Adding methods for premade modules (python3.7) - python-3.7

I am using the pathlib library, within which is the method 'relative_to' is added in version 3.9.
I'd like to add compatibility for python 3.7 - thus, is there any way I can detect the python version in my scripts and implement the method/an alternative method that will be used in the case that the python version used is not 3.9? Or will I simply have to define the alternative method, and replace all instances of pathlib.relative_to with this new method.
Apologies if the question is unclear; to rephrase - can I view the methods of an imported module's class, and can I add a method to that imported class?


How to import a class module (.psm1) in PowerShell 4 (doesn't recognize Using statement)?

I have a class module and I'm forced to use PowerShell 4. It doesn't recognize the "using" keyword as it was introduced in PS5.
Is there a way around this?
Is there a way around this?
Classes (and the using ... directives) were introduced in Windows PowerShell 5.0 - the parser in previous versions wouldn't know what to do with either keyword.
If you want to retain backwards compatibility with 4.0 you need to remove all type definitions and using statements from the module code and leverage either pre-compiled binaries or define your custom types with Add-Type at runtime instead.

How does work in elixir-mongo?

I'm learning Elixir and attempting to use the elixir-mongo library. During the auth/1 command, A the function uses, piping in the MongoDB request string. looking at the Mongo.Server class, it does not appear to be an actual genserver, nor have a method to match call/1. How is this working?
With high probability it doesn't work. Mongo.Server module doesn't export call function. There are no macros that generate it magically. My guess is that master branch is currently broken. If you are using the library and want to dig into the sources make sure you are looking at the same tag as the version you are using in your project.
Also, there are no classes and methods in Elixir. There are modules and functions :)

Play! Framework Templating Engine issues importing long class names

I've got a List of classes I want to send down to a Scala Template in Play! Framework 2.2.3
however I ran into some issues while trying to do so.
The class I want the list to contain is an arbitrary class type that comes from a package outside of my workspace, but not natively from Java. See the picture below.
Note: I do not have a project/Build.scala file.
The above image represents the first line in my scala template, I have tried to use #import as well (#import com.***.***.type._, com.***.***.type.Version, etc) but to no avail.
This is the error message given to me by Play! Framework.
Is there an issue with the namespacing? Everything works fine when using classes located in my workspace.
The Paths are correct, I've double checked that. For reasons I cannot disclose more code in this region, if more information is required please ask for it and I'll edit the post.
The problem is related to package named type. This word is reserved in Scala as language keyword. You need to escape it like this:
#import List[com.your.package.`type`.Version]

Working with Linux shared objects in Scala

How can I access *.so object and it's methods in Scala? Here is a Python example: where ctypes library is used to interact with What tools do I need to use to achieve the same in Scala?
If you would like to interact with a native library which doesn't support JNI (Java Native Interface) (that is, not designed especially for interacting with Java VM), try JNA (Java Native Access). There's also Scala Native Access project on Google Code, which seems to provide more "scala-friendly" API, but it seems inactive (last commit was in 2010).
The previous answer is quite correct that JNI is the way to go but getting it all to work requires a little perseverance. An example of a multi-platform Scala interface to a real world native library can be found here. As a summary, the steps you need to take are detailed below.
First, define the Scala interface that you want to use to access your native library with. An example of a native interface declaration in Scala is:
object NativeAPI {
#native def test(data: Array[Byte]): Long
Compile this file using scalac and then use javah to output a suitable C/C++ header file for the JNI native stub. The javah header generator (part of Java SDK) needs to be invoked as
javah -classpath <path-to-scala-libs>$
Note that the $ is added to Scala objects by the Scala compiler. The functions generated in this header will be called when you call the API from the JVM. For this example, the javah generated C header's declaration for this function would look like this:
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_foo_bar_NativeAPI_00024_test(JNIEnv *, jobject, jbyteArray);
At this point, you need to create a C file which then maps this function from your JVM api to the native library you intend to use. The resulting C file needs to be compiled to a shared library (.so in Linux) which references the native library you want to call. The C interface into the JVM is described here.
For this example, lets call this library and assume it references a 3rd party library called If both these libraries are available in the dynamic library search path of your OS, then you need to instruct the JVM to load the library and call the function as follows:
val data = new Array[Byte](100)
// Populate 'data'
On Linux and OSX machines, the dynamic linker will know that (.dylib for OSX) is a dependency of and will load it automatically. You can now call the test function from Scala. You should now be able to make a call to and have the native function executed.
In the real world, you probably need to bundle the .so libraries into a JAR file for distribution. To do this, you can place the shared libraries in a suitable directory in the resources directory of your project. These libraries need to be copied from the JAR file to a temporary directory at run time and then loaded using System.load("/tmppath/"). LibLoader from the example shows one way how this can be achieved.

How can I "require" a certain version of a Perl module?

I have some Perl code that uses require instead of use to load a specific module, and I have just discovered that my code requires a minimum version on that module. However, unlike use, require does not seem to have a version argument when loading a module. So what is the proper way to do this?
You can call for VERSION method, it's inherited from the UNIVERSAL class. It checks for $Module::VERSION variable:
require Any::Module;