VSTO Outlook: Get last email address just entered in the "To", "Bc" or "Cc" fields in new, reply or forward windows - email

I am trying to get the last recipient (email address) just introduced into the "To", "Bc" or "Cc" fields when field loses its focus. How can I achieve this?
For example:
if user just types in an email address within "To" field I want to get that.
if user just types in an email address within "Bc" field I want to get that.
if user just types in an email address within "Cc" field I want to get that.

Use MailItem.PropertyChange event. Whenever any recipient is changed (added/deleted), the event handler fires for all 3 (To/CC/BCC) properties, so your won't know which one changed. You'd need to cache the old value first, and when the event fires, compare it with new value.
PropertyChange ("To")
PropertyChange ("CC")
PropertyChange ("BCC")

You can handle the MailItem.PropertyChange event which is fired when an explicit built-in property (for example, Subject) of the object is changed. The property name is passed to the event so that you can determine which property was changed.
The Recipients property returns a Recipients collection that represents all the recipients for the Outlook item. So, you could get easily get the items for the To, Cc or Bcc fields.


How to set TO ADDRESS while sending an email in Hybris?

When user replies on a mail that he has received that should go to particular email id. I tried to give in DefaultEmailGenerationService.java but it didn't reflect.
Could any one suggest how it can be achieved?
Scenario 1:
How to change fromEmail Address of an email in Hybris?
As I mentioned in the comment if you want to set from emailAddress you can do that using Impex. Just find out what is your emailPage and set fromEmail and fromName.
Scenario 2:
How to set fix toAdress in Hybris for all email?
If you want to send all emails to some fix toAddress, in that case, you need to override email and displayName in respective *EmailContext of renderer template.
Let's just assume you want to override toAddress in customer registration flow. So here you need to find context class name form impex. Below are the renderer template for customer registration subject & body and CustomerEmailContext is the class name which will feed all data to this renderer.Now you just need to populate those data in init method of CustomerEmailContext.java
Scenario 3:
How to support multiple toAddress and attachments in Hybris?
To support multiple toAddress & fromAddress, ccAddresses, bccAddresses and attachments.
You need to create custom fields(toAddressList, ccAddresses etc) in
your *EmailContext and populate the value.
Override generate method of DefaultEmailGenerationService class.
Fetch your value from emailContext like emailContext.get("yourcustomFiled")
Modify createEmailMessage method in such way so you can pass all your custom fields(toAddressList, ccAddresses etc) to final DefaultEmailService
You can find detail post here

Modifying email templates for Navision 5.0

I've been asked to help do some much needed updates to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 (yes its old) and they want me to update some of their email templates for sales orders, etc. One of the things they want me to do is update the 'From' field to be a group email box instead of the current user, which I didn't think about be too difficult, but figuring out how NAV creates emails has been less than simple.
This article had some information, but didn't get me all the way there:
I've found the Sales Header table which has lots of fields...none of which include "From". I found one field called "Assigned User" which points to the User Setup.
Do you mean the mails that are sent on the event of sales order approval / rejection or that small 'New Mail Message' button in the Customer card? Libraries that are used in these cases are different, and they rely on different automation objects to create e-mail messages.
Anyway, in both cases there is no setup to change the 'From' field - you'll have to customize it a bit.
First of all, you'll need a new field in a setup table to store the e-mail address. Table 'User Setup' is probably the best place, but it depends on the task, of course. Suppose, it is Uset Setup, and you call the new field 'FromAddress'
When you click on the e-mail button in the Customer card, 'Create Mail' wizard is run (Form 5148 'Create Mail'). It calls the function 'NewMessage' in codeunit 397. So, codeunit 397 'Mail', is what you are looking for. To change the 'From' address you need to set the property 'SentOnBehalfOfName' in the OSendMail object.
If the message you want to change is the document approval notification, e-mail message is created in the codeunit 400 'SMTP Mail', but all fields are set up in the codeunit 440 'Approvals Mgt Notification', functions SetTemplate and GetEmailAddress. It is GetEmailAddress that sets the sender address. You need to replace this line of code:
SenderAddress := UserSetup."E-Mail";
with the new one
SenderAddress := UserSetup.FromAddress;
But be careful - this change will affect all templates and all users. If you need to change some templates while leaving other untouched, it is safer to redefine the value of this variable in a function responsible for the particular template. But again, it's all in codeunit 440.

Get sender email address in Infopath

I have a form sent by email that travels through different persons like this.
Person A --> Person B --> Person C
I want the person A to be informed when the form is treated by person C. So Person A needs to be in copy of the email sent by person B.
Because person A isn't always the same one, I think the best way to put him/her in copy is to use the "from" field of the email received by person B and to put it in copy.
But how can I find this address with infopath and how can I place it into my email data connection ?
I had this same question today myself and could not find much in the way of answers.
So... I did some work myself and came up with a few solutions.
First I don't believe there is any way to get/set the "From" address using the InfoPath OM. This means you will have to use one of the following options:
No Code:
You will be limited to providing a field on the form where "Person A" can put their email address and use this in the CC. for subsequent stages. That's kind of the only way and while it an extra burden to the user it does have the benefit of providing flexibility.
Write your own code to send the mail using Outlook Interop or System.Net.Mail and then you will be setting all of the addresses manually anyway.
If you are using AD or something else then you could always get the email address of the current use using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.
Based on an assumption which I cannot find any documentation to back up. That InfoPath uses the account associated with the default store to send email using EmailSubmitConnection. You should be able to use Outlook Interop to find the address that InfoPath will use.
Here is a code sample:
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public string GetDefaultSenderAddress()
// This actually opens outlook in the same way as InfoPath does to send the message.
// which can be slow.
string DefaultAddress = string.Empty;
Outlook.Application OutlookApplication = new Outlook.Application();
string DefaultStoreId = OutlookApplication.Session.DefaultStore.StoreID;
foreach (Outlook.Account Account in OutlookApplication.Session.Accounts)
if (Account.DeliveryStore.StoreID == DefaultStoreId)
DefaultAddress = Account.SmtpAddress;
// Note you probably won't want to quit if you are about to send the email.
// However I have noticed that this doesn't seem to close Outlook anyway.
return DefaultAddress;
You may have to provide a few more checks in case of different account types etc. But I believe it will work. (I tested it for my scenario and it does).
Note: Of course this opens an outlook instance which you will have to close as well. And it can be slow. Unless outlook is already open in which case it will be very quick. Anyhow when sending from InfoPath Outlook will have to be opened so if you do this just before sending then there should be no noticeable difference.
I would advise using a combination of the no code/with code options so provide a return address which is automatically complete to save the user time. But can be corrected if the user wishes to have the email returned to a different address of if there is a mistake.
Hope that you find that useful.

Changing the From field for an email activity in a plug-in

When an email is sent to a queue and there is a contact associated with the "From" email in CRM, upon promoting an email to an email activity the system automatically fills in the "From" field with the contact information. However, if a user with the same email exists in CRM, too, then the system always picks up the system user instead of the contact. I need to override this behaviour to ALWAYS pick up the contact if one with the email exists.
I created a post-operation plug-in (tried a pre-operation plug-in, too) for the event Create for email, trying to override the From field. The problem is, it does not work. When I debug the plug-in, it goes quietly past the assignment without any errors and then the same plug-in fires for the same email again. And again. And again.
When I try instead to create a new email and use the same ActivityList[] I was trying to use for the entity that triggered the event, it works. It seems that the problem is that CRM does not allow changing the From field from a plug-in, or am I doing something wrong? If it's a limitation enforced by CRM, is there a way around it?
My code is below:
var email = ((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]).ToEntity<Email>();
var oldFrom = ((EntityCollection)email.Attributes["from"]).Entities;
List<ActivityParty> newFrom = new List<ActivityParty>();
foreach (Entity party in oldFrom)
EntityReference entRef = (EntityReference)party.Attributes["partyid"];
if (entRef.LogicalName == SystemUser.EntityLogicalName)
user = userLogic.Get(new Guid(entRef.Id.ToString()));
if (user == null) return;
string emailAddress = user.InternalEMailAddress;
Contact contact = contactLogic.LookupPASIndividual("", emailAddress);
if (contact != null)
{ newFrom.Add(new ActivityParty() {PartyId = new EntityReference(Contact.EntityLogicalName, contact.ContactId.Value) });
email.From = newFrom;
Update: So I registered the plug-in on Pre-validation now and it's not triggered when an email activity is created by a router, it IS triggered when a user creates an email in CRM though...
The problem is that you aren't changing the email which is processed at all.
var email = ((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]).ToEntity<Email>();
This line converts the record which is currently processed to an object of type email. You modify the record which is not in scope of the operation. You have to modify the From of the target (either directly or write it back).
For the processing stages: take a look at the Event Execution Pipeline. Pre-Validation is to early for your task. I'am not quite sure when the address resolution is done, but I would try to do your conversion Pre-Create.
I ended up using a workaround: created an async Post-Event that associates the email activity with the contact if a contact with the same email exists, leaving the user associated with the email in the "From" field.

How would you model an Email app in MongoDB?

How would you model an email app (like gmail) in MongoDB? Would you model a Conversation? Inbox / OutBox? or mail?
Gmail use concept of labels (like tags on stackoverflow). That mean that inbox, send mail, starred, etc normal Email object, just marked with specified label. So, there are only Email and Labels.
You can see it using search in gmail like label:inbox or label:Starred.
I'd like to suggest a fairly simple design like this:
Status {read, unread},
Labels { name, type(system, custom) },
Replies {...},
settings {
ShowInLabelsList (show, hide, showIfUnread),
ShowInMessageList (show, hide),
For sure i've missed something, but i guess it's okay to start from above schema and add more features in future if neeed.
For the 'Conversation View' i guess all replies show go to the nested collection Replies (i've update my schema). Logic is following:
Once you have received a new message you need check if email with same name already exists (for sure need to Remove 'Re', etc..) also need to check that user that has sent email in list of recipients. If above conditions is true then just add new email to nested collection of Replies otherwise add to collection of emails.