The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit
i dont know what to do. i looked up how to switch to zsh and run my program and that did not help. what should i do.
I'm new to programming and using python. I am unable to use the terminal to use command-line work. I can run script, but nothing from the command line
I cannot even do print('hello'), though I can do that on idle
I have reviewed some tutorials, but they are of no help
If you're talking about VS Code built-in terminal (Ctrl+`), before execute print('hello') or some similar code, you should first start Python interective session by typing in python and hitting Enter.
Check this link for more details.
I am inputing commands into my CLI to run my source code yet it doesn't recognise these standard commands. I have updated my includepath, that became effective as I noticed the squiggles no longer appeared under the text in my source code, but I am unable to run my code from the command terminal for some reason. For some context, I am using C language. My question please is what could be the reason why linux os refuses to understand simple commands such as ' g++ --version'? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Trying to choose Command Prompt in the Terminal however I can only see Zsh, bash, and Javascript bug terminal.... I've gone in to Select Default profile as suggested in similar threads I've found and still can't find it?
How do i get Command Prompt in there?
Note: I don't have Powershell either, and I'm on a Mac
If you are referring to cmd.exe, that is a windows only program and you won't be able to use it on MacOS.
Terminal is the MacOS Equivalent and can run shells such as bash and zsh as you noted.
While in the VS Code Terminal, the 'exit' command or 'ctrl + d' combination closes the terminal directly, whereas I just want to deactive pipenv, is there a way to do this?
The following command helped me quit pipenv shell in vscode:
I tried both deactivate and exit, but none of them works for me.
Environment and interpreters are easily changed with shift+cmd+P. Please, refer to VS code documentation.
If you use pipenv shell to enter virtualenv, use exit command to quit the virtualenv.
Please do not use deactivate, because it will behaved differently [explained by ButtaKnife]
I'm using Python 3.8 on VScode, but I can't seem to get the program to write anything in output, even with simple commands like: print("Hello world!"). It shows up in the terminal well enough, so the code shouldn't be the problem. Do i need to fix anything in the setting to make it show the output?
1: Picture of terminal:
Please could you check your user settings.json and workspace settings.json for the existence of a setting for*.
I believe you may have changed the shell to use command prompt instead of powershell.
Also, please could you provide some screenshots of the terminal
And any errors logged in the console widows (go to Help->Toggle Developer Tools)