How does Chubby allow fine-grain locking on clients using coarse-grain locking? - distributed-computing

I was reading the Chubby paper from OSDI 2006, and had a question regarding coarse and fine-grained locking. The paper describes at-length why they opt for only supporting coarse-grained locking, however at a certain point in the paper they mention it is straightforward for clients to implement fine-grained locking.
Here is the excerpt:
Chubby is intended to provide only coarse-grained
locking. Fortunately, it is straightforward for clients to
implement their own fine-grained locks tailored to their
application. An application might partition its locks into
groups and use Chubby’s coarse-grained locks to allocate
these lock groups to application-specific lock servers.
Little state is needed to maintain these fine-grain locks;
the servers need only keep a non-volatile, monotonicallyincreasing acquisition counter that is rarely updated.
Clients can learn of lost locks at unlock time, and if a
simple fixed-length lease is used, the protocol can be
simple and efficient.
Is Chubby's role in client-implemented fine-grained locking simply the consensus around which application-server is responsible for the lock group associated with a fine-grained lock? And then inside the lock group server, there would be an acquisition counter to keep track of state?
Thanks in advance!

I think it means although Chubby is for coarse-grained lock, we still can use Chubby for find-grained lock occasions, if we separate the locks which require coarse-grained and fine-grained. For example, there userService and productService, userService update user info, while productService update product info. Maybe product info update require a fine-grained lock, so we can deploy a specific Chubby cluster to handle it.
There's a paper titled 'Hierarchical-Chubby' to make Chubby more scalable.


Consensus Service vs Lock Service?

Going through the Google's Chubby Paper,
Like a lock service, a consensus service would
allow clients to make progress safely even with only one
active client process; a similar technique has been used to
reduce the number of state machines needed for Byzantine fault tolerance [24]. However, assuming a consensus
service is not used exclusively to provide locks (which
reduces it to a lock service), this approach solves none of
the other problems described above
they mention how Chubby is not a consensus service, but a lock service,
and also how a consensus service could be used to achieve consensus amongst a peer of nodes as well.
In my understanding I thought services like Chubby and Zookeeper are used to offload your distributed application problems (like leader election, cluster management, access to shared resources) to a different application (chubby/zookeeper) and these are lock based services. Having locks on files/znodes in how consensus is achieved.
What are consensus services and how are they then different from lock services ?
When would one use either of them ?
Zookeeper is a co-ordination service, modeled after Google's Chubby
The major features it provides are
Linearizable atomic operations
Total ordering of operations
Failure detection
Change notifications
Out of these, Linearizable atomic operations requires ZooKeeper to implement a consensus algorithm (Zab), and therefore Linearizability can be used for achieving consensus among peers in distributed systems, using Zookeper locks
Quoting from the book Designing Data-Intensive Application
Coordination services like Apache ZooKeeper [15] and etcd [16] are
often used to implement distributed locks and leader election. They
use consensus algorithms to implement linearizable operations in a
fault-tolerant way
Based on my understanding, consensus services, and coordination services, both run on top of some consensus algorithm, it's just that lock-services represent that consensus through a distributed lock
Similar to what is also mentioned in the Chubby paper,
However, assuming a consensus service is not used exclusively to provide locks (which reduces it to a lock service)
I found chapter 9, "Consistency and Consensus" from the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications, to be very helpful on this topic, if you wanna dig further, would definitely recommend reading that
You can take a lock to propose your value, publish your value, and that's the consensus.

When to use polling and streaming in launch darkly

I have started using launch darkly(LD) recently. And I was exploring how LD updates its feature flags.
As mentioned Here, there are two ways.
I was just thinking which implementation will be better in what cases. After a little research about streaming vs polling, It was found Streaming has the following advantages over polling.
Faster than polling
Receives only latest data instead of all the data which is same as before
Avoids periodic requests
I am pretty sure all of the above advantages comes at a cost. So,
Are there any downsides of using streaming over polling?
In what scenarios polling should be preferred? or the other way around?
On what factors should I decide whether to stream or poll?
Streaming requires your application to be always alive. This might not be the case in a serverless environment. Furthermore, a streaming solution usually relies on a connection that is always open in the background. This might be costly, so feature flag providers tend to limit the number of concurrent connections you can keep open to their infrastructure. This might be not a problem if you use feature flags only in a few application instances. But you will easily reach the limit if you want to stream feature flag updates to mobile apps or a ton of microservices.
Polling sounds less fancy, but it's a reliable & robust old-school pattern that will work in almost all environments.
There is a third option too: webhooks. The basic idea is that you create an HTTP endpoint on your end and he feature flag service will call that endpoint whenever a feature flag value update happens. This way you get a "notification" about feature flag value changes. For example ConfigCat supports this model. ConfigCat can notify your infrastructure by calling your webhooks and (optionally) pushing new values to your end. Webhooks have the advantage over streaming that they are cheap to maintain, so feature flag service providers don't limit them as much (for example ConfigCat can give you unlimited webhooks).
How to decide
How I would use the above 3 option really depends on your use-case. A general rule of thumb is: use polling by default and add quasi real-time notifications (by streaming or by webhooks) to the components where it's critical to know about feature flag value updates.
In addition to #Zoltan's answer, I Found the following from LaunchDarkly's Effective Feature management E book (Page 36)
In any networked system there are two methods to distribute information.
Polling is the method by which the endpoints (clients or servers) periodically ask for updates. Streaming, the second method,is when the central authority pushes the new values to all the end‐points as they change.Both options have pros and cons.
However, in a poll-based system, you are faced with an unattractive trade-off: either you poll infrequently and run the risk of different parts of your application having different flag states, or you poll very frequently and shoulder high costs in system load, network bandwidth, and the necessary infra‐structure to support the high demands.
A streaming architecture, on the other hand, offers speed advantages and consistency guarantees. Streaming is a better fit for large-scale and distributed systems. In this design, each client maintains along-running connection to the feature management system, which instantly sends down any changes as they occur to all clients.
Polling Pros:
Easily cached
Polling Cons:
Inefficient. All clients need to connect momentarily, regardless of whether there is a change.
Changes require roughly twice the polling interval to propagate to all clients.
Because of long polling intervals, the system could create a “split brain” situation, in which both new flag and old flag states exist at the same time.
Streaming Pros:
Efficient at scale. Each client receives messages only when necessary.
Fast Propagation. Changes can be pushed out to clients in real time.
Streaming Cons:
Requires the central service to maintain connections for every client
Assumes a reliable network
For my use case, I have decided to use polling in places where I don't need to update the flags often(long polling interval) and doesn't care about inconsistencies (split-brain) .
And Streaming for applications that need immediate flag updates and consistency is important.

Real life scenarios of when would anyone choose availability over consistency (Who would be in interested in stale data?)

I was trying to wrap my brain around the CAP theorem. I understand that Network partitions can occur (eventually leading to the nodes in the cluster not able to sync up with the WRITE operations happening on the other nodes.)
In this case, either the Cluster could still be up and the load-balancer in front of the cluster could route the request to any of the nodes and after a WRITE operation on one of the nodes, the other nodes who can't sync with that data, still have STALE data and any subsequent READS to these nodes will serve STALE data.
[So we are Loosing CONSISTENCY as we choose AVAILABILITY (i.e., we have choose the cluster to give STALE responses back.)]
Or we could SHUTDOWN the cluster whenever a network partition occurs! (There by loosing AVAILABILITY as we don't want to hamper consistency among the nodes.)
I have 2 things I would like to know the answer for it:
In Reality, When would anyone choose to be AVAILABLE and still trade off CONSISTENCY? Who on this earth (practically) would be interested in STALE data?
Please help me understand by listing more than one scenarios.
In case, we would like to choose CONSISTENCY over AVAILABILITY,
the cluster is down. Who on earth (real-time scenarios) practically would accept to design their system to be DOWN in order to preserve CONSISTENCY.
Please list some scenarios.
Won't majority of us look for High availability no matter what? what are our options? please enlighten.
If I send you a message on FB and you send one to me, I'd rather prefer to see messages in an incorrect order(message sent at 1pm comes before message sent at 2pm) rather than not seeing them at all(example of AVAILABILITY of messages prefered over read-after-write CONSISTENCY of messages). Another example, If I gather web site metrics, I'd rather skip or drop some signal rather then force my users to wait for a page load while my consistent transaction is stuck.
Keep in mind that consistency doesn't mean STALE data, also data can be inconsistent in different ways(
Financial transactions are a classic example of data that requires consistency over availability. As a bank, I'd rather decline user request for money transfer, than accept it and lose customer's money due to DB being down.
I'd like to point out that CAP theorem is a high-level concept. There are a lot of ways you can treat terms consistency, availability or even partitioning, and different businesses have different requirements. Software engineering as a whole and distributed systems engineering, in particular, is about making trade-offs.
An example where you may choose Availability over Consistency is collaborative editing (e.g. Google Docs). It may be perfectly acceptable (and in fact desirable) to allow users to make local modifications to the documents and deal with conflict resolution once network is restored.
A bank ATM is an example where you'd choose Consistency over Availability. Once ATM is disconnected from the network you would not want to allow withdrawals (thus, no Availability). Or, you could pick partial Availability, and allow deposits or read-only access to your bank statements.

Interprocess messaging - MSMQ, Service Broker,?

I'm in the planning stages of a .NET service which continually processes incoming messages, which involves various transformations, database inserts and updates, etc. As a whole, the service is huge and complicated, but the individual tasks it performs are small, simple, and well-defined.
For this reason, and in order to allow for easy expansion in future, I want to split the service into several smaller services which basically perform part of the processing before passing it onto the next service in the chain.
In order to achieve this, I need some kind of intermediary messaging system that will pass messages from one service to another. I want this to happen in such a way that if a link in the chain crashing or is taken offline briefly, the messages will begin to queue up and get processed once the destination comes back online.
I've always used message queuing for this type of thing, but have recently been made aware of SQL Service Broker which appears to do something similar. Is SQLSB a viable alternative for this scenario and, if so, would I see any performance benefits by using that instead of standard Message Queuing?
It sounds to me like you may be after a service bus architecture. This would provide you with the coordination and fault tolerance you are looking for. I'm most familiar and partial to NServiceBus, but there are others including Mass Transit and Rhino Service Bus.
If most of these steps initiate from a database state and end up in a database update, then merging your message storage with your data storage makes a lot of sense:
a single product to backup/restore
consistent state backups
a single high-availability/disaster recoverability solution (DB mirroring, clustering, log shipping etc)
database scale storage (IO capabilities, size and capacity limitations etc as per the database product characteristics, not the limits of message store products).
a single product to tune, troubleshoot, administer
In addition there are also serious performance considerations, as having your message store be the same as the data store means you are not required to do two-phase commit on every message interaction. Using a separate message store requires you to enroll the message store and the data store in a distributed transaction (even if is on the same machine) which requires two-phase commit and is much slower than the single-phase commit of database alone transactions.
In addition using a message store in the database as opposed to an external one has advantages like queryability (run SELECT over the message queues).
Now if we translate the abstract terms 'message store in the database as being Service Broker and 'non-database message store' as being MSMQ, you can see my point why SSB will run circles any time around MSMQ.
My recent experiences with both approaches (starting with Sql Server Service Broker) led me to the situation in which I cry for getting my messages out of SQL server. The problem is quasi-political but you might want to consider it: SQL server in my organisation is managed by a specialized DBA while application servers (i.e. messaging like NServiceBus) by developers and network team. Any change to database servers requires painful performance analysis from DBA and is immersed in fear that we might get standard SQL responsibilities down by our queuing engine living in the same space.
SSSB is pretty difficult to manage (not unlike messaging middleware) but the difference is that I am more allowed to screw something up in the messaging world (the worst that may happen is some pile of messages building up somewhere and logs filling up) and I can't afford for any mistakes in SQL world, where customer transactional data live and is vital for business (including data from legacy systems). I really don't want to get those 'unexpected database growth' or 'wait time alert' or 'why is my temp db growing without end' emails anymore.
I've learned that application servers are cheap. Just add message handlers, add machines... easy. Virtually no license costs. With SQL server it is exactly opposite. It now appears to me that using Service Broker for messaging is like using an expensive car to plow potato field. It is much better for other things.

REST service with load balancing

I've been considering the advantages of REST services, the whole statelessness and session affinity "stuff". What strikes me is that if you have multiple deployed versions of your service on a number of machines in your infrastructure, and they all act on a given resource, where is the state of that resource stored?
Would it make sense to have a single host in the infrastructre that utilises a distributed cache, and any state that is change inside a service, it simply fetches/puts to the cache? This would allow any number of deployed services for loading balancing reasons to all see the same state views of resources.
If you're designing a system for high load (which usually implies high reliability), having a single point of failure is never a good idea. If the service providing the consistent view goes down, at best your performance decreases drastically as the database is queried for everything and at worst, your whole application stops working.
In your question, you seem to be worried about consistency. If there's something to be learned about eBay's architecture, it's that there is a trade-off to be made between availability/redundancy/performance vs consistency. You may find 100% consistency is not required and you can get away with a little "chaos".
A distributed cache (like memcache) can be used as a backing for a distributed hashtable which have been used extensively to create scalable infrastructures. If implemented correctly, caches can be redundant and caches can join and leave the ring dynamically.
REST is also inherently cacheable as the HTTP layer can be cached with the appropriate use of headers (ETags) and software (e.g. Squid proxy as a Reverse proxy). The one drawback of specifying caching through headers is that it relies on the client interpreting and respecting them.
However, to paraphrase Phil Karlton, caching is hard. You really have to be selective about the data that you cache, when you cache it and how you invalidate that cache. Invalidating can be done in the following ways:
Through a timer based means (cache for 2 mins, then reload)
When an update comes in, invalidating all caches containing the relevant data.
I'm partial to the timer based approach as its simpler to implement and you can say with relative certainty how long stale data will live in the system (e.g. Company details will be updated in 2 hours, Stock prices will be updated in 10 seconds).
Finally, high load also depends on your use case and depending on the amount of transactions none of this may apply. A methodology (if you will) may be the following:
Make sure the system is functional without caching (Does it work)
Does it meet performance criteria (e.g. requests/sec, uptime goals)
Optimize the bottlenecks
Implement caching where required
After all, you may not have a performance problem in the first place and you may able to get away with a single database and a good back up strategy.
I think the more traditional view of load balancing web applications is that you would have your REST service on multiple application servers and they would retrieve resource data from single database server.
However, with the use of hypermedia, REST services can easily vertically partition the application so that some resources come from one service and some from another service on a different server. This would allow you to scale to some extent, depending on your domain, without have a single data store. Obviously with REST you would not be able to do transactional updates across these services, but there are definitely scenarios where this partitioning is valuable.
If you are looking at architectures that need to really scale then I would suggest looking at Greg Young's stuff on CQS Architecture (video) before attempting to tackle the problems of a distributed cache.