). The param is now more easily passed into the method for the test and the code it much more descriptive as well. So it's all good for everyone.