Slack / Github integration - How to query Github PRs, reformat description and publish to a Slack channel - github

I need to publish a changelog to a Slack Channel room for all the Pull Requests of a GitHub repository when promoted to Production.
I was investigating at but I haven't found any way of doing this particular integration.
Kind of things I need to do:
Query all the Pull Requests from a Github repository, containing a
substring in their title
Process the text in the PR description, formatting it in a different way.
Send the new formatted PR texts to a Slack Channel and email them to an email account.
Is there a mechanism in Slack/Github or a free tool that I can use to implement this requirement?


Slack and github integration: start receiving updates for tasks in a github project for status changes on a single slack channel

We use slack for internal communication in our team and have configured github on slack for getting updates about new commits and issues. Now, we want our workstream to be managed by tasks in github projects and for this need to configure a slack channel for receiving updates about the tasks being created, assigned, completed or any other status change on a task need to be notified over the same slack channel. Like we do it for commits and issues. I have searched for having it done but, nowhere I found how can one do this.
Here are the references I have gone through, they only suggest slack and github integration for - commits, issues, pull requests, status check on pull requests, code reviews and deployments :
Is the feature available that I am looking for, or not?
So, after contacting Github support I got a confirmation from them that the feature is not available presently and they are not working on this feature as well. To request this feature,
is the link to existing issue and number of reactions on this will help them to prioritize work in the future.

Is there a way to get Github pull requests notifications on Microsoft teams?

I'm looking for a way to get Github pull requests notifications on Microsoft teams. I've been using the official github Slack bot, and the pull reminders (formerly pull panda) functionality for quite a while now, and I'm sorely missing these features with MS teams. Anyone would know a good SaaS and/or opensource product for this use case?
You might consider a GitHub Actions like Microsoft Teams (Generic)
a GitHub Actions that sends a message to a given channel in Microsoft Teams, with the most generic way.
That way, you can trigger a message on pull-request (GitHub workflow syntax)

Limit Github slack integration to only reviews to which I'm assigned or participating

Has anyone figured out how to limit Github slack integration to only reviews in which you are assigned or a reviewer?
I added it to my slack workspace and set the subscriptions thus:
/github subscribe myOrg statuses, reviews
I was hoping to only get my reviews and not all reviews. I can't seem to figure out how to filter down to the items I care about especially as the notification options are: every new message or none.
Install the GitHub Slack integration in your workspace
Go to your github settings reminders
Enable real-time alerts and check the appropriate boxes (which is probably all but Your PR has failed CI checks)
In slack you do not need to subscribe to anything. Doing so will get you all kinds of additional notifications

How do you configure a github organization's repo to send notification emails about all events?

The webhooks guide lists email as one of the available services, however it seems that this only kicks off when a user actually pushes a change to the repository. How can you configure it so that an email is fired off for every event concerning that repo - issues opened/closed, pull requests, etc.?
You cannot, currently. See this pull request to the github-services which would enable at least pull request notification by email, but it was never merged by GitHub.
As a work-around I currently use IFTTT on my Android device to get notified about pull requests by email.

Github notifications - Mail to PR creator

If I raise a Pull request and if I need to be notified by a mail saying --
You have created a Pull request for "bla bla" on "so and so" date.
On merge - I get a notification
On comment - I get a notification
So my question is...
Are there any such settings in github which sends a mail to PR creator?
Can I tag myself in the PR comment ?
Any help !!
Are there any such settings in github which sends a mail to PR creator?
There's currently no setting in GitHub that makes the platform work in that way. Note: You can send an email to to request for such a feature.
Can I tag myself in the PR comment ?
Yes, you can. But that won't trigger an email sent to your mailbox
However, if what you're after is keeping track of your own activity on GitHub, there may exist another alternative: GitHub exposes atoms feeds for various endpoints. The user is one of them. Register your own feed in a RSS reader and you're done.
I'm surprised that despite being up for so long, this question hasn't really been meaningfully addressed. Axibase designed a cool little tool which can do exactly what you're describing here: if a PR is raised in one of your repositories you'll be notified via email or third-party messenger service.
By default the rule will fire when anyone raises a PR, but it can be configured to only respond to specific users as that seems to be one of your requests.
The workflow here describes the underlying mechanics of the tool and this guide will take you through the entire set-up. The whole process should only take about 10 minutes from start to finish.
Disclaimer: I've worked for the team that develops ATSD, which is the database at work here.