When to use polling and streaming in launch darkly - streaming

I have started using launch darkly(LD) recently. And I was exploring how LD updates its feature flags.
As mentioned Here, there are two ways.
I was just thinking which implementation will be better in what cases. After a little research about streaming vs polling, It was found Streaming has the following advantages over polling.
Faster than polling
Receives only latest data instead of all the data which is same as before
Avoids periodic requests
I am pretty sure all of the above advantages comes at a cost. So,
Are there any downsides of using streaming over polling?
In what scenarios polling should be preferred? or the other way around?
On what factors should I decide whether to stream or poll?

Streaming requires your application to be always alive. This might not be the case in a serverless environment. Furthermore, a streaming solution usually relies on a connection that is always open in the background. This might be costly, so feature flag providers tend to limit the number of concurrent connections you can keep open to their infrastructure. This might be not a problem if you use feature flags only in a few application instances. But you will easily reach the limit if you want to stream feature flag updates to mobile apps or a ton of microservices.
Polling sounds less fancy, but it's a reliable & robust old-school pattern that will work in almost all environments.
There is a third option too: webhooks. The basic idea is that you create an HTTP endpoint on your end and he feature flag service will call that endpoint whenever a feature flag value update happens. This way you get a "notification" about feature flag value changes. For example ConfigCat supports this model. ConfigCat can notify your infrastructure by calling your webhooks and (optionally) pushing new values to your end. Webhooks have the advantage over streaming that they are cheap to maintain, so feature flag service providers don't limit them as much (for example ConfigCat can give you unlimited webhooks).
How to decide
How I would use the above 3 option really depends on your use-case. A general rule of thumb is: use polling by default and add quasi real-time notifications (by streaming or by webhooks) to the components where it's critical to know about feature flag value updates.

In addition to #Zoltan's answer, I Found the following from LaunchDarkly's Effective Feature management E book (Page 36)
In any networked system there are two methods to distribute information.
Polling is the method by which the endpoints (clients or servers) periodically ask for updates. Streaming, the second method,is when the central authority pushes the new values to all the end‐points as they change.Both options have pros and cons.
However, in a poll-based system, you are faced with an unattractive trade-off: either you poll infrequently and run the risk of different parts of your application having different flag states, or you poll very frequently and shoulder high costs in system load, network bandwidth, and the necessary infra‐structure to support the high demands.
A streaming architecture, on the other hand, offers speed advantages and consistency guarantees. Streaming is a better fit for large-scale and distributed systems. In this design, each client maintains along-running connection to the feature management system, which instantly sends down any changes as they occur to all clients.
Polling Pros:
Easily cached
Polling Cons:
Inefficient. All clients need to connect momentarily, regardless of whether there is a change.
Changes require roughly twice the polling interval to propagate to all clients.
Because of long polling intervals, the system could create a “split brain” situation, in which both new flag and old flag states exist at the same time.
Streaming Pros:
Efficient at scale. Each client receives messages only when necessary.
Fast Propagation. Changes can be pushed out to clients in real time.
Streaming Cons:
Requires the central service to maintain connections for every client
Assumes a reliable network
For my use case, I have decided to use polling in places where I don't need to update the flags often(long polling interval) and doesn't care about inconsistencies (split-brain) .
And Streaming for applications that need immediate flag updates and consistency is important.


Microservices communication model

Consider microservices architecture, where you need to expose functionality to manage simple configuration shared with different microservices. Configuration is not changing often, but still, I would like to see changes whenever I ask for any value.
Using REST microservice seems easy, but it is adding latency.
Alternative could be RPC over messaging (i.e. RabbitMQ), but interface becomes more complicated.
What communication are you using for internal, simple services and what are pros and cons?
Any examples?
I tried with REST API, but it means a lot of "slow" requests, which add a latency to overall requests.
I've found that using RESTful APIs with some judicious implementation of cache-control headers actually works fairly well for this use case. The biggest challenge is ensuring that the HTTP client underneath your REST client actually respects the things.
It's fairly easy to implement, fits nicely into HTTP, and generally scales really well. It gives control to the client to decide if they want to respect the caching suggestions, allows server to optimize if it "knows" the configs haven't change (304 Not modified) to optimize if the client wants to ask for new versions.
You don't have to get into anything too complicated from a cache-invalidation, and you can leverage things like edge caching to further accelerate things in interesting ways.
The question to ask is ultimately the extent to which it is a requirement that a change to the configuration immediately affects everything.
If that's actually a requirement, then we're talking about strong consistency which implies some combination of:
all other processing must be effectively executed one-at-a-time against the (there can only ultimately be one: if there's multiple, then they will be affected at different times) component against which the change is made
all other processing must stop for the duration of time that it takes to propagate the change to all components
(these can be combined: you can have multiple instances depend on the configuration and stop for as long as it takes to update those and then you can execute things in parallel... an example of this is making it static configuration in the dependent services and taking them all down to update the configuration: if these updates are sufficiently rare, you can fit them into your error/downtime budget)
Needless to say, there's a (likely surprisingly small) consistency budget you're dealing with.
If you don't actually need strong absolute consistency like I've described (and the set of problems which actually need it is perhaps surprisingly small: anything to do with money for instance doesn't actually need strong consistency because it's only money), then it's a question of how much inconsistency is acceptable (typically you'll quantify this with some sort of bounded staleness and a liveness guarantee that you don't go back in time (unless there's a really good reason to go back in time...)). At this point, we've established that you want eventual consistency, we're just haggling over "how eventual?".
For this, propagating the configuration changes via durable publish-subscribe log (Kafka being the exemplar of this approach) is probably the place to start. Components subscribe to this log and update local state as it changes (and probably store the log position and the last value in some local store to prevent inadvertently going backward in time when they initially read the log). Then you can distribute the configuration so that it's in local memory of the subscribers, though during an update, there will be a window where different subscribers will have different views of that configuration.
A lot of solutions exist to externalize microservice configuration to a central location depending on what frameworks/programming languages you used to build your services. If it happened you would be using Spring, take a look at Spring Cloud Config. Off course Eureka is not the only solution tailored for this purpose.

Kafka messages over rest api

we currently have a library which we use to interact with kafka. but we planning to develop this library into a separate application. Other applications will send kafka messages using rest endpoint. Planning to use vert.x in this application to make it non-blocking and fast. Is it a good strategy. My concern 1) http will make it slower compared to TCP of kafka 2) streaming may not be possible 3) single point of failure
But being separate application - release management, control and support will be lot easier than currently.
Is it good strategy and has someone done like this before? Any suggestions?
Your consideration for going with HTTP/ TCP will depend on the number of applications that will be talking to your service. Let's say there is an IOT device that is sending lots of messages continuously, then using HTTP will be expensive and it will increase latency. Since HTTP connection establishment is an expensive operation.
Now, consider the case where you have a transactional system that is sending transaction events as they commit to your database then the rate of messages will be lower I assume, then it makes sense to use HTTP there.
It will depend on the rate of messages that your service will receive, that will decide the way you want to take.
Now, for your current approach of maintaining a library, it is a good way to maintain consistency across the organisation as long as the library is maintained and users of your library constantly update as and when you make changes to your library. It also has the advantage of not maintaining separate infrastructure/servers since your code will run in your users' application.

Parallelism behaviour of stream processing engines

I have been learning Storm and Samza in order to understand how stream processing engines work and realized that both of them are standalone applications and in order to process an event I need to add it to a queue that is also connected to stream processing engine. That means I need to add the event to a queue (which is also a standalone application, let's say Kafka), and Storm will pick the event from the queue and process it in a worker process. And If I have multiple bolts, each bolt will be processed by different worker processes. (Which is one of the things I don't really understand, I see that a company that uses more than 20 bolts in production and each event is transferred between bolts in a certain path)
However I don't really understand why I would need such complex systems. The processes involves too much IO operations (my program -> queue -> storm ->> bolts) and it makes much more harder to control and debug the them.
Instead, if I'm collecting the data from web servers, why not just use the same node for event processing? The operations will be already distributed over the nodes by load-balancers which I use for web servers. I can create executors on same JVM instances and send the events from web server to the executor asynchronously without involving any extra IO requests. I can also watch the executors in web servers and make sure that the executor processed the events (at-least-once or exactly-one processing guarantee). In this way, it will be a lot easier to manage my application and since not much IO operation is required, it will be faster compared to the other way which involves sending the data to another node over the network (which is also not reliable) and process it in that node.
Most probably I'm missing something here because I know that many companies actively uses Storm and many people I know recommend Storm or other stream processing engines for real-time event processing but I just don't understand it.
My understanding is that the goal of using a framework like Storm is to offload the heavy processing (whether cpu-bound, I/O-bound or both) from the application/web servers and keep them responsive.
Consider that each application server may have have to serve a large number of concurrent requests, not all of them having to do with stream processing. If the app server is already processing a significant load of events, then it could constitute a bottleneck for lighter requests, as the server resources (think cpu usage, memory, disk contention etc.) will already be tied to heavier processing requests.
If the actual load you need to face isn't that heavy, or if it can simply be handled by adding app server instances, then of course it doesn't make sense to complexify your architecture/topology, which could in fact slow the entire thing down. It really depends on your performance and load requirements, as well as on how much (virtual) hardware you can throw at the problem. As usual, benchmarking based on your load requirements will help make a decision of which way to go.
you are right to consider that sending data across the network will consume more time of the total processing time.
However, these frameworks (Storm, Spark, Samza, Flink) were created to process a lot of data that potentially does not fit in memory of one computer. So, if we use more than one computer to process the data we can achieve parallelism.
And, following your question about the network latency. Yes! this is a trade off to consider. The developer has to know that they are implementing programs to deploy in a parallel framework. The way that they build the application will influence how much data is transferred through the network as well.

I'm writing an application that implements a questionnaire. Does qualify as being a real-time application?

Keeping it simple, I have a server and client. The server sends questions one by one and the client the answers, as soon as they are given.
So, would you say this application is real time?
Based on this quote from wikipedia, which summarizes my understand of what a real-time application is:
"A system is said to be real-time if the total correctness of an operation depends not
only upon its logical correctness, but also upon the time in which it is performed. The classical conception is that in a hard real-time or immediate real-time system, the completion of an operation after its deadline is considered useless - ultimately, this may cause a critical failure of the complete system. A soft real-time system on the other hand will tolerate such lateness, and may respond with decreased service quality (e.g., omitting frames while displaying a video)."
I would say no, it is not real-time.
No, Real-time systems are ones where the OS/Application has to respond to the environment within a known period, for example an embedded flight control system on a fighter jet.
Wikipedia has a fairly good article on Real-time computing.
If you are using for the communication a protocol like TCP/IP, that isnt realtime system, because these communication link are not by nature deterministic in matter of response time, the only sure thing is that the message will arrive, when? who knows...

long polling vs streaming for about 1 update/second

is streaming a viable option?
will there be a performance difference on the server end depending on which i choose?
is one better than the other for this case?
I am working on a GWT application with Tomcat running on the server end. To understand my needs, imagine updating the stock prices of several stocks concurrently.
Do you want the process to be client- or server-driven? In other words, do you want to push new data to the clients as soon as it's available, or would you rather that the clients request new data whenever they see fit, even though that might not be once/second? What is the likelyhood that the client will be able to stick around to wait for an answer? Even though you expect the events to occur once/second, how long does it take between a request from a client and the return from the server? If it's longer than a second, I'd expect you to lean towards pushing the events to the clients, though the other way around, I'd expect polling to be okay. If the response takes longer than the interval, then you're essentially streaming anyway, since there's a new event ready by the time the client receives the last one, so the client could essentially poll continually and always receive events - in this case, streaming the data would actually be more lightweight, since you're removing the connection/negotiation overhead from the process.
I would suspect that server load to be higher for a client-based (pull) subscription, instead of a streaming configuration, since the client would have to re-negotiate the connection each time, instead of leaving a connection open, but each open connection in a streaming model would require server resources as well. It depends on what the trade-off is between how aggressive your negotiation process is vs. how much memory/processing is required for each open connection. I'm no expert, though, so there may be other factors.
UPDATE: This guy talks about the trade-offs between long-polling and streaming, and he seems to say that with HTTP/1.1, the connection re-negotiation process is trivial, so that's not as much of an issue.
It doesn't really matter. The connection re-negotiation overhead is so slim with HTTP1.1, you won't notice any significant performance differences one way or another.
The benefits of long-polling are compatibility and reliability - no issues with proxies, ports, detecting disconnects, etc.
The benefits of "true" streaming would potentially be reduced overhead, but as mentioned already, this benefit is much, much less than it's made out to be.
Personally, I find a well-designed comet server to be the best solution for large numbers of updates and/or server-push.
Certainly, if you're looking to push data, streaming would seem to provide better performance, if your server can handle the expected number of continuous connections. But there's another issue that you don't address: Are you internet or intranet? Streaming has been reported to have some problems across proxies, much as you'd expect. So for a general purpose solution, you would probably be better served by long poll - for an intranet, where you understand the network infrastructure, streaming is quite likely a simpler, better performance solution for you.
The StreamHub GWT Comet Adapter was designed exactly for this scenario of streaming stock quotes. Example here: GWT Streaming Stock Quotes. It updates the stock prices of several stocks concurrently. I think the implementation underneath is Comet which is essentially streaming over HTTP.
Edit: It uses a different technique for each browser. To quote the website:
There are several different underlying
techniques used to implement Comet
including Hidden iFrame,
XMLHttpRequest/Script Long Polling,
and embedded plugins such as Flash.
The introduction of HTML 5 WebSockets
in to future browsers will provide an
alternative mechanism for HTTP
Streaming. StreamHub uses a "best-fit"
approach utilizing the most performant
and reliable technique for each
Streaming will be faster because data only crosses the wire one way. With polling, the latency is at least twice.
Polling is more resilient to network outages since it doesn't rely on a connection being kept open.
I'd go for polling just for the robustness.
For live stock prices I would absolutely keep the connection open, and ensure user alert/reconnection on disconnect.