Working with Linux shared objects in Scala - scala

How can I access *.so object and it's methods in Scala? Here is a Python example: where ctypes library is used to interact with What tools do I need to use to achieve the same in Scala?

If you would like to interact with a native library which doesn't support JNI (Java Native Interface) (that is, not designed especially for interacting with Java VM), try JNA (Java Native Access). There's also Scala Native Access project on Google Code, which seems to provide more "scala-friendly" API, but it seems inactive (last commit was in 2010).

The previous answer is quite correct that JNI is the way to go but getting it all to work requires a little perseverance. An example of a multi-platform Scala interface to a real world native library can be found here. As a summary, the steps you need to take are detailed below.
First, define the Scala interface that you want to use to access your native library with. An example of a native interface declaration in Scala is:
object NativeAPI {
#native def test(data: Array[Byte]): Long
Compile this file using scalac and then use javah to output a suitable C/C++ header file for the JNI native stub. The javah header generator (part of Java SDK) needs to be invoked as
javah -classpath <path-to-scala-libs>$
Note that the $ is added to Scala objects by the Scala compiler. The functions generated in this header will be called when you call the API from the JVM. For this example, the javah generated C header's declaration for this function would look like this:
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_foo_bar_NativeAPI_00024_test(JNIEnv *, jobject, jbyteArray);
At this point, you need to create a C file which then maps this function from your JVM api to the native library you intend to use. The resulting C file needs to be compiled to a shared library (.so in Linux) which references the native library you want to call. The C interface into the JVM is described here.
For this example, lets call this library and assume it references a 3rd party library called If both these libraries are available in the dynamic library search path of your OS, then you need to instruct the JVM to load the library and call the function as follows:
val data = new Array[Byte](100)
// Populate 'data'
On Linux and OSX machines, the dynamic linker will know that (.dylib for OSX) is a dependency of and will load it automatically. You can now call the test function from Scala. You should now be able to make a call to and have the native function executed.
In the real world, you probably need to bundle the .so libraries into a JAR file for distribution. To do this, you can place the shared libraries in a suitable directory in the resources directory of your project. These libraries need to be copied from the JAR file to a temporary directory at run time and then loaded using System.load("/tmppath/"). LibLoader from the example shows one way how this can be achieved.


How can I perform dynamic reconfiguration in Scala (like Dyre or XMonad)?

A fairly common method of configuration for Haskell applications is having the program as a library, with a main function provided with a bunch of optional parameters for configuration. Upon being run, the executable itself looks for a dotfile containing a main function using this default function, which it then compiles and run instead. This sort of configuration scheme allows the user to add arbitrarily complex functionality without recompiling the entire program. Examples of this are the Dyre library and the XMonad window manager. How can this be done in Scala cleanly? It appears that SBT does something similarly internally.
Using SBT externally would require having the sources of the whole program somewhere, and lacks the cleanliness of just having a single dotfile. Typesafe config, Configrity, Bee Config, and fig all seem to only be meant for normal string based configuration. is a great config library.
supports files in three formats: Java properties, JSON, and a human-friendly JSON superset

How to access data across modules in GWT?

I have two GWT modules with its own entry point, ModuleA and ModuleB. I am using Window.assign() to move from ModuleA to ModuleB. One Variable value is set in ModuleA. How to access the same value from ModuleB?
Thanks in advance.
I have written a couple of answers which could help you to deal with this.
Since you cannot share pure java between two compiled modules: GWT: How to share a java Object (ie: EventBus) between two modules, I suggest to export methods using jsni: How to communicate two modules in GWT. But I would use gwt-exporter or gwt-query to avoid writing js by hand which normally is a source of mistakes: Calling GWT Java function from JavaScript
Note, that these solutions only work in the case both modules are loaded in the same html.
If you want to pass a value to a different page downloading the actual, you can append those values to the new url and read it in the second application:
// Module A
// Module B
String msg = Window.Location.getParameter("msg");
IMO the best way would be to implement the observer/observable pattern in pure JavaScript in your host page, and use JSNI in your application to register handlers/fire events.

Eclipse Javascript development with VJET

Using Eclipse Juno with VJet
Can you create typelib from javascripts yourself?
I know you can download jquery and a few others from:
But obviously you will need others.
Yes type libraries are just JavaScript files which use VJETDoc and VJOJS to define types for
object literals using vjo.otype
functions which do not change Function definition vjo.otype
functions which have additional properties using vjo.ftype
methods of a class using vjo.ctype
globals which can be define using a .globals section.
and more...
Many type libraries are located under this github address
More info about VJETDoc[1] and VJOJS[2] and type library tutorial[3]

identically-named classes in app and lib cause issues *after* converting from Makefile to cmake

I'm trying to convert a program and its plugin from custom Makefiles to CMake, with minimal changes to the code.
Both the plugin and the app share some code; #ifdef ... #else ... #endif blocks are used where there are differences, and I'm certain the code is compiled with the correct defines. The shared code includes a class called ToolImage. When the code is compiled for the app, the ToolImage constructor uses a different resource path than when it is compiled for the plugin.
#ifdef THE_APP
ToolImage::ToolImage(const wxString& name, bool full_path_given):wxImage(full_path_given?name:
(wxGetApp().GetResFolder() + _T("/bitmaps/") + name + _T(".png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
ToolImage::ToolImage(const wxString& name, bool full_path_given):wxImage(full_path_given?name:
(theApp.GetResFolder() + _T("/bitmaps/") + name + _T(".png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
When the program and its plugin have been compiled with the custom Makefiles, everything works as expected. When both have been compiled with CMake, using a series of CMakeLists.txt files I created, there is an issue: the plugin isn't able to load the bitmaps for its toolbar.
I tracked the problem to the ToolImage class. The line number given by gdb tells me that the plugin is using the wrong constructor. strace tells me the same thing (the plugin is looking for its bitmaps in the app's resource dir rather than in the plugin's resource dir). To ensure that I didn't have the defines screwed up, I put a #error in ToolImage.cpp, inside the part of the #ifdef that should only be compiled for the app - and the plugin still compiled without error. This tells me that the plugin is compiling with the correct code. Since it is using the wrong path, I think it is using the class and constructor compiled into the program instead of its own.
How do I ensure that the plugin uses its own ToolImage class instead of the one in the app?! I don't own the project and don't want to make massive changes merely to support building with a different build system.
Using the precompiler to create two versions of a class seems like a poor choice to me. If I must make changes to the code, do you have suggestions for a workaround?
For the sake of experiment, I'd add -fvisibility=hidden when building theapp, to all or maybe to some specific sources. This should hide application's ToolImage from the plugin.
It is not a universal method, as in many cases plugins do use different symbols from the main executable.
I fixed this by adding the linker flag -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions in the CMakeLists.txt:
set_target_properties( heekscnc PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions )

Importing Groovy classes in a GWT module in Intellij

Basically I can't even import Groovy classes in a regular GWT EntryPoint:
import; // OK
import groovy.lang.Binding; // NOT OK
import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine; // NOT OK
Intellij 8.0's inspector keeps telling me this:
Class 'groovy.lang.Binding' is not present in JRE Emulation Library so it cannot be used in client code
Class 'groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine' is not present in JRE Emulation Library so it cannot be used in client code
Obviously I end up having problems at runtime as well:
[ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Line 12: No source code is available for type groovy.lang.Binding; did you forget to inherit a required module?
I've checked several times my module's dependencies, and groovy-all-1.6.1.jar is correctly defined in there. I'm probably missing something elsewhere...
Any idea?
Attempting to use Groovy makes no sense as the Gwt compiler only understands the Java language syntax along it it's subset of Java libraries. The compiler works on source not byte code. One reason includes the magic comments necessary to stash javascript (JSNI). The compiler is actually scanning the source path for *.java not *.class files.
Read the doco fir a more in depth understanding.
In some sense it would be pretty cool to have a groovy language gwt.
But then why go from one dynamic language to another? The point of gwt I thought was to get static typing and easy debugging of java.