jasper reports - msg function not accepting more than 4 parameters including pattern - jasper-reports

So it seems i can't create a string from properties file with more than 3 parameters plus the pattern:
I get this error:
The method msg(String, Object, Object, Object) in the type JREvaluator is not applicable for the arguments (String, String, String, String, String)
value = msg(str("lifeletter."+((java.lang.String)parameter_COD_DOC.getValue())+".message"),((java.lang.String)parameter_PR_YEAR.getValue()),((java.lang.String)parameter_MODULE_NAME.getValue()),((java.lang.String)field_benefit_value.getValue()),((java.lang.String)field_accumulated_value.getValue())); //$JR_EXPR_ID=10$
If i remove the last param(accumulated_value {3}) it will work
here is the .properties file entry:
letter.product.message = Caro Cliente, Vimos pela presente informar que, em {0} , foi atribuida participação nos resultados ao seu {1} no valor de {2}. \
Desta forma, o valor acumulado atual da participação nos resultados é de {3}.

I solved this by using the java class MessageFormat:
new MessageFormat(str("pattern")).format(new Object[]{"value 1","value 2", "value 3","value 4"})


mongodb Show all elements except one depending on the value of a date

I'm starting to learn MongoDB, and I love how flexible it is.
But I'm stuck on a query, and i would like to know the solution.
I have got a collection that goes like:
"_id" : ObjectId("633e08f5edef7d5ffc6d0583"),
"etiquetaPrincipal" : "Inteligencia artificial",
"titular" : "¿Puede una máquina decidir cuánto debes cobrar?",
"subtitulo" : "Las empresas recurren a la inteligencia artificial para su política salarial, pero aún es imprescindible la supervisión humana para evitar sesgos o errores",
"autor" : "Raúl Limón",
"fecha" : ISODate("2022-10-04T05:20:00.000+0000"),
"etiquetas" : [
"Inteligencia artificial",
"Mercado laboral",
"Ética científica",
"Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial",
"Aplicaciones informáticas"
"noticia" : "¿Cuál es el salario justo? ¿Puede la inteligencia artificial establecerlo? Kotaro Hara, profesor de ciencias de la computación en la Universidad de Singapur cree que la primera pregunta plantea “un problema que necesita ser resuelto con urgencia”. Al fin y al cabo, un pacto de rentas es una de las soluciones propuestas ante la situación de crisis actual. A esto se une la precarización extrema de sectores menos cualificados —empleados en reparto o tareas domésticas pueden ganar entre 9 y 14 euros por hora— y, en el frente contrario, la guerra salarial abierta para atraer a los trabajadores más vinculados a sectores tecnológicos, donde más demanda se registra. La segunda cuestión —si puede la inteligencia artificial establecer el salario justo— tiene respuestas contradictorias: sí, porque puede aportar las herramientas para establecer cuánto se paga por una tarea determinada; pero no, porque sin supervisión humana, el algoritmo puede llevar a decisiones equivocadas. Aun así, muchas empresas empiezan a utilizar la inteligencia artificial para fijar sus políticas salariales."}
My query has to:
Show all the fields except "etiquetas" of the news from September-29-2022
how do i do that?
The wording in the question is a little ambiguous. What does "from September-29-2022" mean specifically?
Generally speaking, #Yong Shun Yong's answer is helpful in demonstrating how to conditionally exclude fields. In particular it will retrieve all documents from the collection, but will only remove the etiquetas field for those with a date after 29 September.
Other possible interpretations are:
That all document should be returned, but only those with a date of 29 Sept should have the etiquetas field removed. In this case you should definitely use the other answer as a starting point and add a $lt clause to the if condition (wrapping the two in an $and).
That the query should only return documents that are from 29 Sept or later.
That the query should only return documents with a date of 29 Sept (not before or later).
If 2. above is the correct interpretation, then your query would look something like this:
{ "fecha": { $gt: ISODate("2022-09-29T00:00:00Z") } },
{ etiquetas: 0 }
Associated playground link is here
And 3. is what is needed, then you can add the $lt predicate to the above query.
Overall it is important to be specific about what logic you are requesting as the associated query to accomplish it may look very different.
Assume that you want to remove the field based on fecha value,
$set - Set etiquetas field
1.1. $cond - Compare fecha value is greater than 2022-09-29
1.1.1. If true - remove the field.
1.1.2. Else - remain the value.
$set: {
etiquetas: {
$cond: {
if: {
$gt: [
then: "$$REMOVE",
else: "$etiquetas"
Demo # Mongo Playground
Exclude Fields Conditionally

JBehave cannot run multiple scenarios

I have the following story file (in portuguese):
Narrativa: Cadastrar peritos
Como um usuário do AUD
Desejo poder cadastrar novos peritos
De modo que eu possa referencia-los no momento da audiencia
Cenário: Acessar menu configuracao
Dado que estou na aplicacao AUD
Quando eu clico no botao Configuracao
Cenário: adicionar peritos
Dado que estou na tela de peritos
Quando informo o perito <codigo>, <nome>, <especialidade> e <cpf>
But for some reason jbehave is not able to run the second scenario. The output is:
Processing system properties {}
Using controls EmbedderControls[batch=false,skip=false,generateViewAfterStories=true,ignoreFailureInStories=false,ignoreFailureInView=false,verboseFailures=false,verboseFiltering=false,storyTimeouts=300,threads=1,failOnStoryTimeout=false]
Running story br/jus/trt4/aud/stories/aud_stories.story
Scenario: Narrativa: Cadastrar peritos
Como um usu?rio do AUD
Desejo poder cadastrar novos peritos
De modo que eu possa referencia-los no momento da audiencia
Cenário: Acessar menu configuracao
Dado que estou na aplicacao AUD
Quando eu clico no botao Configuracao
Cenário: adicionar peritos
Dado que estou na tela de peritos
Quando informo o perito <codigo>, <nome>, <especialidade> e <cpf>
|123|luiz fernando|automacao de testes|34432|
Example: {codigo=123, nome=luiz fernando, especialidade=automacao de testes, cpf=34432}
Using timeout for story aud_stories.story of 300 secs.
Dado que estou na aplicacao AUD
Quando eu clico no botao Configuracao
Cen?rio: adicionar peritos (PENDING)
Dado que estou na tela de peritos (NOT PERFORMED)
Quando informo o perito 123, luiz fernando, automacao de testes e 34432 (NOT PERFORMED)
#When("eu clico no botao Configuracao\r\n\r\nCen\uFFFDrio: adicionar peritos")
public void whenEuClicoNoBotaoConfiguracaoCenrioAdicionarPeritos() {
Generating reports view to 'C:\Users\lestivalet\workspace\AutoHotKey\target\jbehave' using formats '[stats, console, html]' and view properties '{navigator=ftl/jbehave-navigator.ftl, views=ftl/jbehave-views.ftl, reports=ftl/jbehave-reports.ftl, nonDecorated=ftl/jbehave-report-non-decorated.ftl, decorated=ftl/jbehave-report-decorated.ftl, maps=ftl/jbehave-maps.ftl}'
Reports view generated with 3 stories (of which 1 pending) containing 2 scenarios (of which 1 pending)
Please note the line "#When("eu clico no botao Configuracao\r\n\r\nCen\uFFFDrio: adicionar peritos")" It is joining the work "Cenario" in the last sentence of the first scenario.
If I have only one scenario it worked well.
If I use english keywords it works!!
Any idea? I'm using jbehave 4.0.4 with the following configuration:
public class AudStories extends JUnitStory {
public Configuration configuration() {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration() {
configuration.useParameterControls(new ParameterControls().useDelimiterNamedParameters(true));
configuration.useKeywords(new LocalizedKeywords(new Locale("pt")));
configuration.useStepFinder(new StepFinder());
configuration.useStoryControls(new StoryControls());
configuration.useStoryParser(new RegexStoryParser(configuration.keywords()));
configuration.useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder().withDefaultFormats().withFormats(Format.CONSOLE, Format.HTML));
return configuration;
public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new AUDSteps());
I believe your problem lies here:
cenario: Narrativa: Cadastrar peritos
Como um usu?rio do AUD
Desejo poder cadastrar novos peritos
De modo que eu possa referencia-los no momento da audiencia
Cenário: Acessar menu configuracao
Notice that the first Scenario is being interpreted as a Narrative. Likely your keyword translations are incomplete. Perhaps the "In order to" needs to be defined.

MIssing EfTextTemplateHost

Applying Reverse Engineer Code first, appears this bug:
Compiling transformation: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nombres 'EfTextTemplateHost' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
Any suggestion ??
EfTextTemplateHost is part of the EF Powertools. So make sure it is installed correctly.
Add this to to the T4 file and change the placehoders [] to match your system:
<## assembly name="C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[vsVersion]\Extensions\[extensionHash]\EFPowerTools.dll" #>

ColdFusion and Unicode Characters Issues

Working on the Globalization of the Coldfusion website using the i18n.
I am using the resource files rather than database..
In my one of the string files, i have the value being displayed as:
Inicia sesión con tu nombre de usuario y contraseña.
and when i run on my browser, it is displayed as:
Inicia sesi�n con tu nombre de usuario y contrase�a.
Having read the below link, i have enabled the utf through cfprocessingdirective and the meta tag also, but i am not sure why it is still displaying it like this.
ColdFusion character encoding issue
I used the Google translate to translate the above English to Spanish.
Using this in my Application.cf also:
<cfset setLocale("English (US)")>
<!--- Set the session page encoding --->
<cfset setencoding("URL", "utf-8")>
<cfset setencoding("Form", "utf-8")>
Update #1
I cannot Update, but i am adding here:
username=Nombre de usuario
login=Inicia sesión con tu nombre de usuario y contraseña.
appName=Inventory Manager
rem=Acuérdate de mí
slogin=Iniciar sesión
errorLoginMsg=Error! Credenciales de login fallidos, Inténtalo de nuevo
ser='Nombre de usuario' es un campo obligatorio.
ser1='Password' es un campo obligatorio.
nitem=Nuevo elemento
ilist=Lista de artículos
olist=Lista de Pedidos
slist=Lista de Ventas
qlist=Lista Cotizaciones
rs=Vuelto Vendido
Russian File it is ru.rtf
username=Имя пользователя
login=Войти с именем пользователя и паролем.
appName=Inventory Manager
rem=Запомнить меня
errorLoginMsg=Ошибка! Учетные данные для входа не удалась, попробуйте еще ​​раз
ser='Имя' является обязательным полем.
ser1=Поле 'Пароль' является обязательным.
nitem=Новый элемент
ilist=Список статей
olist=Список Заказать
slist=Список продажам
qlist=Котировки Список
rs=Продано Возвращается

Get form names in windev

I use Itextsharp in WinDev and I try to get the names of a form.
My code is hereafter :
Machaine est une chaine
PdfSource= FicSource
PdfDestination = RepCible+"\"+fExtraitChemin(PdfSource,fFichier)+" "+CodId+".pdf"
MonStream = allouer un FileStream(PdfDestination,FileMode::Create)
MonPdfReader est un PdfReader(PdfSource)
POUR TOUT MaChaine DANS MonPdfReader.AcroFields.Fields.Keys
The problem is that
is not accepted.
Thanks for your ideas ...
As you didn't answer your question, here it is :
PdfSource = Sai_FicSource
//file pdf source
MonPdfReader est un PdfReader(PdfSource)
Monfield est un AcroFields.Item
POUR TOUT Monfield DE MonPdfReader.AcroFields.Fields.Keys
MaChaine = Monfield