Social-fish on ISH shell (iPhone) - iphone

Someone should please help me , I have been trying to install Social-fish on Ish shell but couldn’t, who have tried using Social-fish on Ish shell


How to use Terminal in MangoDB 6.0.3

i am confused to do command inside mongoDB 6.0.3. because when I see there is no terminal, does anyone know the solution?
I hope someone can help from my question

mac updated and now vs code will not work

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit
i dont know what to do. i looked up how to switch to zsh and run my program and that did not help. what should i do.

PostgreSQL installation and running through terminal

I'm currently installing postgresql to learn about databases. I'm new in this field so please bear with me. I use Windows 7 Home Premium and installed PostgreSQL under C:/. So it went well without errors. Now I want to create database using the cmd. So I write createdb 'databaseName' under C:/PostgreSQL/10/bin. But then it wants a password. I'm trying to type any text but it doesn't let me.
Now I searched for solutions and I'm in a circus right now. In the tutorial I'm watching, the instructor installed postgres using 'brew' and just installed a PostgreSQL GUI. Then he runs psql 'databaseName' to use psql commands.
Do I need to install postgres using 'scoop' in windows? or it is the same thing as using the installer from the web? I really don't know what to do now. I'm sorry if this sounds stupid for some of you :/
btw, I think the instructor uses Git Bash while I use cmd of windows
Okay, for windows users who installed PostgreSQL using an installer from web, you don't need to use the cmd instead use the SQL Shell provided by the PostgreSQL itself.

How to execute shell script by double clicking in centos?

As the tile,I have a shell script needs to run every time I have to open a terminal and type "./" .it is annoying when it gets too frequent now how do I execute by double clicking like the way you do it in windows?
I know there is an option just for that in Ubuntu but I can't see that here in CentOS.
I did a little bit of digging up and found these two links. Let me know if they were helpful
The first link is an askUbuntu link I know. But gnome uses nautilus as the file explorer program.
In my arch linux installation where I am running a cinnamon desktop environment, I just had to add a shebang (#!/usr/bin/bash) at the head of the file and use chmod to make the file an executable and I could run the script from by double clicking on it. I hope you have already tried this?
For the record this is how I do it:
In terminal
[youname#localhost ~]$ gedit ~/Desktop/YourApplication.desktop
In the file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Application
Comment=My Application run script
save and done.Apparently CentOS should give a GUI for this function.

I installed PostgreSQL on mavericks, but running `which psql` does not do anything. Did it install correctly?

I installed PostgreSQL using the downloadable graphic installer. I'm able to launch pgAdmin which is PostgreSQL's GUI. However, when I run which psql on the terminal, I'm not getting any path (and based on what I read here it should yield a path provided postgres successfully installed).
After looking at this Stackoverflow post, I should have done it via homebrew. Should I uninstall the PostgreSQL that I got via the graphic installer, and re-install using homebrew?
Noob here, and I appreciate your patience.
If you've installed it using, the path to your binary should be under /Applications/ Try running this at the terminal, you can see on my system it's under /Applications/
$: find /Applications/ -name "psql" -print
If you then want to add this to your path variable, you could use this tutorial.