How can i connect an "in pair table" into one string - roblox

heres what i've come up to but i still cant figure it out
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
print((table.concat(v, "\n")))

table.concat is used to combine an array of objects into a string.
game.Players:GetChildren() will give you an array of all of the current Players in a game. While you could pass this array directly into the table.concat function, you should probably convert it into an array of the players' names first. That way you know what will actually get printed out.
-- create an empty table to store the names
local names = {}
-- get the players' names
local playersArray = game.Players:GetChildren()
for i, player in ipairs(playersArray) do
table.insert(names, player.Name)
-- join all the names together into a string
local playerList = table.concat(names, "\n")
print("Found these players :\n", playerList)
And if you ever get stuck and you don't know how to use some Lua functions, you can always look at the Lua Manuals, like this one :


Creating a structure within a structure with a dynamic name

I have large data sets which i want to work with in matlab.
I have a struct called Trail containing serveral structures called trail1, trail2 ...
which then contain several matrices. I now want to add another point to for instance trail1
I can do that with Trail.trail1.a2rotated(i,:) = rotpoint'; the problem is that i have to do it in a loop where the trail number as well as the a2rotated changes to e.g. a3rot...
I tired to do it like that
name ="trail"+num2str(z)+".a2rotated"+"("+i+",:)";
name = convertStringsToChars(name);
Trail.(name) = rotpoint'
But that gives me the error: Invalid field name: 'trail1.a2rotated(1,:)'.
Does someone have a solution?
The name in between brackets after the dot must be the name of a field of the struct. Other indexing operations must be done separately:
But you might be better off making trail(z) an array instead of separate fields with a number in the name.

Synchronize timetables stored in a structure

I am dynamically storing data from different data recorders in timetables, nested in a structure DATA, such as DATA.Motor (timetable with motor data), DATA.Actuators (timetable with actuators data) and so on.
My objective is to have a function that synchronizes and merges these timetables so I can work with one big timetable.
I am trying to use synchronize to merge and synchronize those timetables:
fields = fieldnames(DATA);
TT = synchronize(DATA.(fields{1:end}));
but get the following error:
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 3 results.
This confuses me because DATA.(fields{1}) return the timetable of the first field name of the DATA structure.
Any thought on how I can solve this is greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that fields{1:end} is returning a "comma-separated list", and you're not allowed to use one of those as a struct dot-index expression. I.e. it's as if you tried the following, which is not legal:
One way to fix this is to pull out the values from DATA into a cell array, and then you can use {:} indexing to generate the comma-separated list as input to synchronize, like this:
DATA = struct('Motor', timetable(datetime, rand), ...
'Actuators', timetable(datetime, rand));
DATA_c = struct2cell(DATA);
TT = synchronize(DATA_c{:});

Defaultdict() the correct choice?

EDIT: mistake fixed
The idea is to read text from a file, clean it, and pair consecutive words (not permuations):
file =
words = [word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for word in file.split()]
pairs = [(words[i]+" " + words[i+1]).split() for i in range(len(words)-1)]
Then, for each pair, create a list of all the possible individual words that can follow that pair throughout the text. The dict will look like
Thus, referencing the dictionary for a given pair will return all of the words that can follow that pair. E.g.
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['alone', 'happy', 'not']
My algorithm to achieve this involves a defaultdict(list)...
wordsThatFollow = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(words)-1):
# pairs overlap, want second word of next pair
# wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
EDIT: wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])].update(pairs[i+1][1][0]
except Exception:
I'm not so worried about the value error I have to circumvent with the 'try-except' (unless I should be). The problem is that the algorithm only successfully returns one of the followers:
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['not']
Sorry if this post is bad for the community I'm figuring things out as I go ^^
Your problem is that you are always overwriting the value, when you really want to extend it:
# Instead of this
wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
# Do this

Matlab: how to rename a sub-field

Let me describe the question in this way. I have a .mat file, and if I open it, it contains a 1x10 struct data. In each data, it has a 1x5 struct (or field) called res. In res, it has a 1x1 struct (or field) called, let's say, foo. Thus, I have ixj copies of data(i).res(j).foo .
Is there anyway I can change the name of this foo? say I want all data(i).res(j).foo to become data(i).res(j).bar
I did search on the internet, and tried a few ways (add field and delete, create a temp field, use cell2field or fieldtofile, etc.) and all of them didn't work. The most frequent returned error is "Subscripted Assignment between dissimilar structures."
Please help, thanks in advance!
The safest way is probably by looping over data twice, the first pass creating a new field bar for each subfield like data(i).res(j).bar=data(i).res(j).foo, then the second pass deletes the old fields like data(i).res(j) = rmfield(data(i).res(j),'foo').
Thanks caoy and NotLikeThat. I finally came to an conclusion.
data2 = data
for i=1:10
for j = 1:5
data(i).res(j).bar = data2(i).res(j).foo;
data(i).res = rmfield(data(i).res, 'foo');
I probably need to removed i, j, and data2 after running this script.

How to get all keys values of the player prefs in unity [java script ]

in the first test game I've developed if the player passed all the levels and win , he must enter his name ... so his name and his score will be stored in a player prefs :
there is another scene that displays the names and scores of all the user passed the game :
I've searched from the morning and try all the ways I know and finally I failed to perform this .... is it possible to display all the keys values previously stored in the player prefs ???
or can someone provide me by a JavaScript to do this ????
The easiest way is to create your high score structure the way you want to, serialize it to string using json and save that string in playerprefs
use either of these to serialize
You can use a custom script called ArrayPrefs2 on the Unity3D Wiki to store arrays of data as a value in a PlayerPref's key.
Using this method you don't need to try to figure out how to pull heaps of random PlayerPref key\values. For your case you could have two key->Value pairs as such:
HighScoresName \\ String array
HighScoresValue \\ int array