Quarkiverse CXF - soap

I need to generate a WSDL like this fragment:
<p:nmTax>IPVA 2018</p:nmTax>
<p:Cd>COID</p:Cd> <!--Indica que o ID é um CNPJ -->
How I need to create my object to get this result?
Thanks in advance


jasper reports - msg function not accepting more than 4 parameters including pattern

So it seems i can't create a string from properties file with more than 3 parameters plus the pattern:
I get this error:
The method msg(String, Object, Object, Object) in the type JREvaluator is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, String, String, String)
value = msg(str("lifeletter."+((java.lang.String)parameter_COD_DOC.getValue())+".message"),((java.lang.String)parameter_PR_YEAR.getValue()),((java.lang.String)parameter_MODULE_NAME.getValue()),((java.lang.String)field_benefit_value.getValue()),((java.lang.String)field_accumulated_value.getValue())); //$JR_EXPR_ID=10$
If i remove the last param(accumulated_value {3}) it will work
here is the .properties file entry:
letter.product.message = Caro Cliente, Vimos pela presente informar que, em {0} , foi atribuida participação nos resultados ao seu {1} no valor de {2}. \
Desta forma, o valor acumulado atual da participação nos resultados é de {3}.
I solved this by using the java class MessageFormat:
new MessageFormat(str("pattern")).format(new Object[]{"value 1","value 2", "value 3","value 4"})

How i can save a log with powershell in format pdf?

Actually i make one test unit that print this result:
info: serving app on
superagent: Enable experimental feature http2
✓ realiza um registro de usuário (511ms)
✓ realiza login com o usuário registrado (142ms)
✓ realiza login com dados incorretos (145ms)
total : 3
passed : 3
time : 2s
If i try to export this log in format .txt i have several problems with special characters and accents, as you can see:
adonis test > yourfile.txt
When i open the "yourfile.txt":
[32minfo[39m: serving app on
Ô£ô realiza um registro de usu├írio (456ms)
Ô£ô realiza login com o usu├írio registrado (135ms)
Ô£ô realiza login com dados incorretos (126ms)
total : 3
passed : 3
time : 1s
I'm thinking if there's a way to export this log in pdf to workaround this problem or if there's a way to show the special characters/accents correctly.
if i do a adonis test > yourfile.pdf the pdf generated is broken.
This may have to do with OutputEncoding.
$enc = [Console]::OutputEncoding
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [text.encoding]::utf8
adonis test | Out-File yourfile.txt -Encoding utf8 -Force
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $enc

Auto fill some fields in form when you found id of other form, odoo 8.0

I try to create a simple function who try to fill specific fields in own form when I select the ID of patient registered in other form/module. I put an example:
Module Registro:
(create patient)
(automatic generation ID and visible)
Admisión module:
(Open new form)
-ID: select id
(function for auto fill the next fields)
-Nombre: nombre (registro)
-Email: email(registro)
-Teléfono: teléfono(registro)
Use the new API Odoo 8.0 I try this, but doesn't work with message: error 500 type.
función autocompletar campos
#api.onchange('telefono_contacto','persona_contacto','email','nombre_acompanante') # mete campos a afectar
def autofill(self):
# comdición; si esta con el id seleccionado
# self.id_anamnesis
# llenar los campos con los correspondientes del id
# self.telefono_contacto =''
# self.persona_contacto = ''
# self.email = ''
# self.nombre_acompanante = ''
pass # aquí la lógica
(La plataforma es Odoo 8.0, S.O: Ubuntu 14.04)
Thank you and best reegards,
Marco García Baturan.
product_id = fields.Many2one("myproduct.model",string="Product", required=True)
description = fields.Char("Description", related="product_id.description", store=True)
It is done using related="......"
What I have done is When I select my product it will automatically
set description of that particular product.
So you need to add related where you want to auto fill.
If you set store=True then description is store into database.

MIssing EfTextTemplateHost

Applying Reverse Engineer Code first, appears this bug:
Compiling transformation: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nombres 'EfTextTemplateHost' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
Any suggestion ??
EfTextTemplateHost is part of the EF Powertools. So make sure it is installed correctly.
Add this to to the T4 file and change the placehoders [] to match your system:
<## assembly name="C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[vsVersion]\Extensions\[extensionHash]\EFPowerTools.dll" #>

Get form names in windev

I use Itextsharp in WinDev and I try to get the names of a form.
My code is hereafter :
Machaine est une chaine
PdfSource= FicSource
PdfDestination = RepCible+"\"+fExtraitChemin(PdfSource,fFichier)+" "+CodId+".pdf"
MonStream = allouer un FileStream(PdfDestination,FileMode::Create)
MonPdfReader est un PdfReader(PdfSource)
POUR TOUT MaChaine DANS MonPdfReader.AcroFields.Fields.Keys
The problem is that
is not accepted.
Thanks for your ideas ...
As you didn't answer your question, here it is :
PdfSource = Sai_FicSource
//file pdf source
MonPdfReader est un PdfReader(PdfSource)
Monfield est un AcroFields.Item
POUR TOUT Monfield DE MonPdfReader.AcroFields.Fields.Keys
MaChaine = Monfield